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Case Study Encouraging Phoenix to Incorporate Native Art in Businesses

By  Terrance H. Booth, Sr.  Nishwilgun – Tsimshian Nation


Native American Tribes of Arizona are in a unique position to help Phoenix improve its economy.  For example, Native American Tribes of Arizona can purchase property and once property is bought the Tribe can request through the US Department of Interior, Secretary’s Office that the land purchased becomes Tribal Trust Land.  This is detailed out in 25 CFR under Land Acquisitions (  Just a note of introduction.

Writer’s real purpose is to talk about the vacancies in the Camelback Corridor and interested in making use of Native American Culture in attracting more visitors to Camelback Colonnade.  Background why promoting Native Culture: “

“The economic impact of arts and culture organizations on Arizona’s economy is comparable to that of major sporting events. Businesses need to understand how they will benefit from providing greater financial and other support. They have the resources and a stake in the outcome. If businesses understand how they will benefit, greater support is more likely. The relationship is a two-way street. The arts and culture community needs to take responsibility for ensuring that businesses are educated on the mutual benefits of this shared self-interest.” [1]   The annual Native Art Show sponsored by the Heard Museum attracts well over 30,000 visitors in a two days event.  The Downtown Phoenix First Friday Art Walk attracts over 10,000 visitors. 

"Understanding and acknowledging the incredible economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture, we must always remember their fundamental value. They foster beauty, creativity, originality, and vitality. The arts inspire us, sooth us, provoke us, involve us, and connect us. But they also create jobs and contribute to the economy." [2]

—Robert L. Lynch

President and CEO

Americans for the Arts


Specific to Phoenix: 

“Arts & Economic Prosperity III provides compelling new evidence that the nonprofit arts and culture are a significant industry in the City of Phoenix—one that generates $361.05 million in local economic activity. This spending–$133.01 million by nonprofit arts and culture organizations and an additional $228.03 million in event-related spending by their audiences—supports 11,164 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $213.23 million in household income to local residents, and delivers $39.79 million in local and state government revenue. This economic impact study sends a strong signal that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in the City of Phoenix’s economic well-being.” [3] 


One coming to Phoenix, Arizona does not realize that there are economic opportunities and tax incentives in working with Arizona Tribes.  Tourism among Natives of Arizona is revenue generating endeavor and helps improve tribal economies.  One study shows:  An estimate of the total economic impact of visitors to Arizona’s tribal lands produced direct spending of $310.5 million, plus indirect and induced impacts of $80.5 million, for a total economic impact of $391 million. This level of tourism spending would support a total of 4,973 jobs on Arizona’s tribal lands. [4]

This writer questions when businesses and corporations of Phoenix will incorporate culturally oriented perspective to their companies.  If you go to any shopping malls they do not incorporate the Arizona Native Cultures.  According to the Terry School of Business, University of Georgia the buying power of Native American peoples will hit $30.4 billion dollars by the year 2016 and tribal businesses are tapping into that readily available financial source. The Camelback Corridor looks to be central in establish a Inter-tribal pavilion especially at Camelback Colonnade area.  How about it businesses of Camelback Corridor isn’t it time to incorporate Native American Niche in your businesses?




3.  Ibid



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