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Take Full Responsibility
For Your Actions !!

Many thousands of years ago, the Great Spirit imprinted his laws upon the 4 tribes of man. The very last law, number ten, was “Take full responsibility for your actions”.

It seems that this is a law-concept, that in the last several decades has faded from the spirit of man-woman and child. It has been eliminated out of existence from all aspects of life, personal, business, corporations and politics.

We have been taught that we are not at fault for anything we do, it is always someone else’s fault as to why we did what we did or why it turned out the way it did.

Just look at our criminal justice system for an example. It does not matter that someone went out and molested and killed 6 children, we have to look into their background as to why they did it. Did they have a daddy in their life, or did daddy pay enough attention to them? Were they subjects of molestations in their childhood? Did mommy breast feed them as a baby or did mommy breast feed them too long? What problems in their life caused them to commit this act?

Seems to me that no matter what happened in the past, they made the choice in the present to molest and kill. In my past I had a drunk driver kill a very dear family member of mine, is that to mean that I should now go out and kill all drunk drivers? We have no control over our past, but we do have control over our present and future!

In 1986 an international law was passed banning and making it illegal to hunt whales. Some countries bypass this law and still hunt whales, like Japan, taking no responsibility for their actions, by saying they are not hunting whales, they are doing research.

Seems to me that the scientific community would be better served if the research that Japan was doing would be blood tests, attaching GPS tracking, and reporting on live whales and their living conditions, breeding habits and other scientific research.

Instead Japan’s research is killing a quota of whales just under the guidelines of the 1986 law, processing and packaging the meat for sale. Seems to me this is not research and needs to be called for what it is and Japan needs to take responsibility for it’s actions.

Oil companies and auto manufacturers have been in cahoots with each other for many, many years. In the 60’s and 70’s U.S. Auto makers put out those big V-8’s that ate up gas like crazy, just starting up a 68 Impala you could watch your gas gauge go down. In the 80’s and 90’s till about 2006 the big SUV’s were the thing.

We could watch our smog alerts in our major cites rise year after year. We could watch the oil prices rise year after year, until just the last couple years it was a daily watch to see what the new gas price would be. Then we found out that our oil supplies are running low and that we have put so much carbon into our atmosphere that we now have global warming and our ice shelves are melting.

Auto makes are now coming out with better mileage cars and hybrids, to help correct the problems. Yet these new vehicles still depend on oil. Seems to me if you were taking responsibility for your actions and trying to correct the problems you created you would be making or producing vehicles that did not depend on oil.

Fossil Fuels, we know that burning them creates carbon and that carbon in our atmosphere creates global warming and global warming is melting our ice caps, which in turn will help to destroy our planet.

Clean energy programs. That is our solutions. Clean coal, it is cheap, which will still produce great profits for the company but is still using and burning fossil fuels. Using coal still strips earth of her top soil to get to the coal, then clean coal will burn the coal, but instead of sending the smoke into the air, will pipe it into the ground.

This type of program was tried in Richland, Washington, at Hanford Nuclear Reservation. A total of 67 tanks buried some 50 feet below basalt volcanic rock, containing a sludge liquid of contaminated plutonium and uranium. The tanks had a lifespan of 35 years, but the material inside has a lifespan of 250 million years. Now the tanks are leaking and the contaminated mixture is on a path towards the Columbia River, which Hanford Nuclear sits on the banks of and this location in eastern Washington state is now known as the MOST TOXIC place in America.

So if piping coal smoke underground is clean energy, Nuclear energy was also suppose to be clean energy! But because of Hanford we have a most toxic place in America that will most likely last 250 million years!! Seems to me that clean energy would be to seek out more solar and wind technology instead of coal, but that would mean less profits. Taking full responsibility for your actions would mean putting the environment before profits.

Health care, President Obama was just on national television Wednesday night speaking about health care, prescriptions an health care reform. This is an ongoing debate up there in Washington D.C. and has been for many years now. Yet while the President was speaking every member of congress, senate, every government worker and even the President himself has the best health care insurance in the nation. While they enjoy this privilege, a little Native American girl on Pine Ridge Reservation died needlessly, because of poor health care.

Seems to me President Obama if you were going to take responsibility for your actions, its time to put up or shut up. Reform the health care system before another child dies needlessly on Pine Ridge Reservation or anywhere else.

Seems to me that it is time to return to basics and instead of blaming others for our actions or that of our companies, we need to buck up and take responsibility for what we do. The path that we choose is the path we put ourselves on, not one that someone else chooses for us, so our future is what we make for ourselves.

Returning to the Great Spirit’s original laws might help us out. Here is a reminder for you all.

Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect!
Remain close to the Great Spirit
Show great respect for your fellow beings
Work together for the benefit of all mankind!
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
Do what you know to be right
Look after the well-being of mind and body
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
Be truthful and honest at all times
Take full responsibility for your actions.....

Just one man’s opinion. As always, put the wind in your hair and keep the sun to your back. Be good and stay safe. Peace, Love and prosperity to all.

Good Journeys !!!

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Frank WOLF TM © 2005
Watchdog taking a BITE out of corruption!

Copyright © Frank J. Ball Sr.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for adding this thought provoking discussion, Frank. What Japan is doing is not research. It is eating whales in the name of research. A true scientist can never do what these people are doing because he or she understands what extinction means. These people are mocking the scientific community.




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