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Now that everything can be art,there is no differance between art and non-art, we probably can say that modern art has come to an end. Hegel has said it before in his dialectic theory, the word is the last step and after that there is nothing.

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Anything can be art if it comes from the depth of the mind & bottom of the heart of a human being and if it is represented in the true spirit of the art.
If this is the end of Modern Art, what can we call things that come next?
After the period of the post-modernism, we have nowadays the concept that everything can be art. But if everything can be art, art loses it meaning. The only thing that stays then is that some people like to look at cerainly things an others like to look at other things. There are no values anymore, there is nothing to judge about. There is nothing to search for anymore. Modern art was based on form reduction , after the reduction to the value of zero, reduction is no longer possible.
Example: In 2004 a new district was build and ready to live in, in the town of Zwolle ( Netherlands). To celibrate this, an Italian artist had worked several months in a closed tent to produce a work of art. So the people of the district were told.When the artwork was reveled and a lot of people were there as spectator ,full of expectations, there was nothing. Artist and artwork were fiction, so the bubble of high expectations was cracked and that was exacly the aim of the Duch artist who thought this out. The proces itself was the art and was documented on film. Costs 138.000 euro.( fraud ? ) conclusion:
There is no modern art anymore.Modern art has annulated itself. Now we can go back to real art if we like and we can search a topic in classical art from the past to connect with. Or we can call everything art and then there is no art anymore.
By the way, for myself this never was problem, I was never addicted to modern art, my art is and was based from my academytime on, on the dutch Magical Realistic painters of the 20th century as there were: Pyke Koch; Wim Schumacher,Dick Ket and so on. Their art then again was based on the dutch an spanish still-life painters of the 17 th century, who were based on the Flamish Primitifs ( primitif because they were the first painters with oilpaint ,Jan van Eyck,Hans Memling, Dirk Bouts, Hugo van der Goes, not because of their primitif nature ) from the 15 th century. After Marcel Duchamps´ ready mades` and more precise after the word war two, the modern art scene didn´t want to have to do anything anymore with these old dinosours. After word war two there was even a kind of gas smell aroud the old art, because Hitler/musolini loved this kind of art and denied the new modern art.(entartete Kunst).
Also the cold war was a great aid for the modern art, the modern art stood for democratic values and the classical art for the fascistic/communist anti-democratic politics.

uko post said:
After the period of the post-modernism, we have nowadays the concept that everything can be art. But if everything can be art, art loses it meaning. The only thing that stays then is that some people like to look at cerainly things an others like to look at other things. There are no values anymore, there is nothing to judge about. There is nothing to search for anymore. Modern art was based on form reduction , after the reduction to the value of zero, reduction is no longer possible.
Example: In 2004 a new district was build and ready to live in, in the town of Zwolle ( Netherlands). To celibrate this, an Italian artist had worked several months in a closed tent to produce a work of art. So the people of the district were told.When the artwork was reveled and a lot of people were there as spectator ,full of expectations, there was nothing. Artist and artwork were fiction, so the bubble of high expectations was cracked and that was exacly the aim of the Duch artist who thought this out. The proces itself was the art and was documented on film. Costs 138.000 euro.( fraud ? ) conclusion:
There is no modern art anymore.Modern art has annulated itself. Now we can go back to real art if we like and we can search a topic in classical art from the past to connect with. Or we can call everything art and then there is no art anymore.
I said, the art should represent the true spirit of art to be called an art work. If there isn't anything, it is not art at all.
I feel my art too doesn't represent modern art. People say it looks like Renaissance art like Old masters art - simple & full of life & meaning! I feel science should be represented in that way only for people to understand it in a better way.
After zero, there can be minus i.e., negativity & degradation!

uko post said:
By the way, for myself this never was problem, I was never addicted to modern art, my art is and was based from my academytime on, on the dutch Magical Realistic painters of the 20th century as there were: Pyke Koch; Wim Schumacher,Dick Ket and so on. Their art then again was based on the dutch an spanish still-life painters of the 17 th century, who were based on the Flamish Primitifs ( primitif because they were the first painters with oilpaint ,Jan van Eyck,Hans Memling, Dirk Bouts, Hugo van der Goes, not because of their primitif nature ) from the 15 th century. After Marcel Duchamps´ ready mades` and more precise after the word war two, the modern art scene didn´t want to have to do anything anymore with these old dinosours. After word war two there was even a kind of gas smell aroud the old art, because Hitler/musolini loved this kind of art and denied the new modern art.(entartete Kunst).
Also the cold war was a great aid for the modern art, the modern art stood for democratic values and the classical art for the fascistic/communist anti-democratic politics. uko post said:
After the period of the post-modernism, we have nowadays the concept that everything can be art. But if everything can be art, art loses it meaning. The only thing that stays then is that some people like to look at cerainly things an others like to look at other things. There are no values anymore, there is nothing to judge about. There is nothing to search for anymore. Modern art was based on form reduction , after the reduction to the value of zero, reduction is no longer possible.
Example: In 2004 a new district was build and ready to live in, in the town of Zwolle ( Netherlands). To celibrate this, an Italian artist had worked several months in a closed tent to produce a work of art. So the people of the district were told.When the artwork was reveled and a lot of people were there as spectator ,full of expectations, there was nothing. Artist and artwork were fiction, so the bubble of high expectations was cracked and that was exacly the aim of the Duch artist who thought this out. The proces itself was the art and was documented on film. Costs 138.000 euro.( fraud ? ) conclusion:
There is no modern art anymore.Modern art has annulated itself. Now we can go back to real art if we like and we can search a topic in classical art from the past to connect with. Or we can call everything art and then there is no art anymore.


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