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Girls, be careful who you are falling in love with.

Q: Madam, I am in trouble. I have been in love with a girl for the past six years. She too loves me. But She belongs to another caste. She is not very rich either. 
My parents are not accepting our love. They are asking me to marry another girl from our own caste and status. 
My mother is black mailing me that she would commit suicide if I marry this girl. I can't decide what to do. I am thinking of marrying the girl my parents chose for me. Because I don't want to lose my mother. Am I thinking right?
Krishna: Great! 
If you are so weak as to leave the girl you love because your parents are emotionally  blackmailing you, why did you fall in love and go ahead with it in the first place?
What message are you sending to  the parents?
That they can win with blackmailing?
What message are you sending to the girls?
Most men are so weak that they can't keep their promises?
Why didn't you think about these things before falling in love? 
Why do you want to leave the girl and cause her a heartbreak and severe pain?
Are girls just playmates to play with for sometime and leave afterwards?
Do you know what one of my uncles did when his step mother blackmailed him in the same way?
He called her blough!
He very firmly said, 'I am marrying my girlfriend. You can go ahead with your threat'. 
Then he went ahead and married the girl. The mother didn't commit suicide. Instead, she accepted the girl as her daughter-in -law!
That is what happens most of the time. Strong men understand this. 
Now if you leave your girlfriend, she would suffer. Her family would suffer. You too will feel the pain of separation. The girl of your parents' choice too will suffer because she cannot get your full love and care. 
What if the girl you loved is mentally weak and thinks of  committing suicide?
If she forgets you and marries another man, what if the person she marries in the future comes to know about her past love and leaves her? Some men do this!
Knots, knots, knots and knots! 
Are they necessary? 
Some difficulties are self-made. Because of your weakness to face life in the right way. 
You simply said you are listening to your parents. You think you are sacrificing your love for your parents' happiness and satisfaction. You are not considering the other things. 
You came so far away in love that going back paints all the way in dark shades!
Parents are important. But so is your girlfriend. 
Be strong. 
Convince your parents and marry the girl you love. If you are firm , I am sure your parents will relent. If you show weakness, they will try to blackmail you emotionally. I think they are testing the waters. 
You are highly educated and independent. Can't you think clearly? And convince your parents satisfactorily? 
Why do you want to give up so easily?
Be a man, not a doormat!
Now a message to the people who are reading this:
Girls, be careful who you are falling in love with. With strong men or weak men. If you fall in love with weak men, they make you suffer a lot.  
Boys and girls, fall in love only if you think you can do justice to your love.  Otherwise forget it. Love is not a ball to play with for sometime and forget it later.
Another person sent me a similar message: 
Q: I am deeply in love with a girl. The girl too loves me a lot.  However, my paternal aunt is asking my parents to get me married to her daughter. She is telling my parents that our relationship will spoil if I don't marry my cousin. My parents now want me to marry my cousin. What should I do?
This is my reply to him:
You are asking me this Q? Are you prepared to follow what I say?
Then, marry the girl you love. 
 Tell  your parents and aunt very clearly you and your cousin cannot be happy as a couple. Because you love a girl 'very deeply' and don't love your cousin so deeply.Your girlfriend's life will be ruined if you leave her. Her family too will suffer. Your cousin's life will become uncomfortable because you don't love her as deeply as your girlfriend. 
You feel very sad if you leave the girl you love so deeply. You cannot do justice to anybody by leaving your girlfriend. 
Your aunt blackmailing you and your parents is a temporary one. As soon as you get married to your girlfriend, she realises she cannot do anything. Time will heal everything.
 Finally, marrying cousins is very unscientific.   

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