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Ignorance is a bliss among the inept, not the learned ones!

We don't deal with opinions, only facts in the scientific world.

Don't we belong to the scientific world?

The Bliss of Ignorance: A Twisted View

 Bliss is like ethereal happiness, a positive, overcoming emotion.  Ignorance is "lack of all that"! This itself is oxymoronic. This is supposed to denote irony.

That of, being unaware of reality, subverts temporarily, the pain and suffering. Because reality is what it is, regardless of subjective conscious awareness.

Ignorance is the notion or expectation that you can live happy, being unaware of the root-cause of your inner suffering. If I don’t know it, it doesn’t exist. If I close my eyes to it, I cannot see it, therefore it doesn’t exist and I don’t have to worry about it. Closing ones eyes blindly to reality in a hope that the harsh and bitter truths of reality will disappear, just because I don’t look at it and/or deny it.

Some people prefer not to watch the news and remain ignorant of all horrible things going on in the world. So, is it true that ignorance is a bliss? Idiomatic phrases describing the blissful life of people who lack knowledge and realistic assessment of matters are popular in many cultures. Take for instance the common idiomatic phrase a fool lives in his paradise. When this phrase is used it is usually meant to express the tranquillity enjoyed by deluded and uninformed individuals. Truly, unawareness of facts may spare us much anxiety and deludes us to a happy approval of situations that are inherently dangerous. By contrast, knowledge opens our eyes to many dilemmas of life and their resistance to reasonable solutions.

On some occasions, knowledge can be an overwhelming cause of distress. The more knowledge the person gains the further one steps away from the blissful life of the fools paradise, the psychological serenity formed by delusion and ignorance.

Idiomatic phrases about the bliss of ignorance go back to ancient and mediaeval cultures. 
Ignorance may be blissful temporarily in the short term for some, but avoiding an issue does not make it go away. On the contrary, a situation may become even worse if you don't address it. 
Facing problems head-on can help you make your life easier in the long run.   
What is wrong with ignorance?
You damage your self-esteem. Again, ignorance is often a choice to not know. On a certain level we know we are avoiding something, or making a choice that affects others negatively. And when we know we aren't doing our best, it affects our identity and self-esteem. 
Knowledge is bliss. Because when you know the source of your suffering, through thinking on it, you can answer the most painful question which is “ why? ” When that why is tackled, you solve your problem permanently.  When you know, you can live in reality (truth), where your inner corresponds to the outer. Then, you can, over time, learn to have inner peace.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy? Because the majority of the people in the world are ignorant.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is devastation. Ignorance is tragedy. And ignorance is illness. It all stems from ignorance.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is brutal. The brutality of ignorance is such that it will make you dead while alive.
Ignorance is not bliss. It is the kiss of death. It’s at the core of all our problems.
Ignorance breeds fear. Knowledge drives those fears out.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is tragedy. Ignorance is devastation. Ignorance creates lack. Ignorance creates disease. Ignorance will shorten your life.
Ignorance is a death sentence. 
How can such a disastrous thing be a bliss?

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