Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Q: What disturbs you?

Krishna: Nothing can disturb me. Yes, sometimes I do get bothered by some things but when I critically analyse situations and people, all my disturbance disappears, leaving me with a higher consciousness and complete peace of mind.

I have learnt to become immune to disturbance.

Q: Is it necessary for girls to get married in India?

Krishna: Who says so?

A culturally conditioned mind!

A fearful mind!

A dependent mind!

An emotional mind!

I am none of these. So I would say, it is not important to get married, for anybody.

There are many things that are more important than marriage that give more satisfaction and meaning to your life.

Wake up to courage!

Q: Who are better, scientists or prophets?

Krishna: When you asked this Q, you are trying to compare two completely opposite directions.

Genuine Scientists trust evidence based facts and they show to the world exactly what they found … with evidence. You can question scientists if you are not satisfied and even disprove their theories.

Do prophets provide evidence to what they preach? You have to just blindly believe what they say. In some cases you will be banned from your groups, attacked and even killed if you question prophets.

Now decide for yourself who is better.

Q: Being too much scientific, can we lose our faith in God?

Krishna: What is ‘too much scientific’? You can’t even survive without science in the first place!

This universe and everything in it came into existence using scientific principles. They are run by science. Remove science, everything in the universe and life in it will collapse and become non-existent!

Scientists are just trying to understand how this universe and everything in it works using scientific method. They are not discovering or inventing something out of nothing! They are finding things because they exist - making use of scientific principles - in this universe.

Okay, if you are a theist and believe in God ask him why he made this universe using only science and nothing else. Why he used so much science ( or too much science in your own words) to create this universe. He must be a scientist to make this universe scientifically. Then he must also provide scientific evidence for his existence. If he doesn’t, any rational individual or scientific minded person cannot believe in someone who creates everything using scientific method but refuses to follow his own rules and provide evidence for his existence.

Yes, too much science but not scientific enough minded God to provide evidence for his own existence! What an irony! Why blame science for it? Science is following its rules perfectly and is asking for evidence to believe in something you imagine exists!

And if you don’t mind ‘too much science’ of your creator, please follow this space:

Science Communication on Quora

Q: Why do people find faults in others even though there are no faults in reality?

Krishna: If people lack  'analysing capacity' and 'understanding capacity', reality doesn't look like what it actually is! Various biases and fallacies effect their thinking processes if they are not trained to think critically. Perceptions are effected by various things like cultural, emotional, religious conditioning of minds.

That is why it is difficult to understand geniuses. Because their level of thinking is very high and ordinary people can't reach it and think geniuses are mad! 

Unless and until you can reach the  thinking levels of these people, it would be better if you don't judge them.

Q: Why do people involve themselves in matters in which they shouldn't?

Krishna: If people have no work worth doing. If they lack critical thinking abilities.

An empty or an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. All sorts of rubbish thoughts and the resulting activities arise from it. Even if people can ‘think’, if they are not trained in Critical Thinking, their thought process goes haywire and people resort to strange behaviours.

Majority of the people in the world belong to this category.

Q: What's the most dangerous thing someone tricked you into doing?

Krishna: When I was in school, I was just 10 then, one of my friends told me small black berries we came across on our way to school ‘re ‘small black grapes’ and we could eat them. I ate them as they looked like small grapes and tasted okay.

After some time I started vomiting and when my teacher took me to a doctor the doctor told me what I ate were ‘poisonous berries’. My parents and teacher scolded me later but when you are an innocent ten year old, you believe in everything others say!

I still don’ t know what berries I ate but they looked like these berries

Photos source: Google Images

Q: What is the best zodiac sign that attracts women?

Krishna: Do you think women are so dumb as to get attracted to just zodiac signs or things attributed to them? If anybody says that is possible he is trying to hoodwink you.

Come out of these delusions. Read this article that would help you: Why Astrology is a Fool’s paradise

Q: What are some ways to gauge a person's intelligence or lack of, within ten minutes of meeting them?

Krishna: Most people try to impress others immediately after they meet them. Therefore, they pretend to be a good/intelligent person and do what they think is right to give you a good first impression.

So you cannot guess anything right about a person immediately after you meet him. Don’t try to attempt it. You can rarely succeed.

You have to spend sometime with the person to get an accurate picture. Have patience. Only after a few days, after the ‘honey moon’ period is over, you will be able to really know what his personality is really like and whether he is intelligent or not.

People who attend job interviews will mostly get trained to paint a nice picture about themselves. If you yourself are not smart you will fall for their pretences.

I will never fall for ‘first impressions’.

Q: Why must people love and respect one another regardless of their religion and culture?

Krishna: Culture is

1. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively

2. the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.

You are supposed to respect human intellectual achievements, only if they don’t harm others and therefore not found to be ridiculous.

If you don’t respect others’ culture, they might not respect yours too and there will be clashes and wars. That is one aspect.

But then these cultural and religious practices are perception based most of the time and therefore not universal and fact based unlike science. Some of these practices can harm others. A good example is female genital mutilation. It is based on irrational beliefs and prejudices.

How can anybody respect such practices and people practicing them? How can anybody respect irrationality?

If you equate and want to balance ignorance with knowledge, superstitions with rationality, misconceptions with facts, doesn't the world stay where it is instead of progressing? How can you give equal importance and respect to these opposing things?

You can’t!

So, you tolerate others culture, respect the ones that sound good, but condemn those that are irrational and harmful.

That is the best thing to do and intellectuals do just that.

Views: 64

Replies to This Discussion


Krishna: It is your fault! When you created this scientific world like a scientist, you should have followed the scientific method and provided evidence to me. And you know when you are such a big scientist and followed all the scientific rules to create this universe, you can’t expect your colleague to become unscientific and have blind faith in you!


Krishna: NO! This universe is science based and science -run. Without scientific principles controlling it, it just simply collapses.




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