Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Evolution in Reverse Gear
No : AS 1
Size : 28.2x19.6 in / 72x50 cm
Medium & Surface : Oil & Acrylic on Canvas
Year : Painted in 2008

When we see the behavior of some people, we feel, evolution, either physical, mental or cultural, is in the reverse gear.  

Evolution Hangover

No : AS 2
Size : 28.2x19.5 in / 71.5x50 cm
Medium & Surface : Oil & Acrylic on Canvas
Year : Painted in 2008

Sometimes we wonder why men behave like animals and not like more evolved human beings. Maybe they are suffering from evolution   hangover.  

Spaceman Vs Boxmen

: AS 3
Size : 27.2x19.6 in / 69x50 cm
Medium & Surface : Oil on Canvas
Year : Painted in 2007

In this space age, where new thoughts & actions of some people are taking the human kind towards development & progress, some people are refusing to come out of the boxes they live in even though the environment they are in is hindering the free, forward movement.

 Night Life

No : AS 4
Size : 27.1x19.6 in (or) 69x50 cm
Medium & Surface : Oil on Canvas
Year : Painted in 2007

“You don’t have a night life. It must be very boring working in a lab all alone in the night,” was what people used to say to me when I was doing research work in the night. When any explorer, adventurer, soldier or a scientist hear this, I am pretty sure, he or she will smile. Because, going to a place where no man has gone before, inventing or discovering new things which have not been thought or seen before, protecting your motherland & doing things very few dare to do are some of the most exciting & thrilling things on this planet. Only people who have sacrificed their comforts, luxuries, safety & pleasures & took a decision to risk their loves & lives and go it alone know the difference!

 Science & Technology Now & Then

No : AS 5
Size : 27.1x19.6 in / 69x50 cm
Medium & Surface : Oil on Canvas
Year : Painted in 2007


“Although satellites, space shuttles and genetic engineering are modern day representation of science at its zenith, long ago the science and technology used in the construction of pyramids and the preservation of dead bodies by ancient cultures are as fascinating and advanced as modern day science. I tried to show the same in my painting. 

 In Search of a Safe Home

No : AS 6
Size : 27x19.8 in / 69x50 cm
Medium & Surface : Oil on Canvas
Year : Painted in 2006


Why is the Royal Bengal Tiger visiting the Football stadium? To play football? “No”, is the answer. Then why is it here? Let us hear the answer from the mouth of the tiger itself.

“Hello, Homo sapiens, are you scared to see me here? You are, I am pretty sure. That is why you ran away. But why am I here?

I am here in search of a safe home. Because, men, you destroyed my home, killed my family members and friends. In desperation we – me and some of my friends – ran away. We went to your homes, stole your cattle because we were hungry. But you weren’t bothered. Seriously watching cricket and football matches. We destroyed your crops, attacked your friends. Still you were enjoying Chelsea meeting Manchester United. Our members here are dwindling and we are on the brink of extinction. But, we want to live. We want help. We need a safe home. So I thought a football stadium is the best place to attract your attention. Because, as long as I am in the stadium, people will notice me and my plight, and I came here as a last resort. So, man, give me back my home and family. Then only I will leave this place. Till then I’ll make the football stadium my home. Any objection? ”

So, I painted the picture of a Tiger In a football stadium!

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