Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

When there is darkness all around you
This little lamp says - I am there to show you the light-get going
When your path is strewn with pebbles and thorns
This narrow and clear way says - I am there for you to walk on-get going
When there are wild animals waiting for you in all corners of your world
This small cage says - I am there to trap them-get going
When you are tired and unable to move
This energy booster says - I am there to give you strength-get going
When you are thirsty on the way
This one drop of water says - I am there to quench your thirst-get going
When you are alone and nobody is willing to walk with you
This tiny friend says - I am there to give you company-get going
When there is an ocean before you to cross
This humble boat says - I am there to help you-get going
When your heart hesitates to go ahead fearing all the obstacles to tackle
This wisdom in you says - these can be surmountable-get going
When there is no hope left in your life
This minute dot says - I am still there-get going
When everything and everybody else pulls you back
This tiny optimism in your mind is the only reason why you " get going ".

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
Copyright © 2010



( Based on my painting " Optimism "  )  Description (Optimism): When there is complete darkness – represented by the colour black in the painting – only one thing can make you move
forward and come out of that misery. It may be extremely small but
highly potent – it is the optimism in you (white dot). Without this
minute dot in its mind, mankind cannot move forward when faced with

Views: 307

Replies to This Discussion

Artists are a crummy lot,
They think that what they paint is hot.
It's not just about tints and hues?
You could say a lot,with just one DOT!

Bingo for your thoughts Dr.Krishna! Excellently capsuled on mute canvas.
The Best To You,
Thank you Prince. Several people liked it for its simplicity.

Thank you!



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