Stella Chaviaropoulou




Profile Information:

Are you genuinely interested in joining this network and consider being very active? We have very limited space here.
Your Art/science/literature Website
Tell us how you heard about Sci-Art Lab
from a friend
In what way you are associated with art/science/literature?
i am an art lover, watcher and beng painting myself since my childhook.on every surface and many materials.also i decorate different places, or painting on home items and clothes.
Why do you want to join Sci-Art lab?
i would like to share my art and art views with differrent artists of other countries and nations.this would make me feel closer to people and have more friends.

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  • Hans Mertens

    Dear Stella,

    Thank you for your kind and warm message at first.
    Still here in Holland, however hoping to return sometime to beautiful Greece.
    Especially for you my newest Christmascard..Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year from Holland full of love, laughter and good friends, but above all a good health.

    Hans Mertens

  • Ifthica Shamsudeen

    I really welcome your friendship.


    My personal welcome to this wonderful site. This is a great place to network and make friends.


    I would be honoured if you would kindly join my Ning Network 'Friends of Asia' too.


    Best regads,



    Please CLICK HERE to Join 'Friends of Asia'

  • Orlando Serpietri

    Orlando Serpietri

    Ispettore Onorario del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.

    Presidente del Movimento "CENTO ARTISTI PER IL MONDO"

    Invita (costo zero) tutte le categorie degli Artisti, Scienziati, Cultori dell’Arte e Artigiani a, promuoversi Fondatori e sostenitori del Nuovo Rinascimento Intellettuale “ILLUMINATI E CREATIVI” catalizzatori del cambiamento Culturale, un vero atto di fondazione Sociale dall’Italia in tutta Europa.

    Adesioni rivolgersi al Presidente Orlando Serpietri:
    Lettura del documento: