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The complementarity of nature, the so-called White Hole ~ Black Holes. The affirmation and negation of entropy, two thermodynamic laws, my work and finishing of gypsum and in the digital image processing. Looking for a so-called gravity black (dark matter)?

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Comment by Milivoj Šegan on July 20, 2012 at 5:55am

What are white holes.?
White Holes are time-inverted black hole. So we take the (possibly infinitely long) movie "Black holes from the hole by the end of the universe," and if we running it backwards, we got the film "White holes over cosmic death hole."

Black hole is the end state of the process in which matter collapses under gravity into ever denser and denser state, until the surface gravity becomes so strong that even light can escape. Shortly thereafter ("soon" for the observer standing on the surface of the star, the remote viewer the process takes infinitely long), quite matter collapses into a state of infinite density called the singularity.

When the white hole goes all the way round: The singularities "raise" matters and expands.

For an observer outside the hole and the other, the black hole is an object that just swallows matter and becomes larger and can not be destroyed (if we ignore the Hawking radiation), while white holes only broadcast material, is becoming less and can not be created. She was there at the time of the Big Bang, a "reason" of its existence in its future.

From this it is seen that white holes paradoxical objects (eg do not respect the second law of thermodynamics), and hence many believe that they can not exist in nature. Some of the reasons why they do appear in the scientific literature are as follows: Einstein's theory of the symmetrical inversion of the time and if it appear black holes (and appear) then you must appear and white. It * does not * mean that they occur in nature that, in addition to Einstein's theory must be consistent with other laws of nature (eg, thermodynamics). Within the Einstein theory they can in turn be interesting to observe from a purely theoretical-academic reasons.

There are some exotic models of the universe in which he is actually white holes

When the observed time-symmetric universe (aka Goldov space) that the expansion begins to collect the Great compression ("Big Crunch") and so in the second half of his life antitermodinamički valid laws (entropy falls, broken glass are compiled by themselves ), then the object that the observers in the second half of a black hole, we looked like a white hole so the quest for the white holes (so far unsuccessful) might say something about the possibility that our universe is just like that.?

Comment by Milivoj Šegan on July 20, 2012 at 5:50am

The principle of creation Nature, the creative simultaneity ?!

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