Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

An article in this weeks Nature deals with emerging careers in Science art.
Although the article doesn't deal with many jobs and has several suggestions and says, one has to still identify the jobs as there is scope, it is a good article.

The article says: Collaborations offer career benefits including improved productivity as a result of a new perspective or a more creative outlook; bolstered communication and outreach skills; and contacts among artists, like-minded scientists or funding agencies. Learning how to indulge artistic pursuits — and avoid professional obstacles such as being perceived as unfocused or undisciplined — is key to shaping a career that can sustain both art and science

I want to add here that this article is based on the views of science-art promoters and scientists who are into science-art collaborations and therefore are biased towards it.   And the examples they gave for improvements in science because of collaborations can be done with pure scientific creativity. As a keen observer of the  scientific world, I  know what happens there. But, yes, if scientists pursue art, it cools down their burning minds because art relaxes them and a relaxed mind can do wonders in research. That way art can really help science.

And yes, designers can give scientists some new designs - useful or not - depends on how well the designers understand the concepts of science.

The outcomes really depend on how well artists are interested in science and its ways and how far they can go along with scientists in improving science.
You can read the article here:

Another research paper on the subject says

"Analyzing the pathways of people who earned interdisciplinary research
doctorates in the United States in 2010, we generate three main findings while
controlling for gender, ethnicity, discipline, and age. First, individuals who
complete an interdisciplinary dissertation display near-term income risk since
they tend to earn nearly $1,700 less in the year after graduation. Second, students
whose fathers earned a college degree demonstrated a .8% higher probability of
pursuing interdisciplinary research. Third, the probability that non-citizens
pursue interdisciplinary dissertation work is 4.7% higher when compared with US
citizens. Our findings quantify the risks of interdisciplinary work and contribute
to policy debates."
So, do art science professionals earn less than narrow disciplinary ones? Does inter-disciplinarity penalize careers?
Points to ponder!

Read the full paper here:

Views: 119


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Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on October 11, 2014 at 12:18pm

Animator Drew Berry Explains How To Get A Job In Science Art

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on November 2, 2013 at 6:10am

You can see another discussion based on this here:!

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on August 6, 2013 at 6:08am





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