Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

We want to give information on science-art courses around the world. kkArtLab is one of the sites where you can learn about Bioptical art. This is a free course and started on experimental basis. If this succeeds - as artists find it too technical to follow and we are trying to simplify it - we will start courses in Biology and other science subject based art.
1. You can learn Bioptical art taught by Mr. Iliescu, who has more than fifty years of experience in the Bioptical art research, here:

2. Another site which is trying to give some training is Art-Science-gallery
You can visit it here:

3. Ph.D. in science-art:

UT Dallas has just announced the new PhD at the University of Texas, Dallas which seeks to enable research and education that couples the Arts and Humanities with the Sciences and Engineering. They are seeking first rate candidates from diverse backgrounds (Academia, Private Industry, Non Governmental Organizations, Make and Hacker collectives) within the ATEC Arts and Technology PhD Program.

More info at:

Roger Malina has been named Distinguished Chair of Arts and Technology and
Professor of Physics in the School Natural Sciences and Mathematics and will be supervising student research projects. Students with backgrounds in Science, Engineering or Arts and Humanities may enroll in the PhD.

Post graduate course in science -art:

4. MA in science art

Responding to fast-growing interest in interdisciplinary art practice, this pioneering course investigates the creative relationships between art and science and how to communicate them. With access to important collections in London you will explore the making and presentation of your work and pursue innovative outcomes in practice and research, towards professional engagement in art and science authorship and creative practice. MA Art and Science is part of our Postgraduate Art Programme – a dynamic new context for creative learning.

5. EU science art course full information given in the comments section. You can also visit this website:

6. MA in Art Therapy:

MA Program in Art Therapy

Campus based,Duration 12 months, full time,price 9,600 USD,PlaceIsrael, Haifa

Health Sciences,Master in Health Sciences,MA Program in Art Therapy

Art therapy is an emerging and dynamic field in the mental health profession that uses art media as its primary mode of communication, such as paint, chalk, crayons and sculpture.  Art therapy is especially valuable for clients who have difficulties verbally expressing themselves. The University of Haifa is the only accredited academic institution in Israel to offer a graduate degree in this vital and growing field.
The Academic Program

The MA in Art Therapy is a year-long program, taught over three consecutive semesters in English. The program (MA Program in Art Therapy) includes academic coursework at the University in the fall and spring semesters. During the summer semester, students participate in a practicum and receive individual and group supervision. Upon completion of the program (MA Program in Art Therapy), students will earn a master of arts in Creative Arts Therapies with a specialization in Art Therapy.
General Admission Requirements

  • An undergraduate degree from a recognized university with a minimum final grade of 80% (Israeli system) or 3.0 GPA.
  • Competence in English (TOEFL scores - if native language is not English or candidates have not previously studied at an institution of higher education where the language of instruction is English).
  • Completion of prerequisite courses in developmental and abnormal psychology, physio-psychology, research methods and statistics.

Arts-Based Requirements Candidates must provide documented proof of training and practical experience in the relevant art form. Practical experience may include exhibitions, arts-based community work, and a portfolio of the applicant’s artwork. Please contact for details.
If you want more information or have questions, please fill out this form. It takes approximately 45 seconds to complete.

7. Creating art scientifically- courses in creating organic art:


With a mission to work as an ‘Eco Friendly Artist’, this course focus on developing concept of ”Organic Art “. Art will be created by using only ingredients found in Nature such as waste of plants & trees – dried flowers, leaves, petals, twigs, grass, seeds, weeds, roots etc. Bark of Palm tree and handmade papers will be used as painting surface.

Duration:  4.5 Weeks; Total 9 topics

Sample Course Outline

  • Topic 1 : Stages of collecting organic material and drying process
  • Topic 2: Introduction to the use of organic materials and tools to develop art
  • Topic 3: Landscape Painting using organic materials
  • Topic 4: Portrait Painting using organic product
  • Topic 5: Introduction to bark surface.

Methods of Instruction : Video Demonstration, Lecture, Critique and notes.

Course Outcomes

Will Be Able To:

  • Students will be able to generate art without buying costly art supplies
  • More understanding of organic products and its drying process
  • Depict the nature, constitution of these products and generate painting

Will Be Familiar With

  • Natural colors, textures and shapes found in nature
  • Eco Friendly Art

Grading Will be based on the rules of IFAA

7. You can have a look at the courses offered by Symbiotica here:


8. New Masters Programme at UWA run by SymbioticA!
Master of Biological Arts - coursework and dissertation This degree is unique in the world! It is dedicated to interdisciplinary research, learning and critique of life sciences. It is designed for experienced art practitioners, scientists, or humanities scholars who wish to engage with creative bioresearch.

Key features:
Cross-disciplinary experimentation in art and science Engages in wet biology practice in a biological science department A new means of creative inquiry and artistic investigation Comprises Art and Science units and a major project and dissertation Run by SymbioticA - a leader in Biological Arts with world renowned academics

More information at:


Please see the comments below for more information

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Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on January 29, 2016 at 8:44am

The science of art and the art of science
The Science Museum of Long Island is introducing its new “science of art/art of science” curriculum, which teaches how art has a place in science.
The program series will begin in February at the museum, which is located on the Leeds Pond Preserve in Plandome Manor.

Students may register for art classes taught by local artist and art instructor.
The classes will be held on Saturdays. The program will focus on works from artist such as Leonardo DiVinci. On Tuesdays (11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) and Fridays (1-3:30 p.m.) classes on drawing and painting will take place for adults at all levels of proficiency.

Wednesday (11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) classes will focus on drawing only. On Saturdays (10-11:30 a.m.), children ages 6-9 will meet to study and emulate the genius of artist/scientist/inventor, Leonardo DaVinci, and gradually branch out to study other master artists. A second Saturday class (1-2:30 p.m.) will tailor the study of DaVinci to children ages 10 and up.

The fee for each class is $175 per month and class size is limited so that each student receives individual attention. Former and new students may register by calling 516-627-9400, extension 11, for registration by phone, or online at

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on November 17, 2015 at 8:32am

college’s graduation ceremony in May 2016 will include Columbia’s first student to graduate with a bachelor of science degree in music technology. The degree is granted through the recently established Music Technology Program, which the college approved during the Spring 2015 Semester.

The program hosted an open house Nov. 9 in the 33 E. Congress Parkway Building for prospective students, which featured faculty and current students who explained the program and shared student work from its courses.

Interim Director Howard Sandroff, along with faculty from the Audio Arts & Acoustics, Interactive Arts & Media and Music departments, officially proposed the Music Technology Program during the Fall 2014 Semester. It is designed to teach music composition in the context of computer science and audio-related technologies.

Sandroff said members of the departments had been working on the program for several years before its approval by the Provost’s office.

Because the program is interdisciplinary, most of its required courses were already offered at the college, Sandroff said during the open house presentation.

Students in the Music, Audio Arts & Acoustics or Interactive Arts & Media departments must apply to be admitted and have completed 45 credit hours, said Ben Sutherland, an associate professor in the Audio Arts & Acoustics Department who teaches in the program.

Prospective students spend their first two years at the college enrolled in a program in one of those three departments and work on the advanced degree requirements for the Music Technology Program after they are accepted.

“This program is designed with a high level of academic rigor,” Sutherland said. “It is admittedly not for everyone. [It is for] students who are interested in creating and influencing music technology.”

Senior Christopher Chraca will graduate from the Music Technology Program this spring. He said he had a class with Sutherland his freshman year that piqued his interest in the program.

“[The program has] all this high-level math and science and then art on top of it,” Chraca said. “[The program] blurs the lines between departments. It lets people explore things they probably would have never thought of.”

Each student is required to take four semesters of a program-specific course called the “Sonic Experience.” Each semester students will take three modules, each lasting five weeks, on different subjects taught by various faculty members in the program, Sutherland said.

There are currently four degree-seeking students in the program and they are hoping to add 16 to 18 students each year, Sandroff said.

Sebastian Huydts, an associate professor in the Music Department who has taught two of the modules on theoretical models and structure in electronic music and electro-acoustic orchestration, said the Music Technology Program is a great offering to students.

“Most music technology programs have either the technical aspect or the artistic part, and we aim to be a mix of both,” Huydts said. “Looking at the Strategic Plan for Columbia and the idea of making collaborative and interactive programming between departments [combining disciplines] seems like the right thing to do.”

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on November 11, 2014 at 9:36am

New master’s degree combines creativity and science

To some, art and engineering are as different as night and day. But the University’s new digital media arts and engineering master’s degree could dispel that notion.

Set to begin in January, this two-year program is the first of its kind in Louisiana and one of 44 in the country.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on October 1, 2014 at 5:38am

New art course at Missouri S&T integrates science and engineering
A new art course at Missouri University of Science and Technology, Exploring Digital Art through Design Thinking, will allow students to integrate the study of visual culture and its applications in science and engineering.

Course instructor, Laurie Myers, a lecturer in arts, languages, and philosophy, says the learning experience offered in the course is valuable for any student, but is particularly important for students who are studying science and engineering.

“This course is very important because it integrates art and science,” she says. “Digital art allows scientists and engineers more opportunities to amplify their ideas and increase their impact.”

Myers says engineering students benefit from taking part in activities, like Exploring Digital Art, that foster their creativity and allow them to problem-solve in creative and scholarly atmospheres.

“Art is the creative component of innovation and the need for creativity has never been greater,” Myers says. “The importance of collaboration and the opportunity to learn to be creative is crucial for future success.”

During the course, students collaborate on a secret Facebook group, study different software, explore topics of the week, work on individual and group projects and create a professional website. They also study digital technology, not just as a medium for art, but also as a platform to understand the progression of visual culture. The course challenges them to explore the digital world in a unique way – as producers of digital media.

The course, which is open to all Missouri S&T students, was first offered last spring as an answer to student interest in incorporating art and design into their schedule.

For more information about the class, contact the arts, languages, and philosophy department at or by calling 573-341-4869.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on September 18, 2014 at 5:58am

UC offering after-school STEAM program
A unique after-school program will be offered to middle school and high school students at the University of Charleston-Beckley location this fall.

The Science Behind the Art Experience (SBAE) will present a STEAM curriculum, which incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics topics along with the Arts. The program will deliver integrated science lab activities and art-making sessions.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on April 7, 2014 at 6:42am
In this course, you’ll learn about:

How a sculptor and a geologist collaborated to demonstrate the effects of lava and teach about natural flows on land and under water
Lava basics: What is it? Where is it? Why is it? Why does it behave as it does? How has it (and does volcanic action) affected the Earth and its inhabitants
The imagination that makes it possible to recreate this mysterious and powerful substance, and how it can be used to make bold, innovative art

The course is inspired by the groundbreaking work of the Syracuse Lava Project, which brings scientific experiments, artistic creation, and educational outreach to Syracuse and the world.


Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on April 5, 2014 at 8:11am

The art of science
Stanford announces new "joint majors" combining computer science, English, music
In newspapers and magazines all over the country, think pieces on the subject abound: Students are abandoning the humanities -- choosing to pursue degrees in the hard sciences and the decidedly more lucrative careers in high tech they promise.

Professors of English, history, music and the arts are bemoaning this shift, we are told. In an article last October in the New York Times, it was reported that humanities professors and lecturers account for 45 percent of Stanford's faculty, but only 15 percent of the university's students are taking their courses.

However, according to Nicholas Jenkins, professor of English at Stanford, there is nothing to worry about. The humanities aren't going anywhere, Jenkins says, they're just changing.

Last month, in what Jenkins called a "re-imagining of the humanities," the university announced the creation of two brand new "joint majors," which will allow students to earn a bachelor of arts and science in one of two combinations -- computer science and English, or computer science and music.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on February 28, 2014 at 7:18am

MA Transdisciplinary Studies

Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)

Postgraduate programme exploring the interfaces and intersections of the arts,  sciences and society.

Deadline for applications: 1 March 2014

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on February 8, 2014 at 9:32am

Communicating science through art: Students find best of both worlds with BPMI major

Iowa State offers students the best of both worlds with a biological pre-medical illustration major that has been around for 30 years. Iowa State is one of roughly 10 universities in the nation that offers this program.

Sixty students at Iowa State are part of the BPMI program, and they can move on to jobs like freelance or certified medical illustrators.

Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on January 5, 2014 at 6:54am

Graduate Programs in Arts and Technology
Master of Arts in Arts and Technology
Master of Fine Arts in Arts and Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Arts and Technology

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