Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Hello People.This is my debut blog post.All opinions and criticism is welcome.
Science and Art are perhaps the oldest human pursuits,and are equally hard to define.The human mind could choose different approaches for artistic / scientific problem,although both approaches can intertwine. Most psychologists agree our mind works on 2 system principle.The first approach is truly rapid,intuitive and instinctive.It involves less conscious thought and is reactionary feelings based based.The second approach is more time consuming,elaborate,logical and depends a lot on rational thought and reasoning.It can be argued that Science uses more of the second approach,and art the first.Writing however,flits between both!
If science is an unbiased,fact based way of logically analysing a problem, Art is ANY means used to express thoughts and feelings.A scientist thinks precisely,objectively and logically about a question,always considering its plausibility.Although imagination is an important part for any scientific idea to develop,it has to be coupled with ground reality in order to apply it practically.In science, the grounds of justifying anything on basis of opinion,Feeling and liking are very thin.Science is a quest for the truth.
An artist not only uses imagination to spur his own art, but also tries to capture the imagination of the viewer of it. Art can be used to depict at truth,or hidden truth(allegory) or truth in a lie!Art as an expression is an open platform,transcending the barriers of logic.However ,that doesnt mean art is illogical.A look at da vincis "physics behind painting" tells us the great importance of logic utilised in painting.The social barriers of decency and aesthetics try to confine art.Aesthetics deals with pleasure to the they say,"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"or haronious music is in the ears of the listener!
. Art can be interpreted subjectively by the audience .Interestingly,Science hates subjectivity(based on personal opinion) as much as art hails it!On the other hand science prides itself in being based on facts and universality(objectivity)while a work of Art is almost always hard to judge on bare facts. This is what makes both special.
Now to the vital common human qualities between both.
1Observation-no work of science and art(be it a book,music or painting) is started without observation.Unless one observes nature and people around him it is almost impossible to come up with artistic or scientific ideas.
2Clarity of thought-Make an instrument or make a painting,clarity og thought is a vital catalyst to make ideas into reality or vice versa.
3.Method behind Madness-The Crazy scientist ,Mad artist moniker is well known.But behind all that madness or craziness there is a method.It is driven by practice and patience!
4.Creativity-The scientific or artistic mind both usually have the power of thinking of ideas hardly thought before!These spark the minds of great scientists and artists alike,giving rise to many innovations and inventions.
However a scientist should be open minded like an artist sometimes,while an artist should be analytical and logical when work requires the same!
Here are a few dsitinguished gentlemen who were scientist as well as artist in some way or another..or as i will call them...ARTSCISTS!
1Leonardo Da vinci(engineer,anatomist,painter)
2Albert Einstein(physicist,violin player)
3Edwin H.Land(chemist,photographer)
4Richard Dawkins(writer,evolutionary biologist)
and many many more...
"Fantasize artistically,apply scientifically"
Arjit Jere
Every person's thinking process has artistic and scientific side.It just manifests differently in everyone,,,My artistic style is expressed in music(singing),writing and occasionally art
Hmmm. Entering the realm of art too? Welcome!
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