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The Placebo Effect.
Self-healing through belief alone. Cures brought about not by the mind or hands of a Psychic Healer, but by the mind of the patient. We call them miraculous and contribute them to a greater power, when all the time it is our own minds that contain the power.
Our minds not only have the power to heal our own bodies, but can manifest sunburn and blister through the power of suggestion alone.
Through hypnosis we hand over the controls of our universe to another mind. We allow that mind to manipulate our reality, and what we believe to be true, becomes true. If we are told we are being burned, we develop blisters on our skin. What better proof do you need to affirm our minds control our reality.
We create and reinforce our reality every second by self-hypnosis. Our 'self-talk' continually tells us what is possible and what is not. We place limits on our own abilities with our self-talk, and influence the reality of others with negative conditioning; not only through our words and actions, but through our thoughts and beliefs. What we share and communicate with others becomes a part of their universe also. Not only can we limit our own abilities, but we can limit the abilities of everyone else with negative beliefs. Every thing we are exposed to from the moment we become aware is added to, and used to build our universe. What we see and believe of our Universe, is what we have been told to believe.
by C.C Keiser

produced by theonesoul

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Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on March 10, 2009 at 11:31am
This is what I believe in too. Thanks for posting such a wonderful video. May I know your real name Ms. the one soul?

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