Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

The map of the evolution of the Human entity is indelibly written into our genetic codes. Our ability to activate and integrate the fullness of these codes is a question of circuitry. The Template is a holonomic model of transcendence. It links alchemical Ceremony with brain chemistry, bio-circuitry, the endocrine system, DNA, the archetypal arena and the morphogenetic field to reveal the holonomic system of creation which births and binds the Human hologram. The Template ceremony codes are an intelligent patterning of information that acts as an alchemical catalyst to activate dormant Human potential. They initiate a journey of healing, forgiveness, remembrance, resurrection and, ultimately, transcendence of the dualistic mortal paradigm: a journey of liberation and empowerment, to retrieve the knowledge of our true history, our souls lineage, and our celestial seeding. ---------- playlist :

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