Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Krishna : Undoubtedly! Let me explain.

One aspect of Science is not man-made. Scientists are finding things because they exist in Nature and this universe. They are not ‘imagined’ by human minds. This universe came into existence using certain principles and rules. Scientists are unravelling them using systematic studies. They are also organising things to make them match with the universal principles. Then how can those principles be ‘man-made’?

“They have no material existence outside our minds” - wrong!

The moon exists even if no humans are looking at it; its existence is independent of human observation, as it is a celestial body that continues to orbit Earth regardless of whether anyone is watching it.

Objects exist whether or not someone is observing them. The Earth's gravity constantly interacts with the moon, keeping it in orbit, regardless of human perception and human existence.

Only thing is no body knows that they exist unless somebody perceives them.

Just because nobody perceives them, you cannot say they don’t exist without human existence. Even when there is no life on Earth, this universe, Milky way, Sun, Moon, Earth existed and were governed by certain principles to come into existence and run.

Science has two aspects to it. (1)

One: The principles with which this universe came into existence (to atheists), or created (to theists) and run by it.

Two: The process with which we study this universe.

People usually take only the second one into consideration, not the first one while dealing with this aspect. But the truth is, without scientific principles, this universe in which we live, wouldn't have come into existence in the first place. Only when the scientific principles based universe came into existence, the consequences like galaxies, stars, planets, origin of life, its evolution, human beings and finally their religions became a reality.

Who invented religions? Who wrote the religious texts? Who built churches, mosques and temples or other religious places? Who is keeping those things alive? Man!

So science is the basis for everything. Period!

Imagine this situation... (1)

A huge asteroid collides with the Earth in the future. Everything here gets destroyed. All living beings. All religions. All the scientific knowledge written in the books.

Then life originates here again and evolves into intelligent beings. Then in the initial stages of its civilization when it tries, it comes up with new religious stories with different Gods because it doesn't have any knowledge about present ones!

But in the later stages, if it tries to gain scientific knowledge, surprisingly it finds that the Earth revolves around the Sun, Earth is round - not flat, realizes gravity and space-time in the same way as we did! It also finds millions of stars, galaxies and black holes like we did!

It sees atoms and molecules and chemical reactions exactly in the same way as we do!

Their 'medical field' evolves similar to ours! Their technology would be similar to the present one. In fact all their scientific knowledge will be similar to ours!

Even if this happens a hundred times the results would be the same each time!

If intelligent life evolves in different parts of this universe, and if it has to have 'religions' in each part, they would all be different to each other - like the different religious stories and beliefs we have in different parts of Earth. But their scientific knowledge would be exactly the same in all the given situations! Because scientific awareness cannot be different in various parts of our planet or universe.

Why does scientific knowledge remain constant while religion keeps changing?

Can you realize why? If you can, you will understand which one is telling the truth and which one you can trust ... Science or Religion?

And you will also realize which ones are man-made and which ones are natural.

Recently an interesting thing happened. Because of a cyclone in our area, a huge amount of rain fell in a short period. There were floods.

There was a very old temple in this area and several people thought if they took refuge in the temple god would protect them and they took shelter in the temple. But unfortunately the temple too got flooded, the walls of the temple collapsed, and almost all the people who took shelter there died and the idol of God too was swept away in the water and was not found.

On 15 April 2019, at 18:18 CEST, a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, a medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France.(3)

The fire, which investigators believe was started by a cigarette or an electrical short circuit,[5] destroyed the cathedral's wooden spire (flèche) and most of the wooden roof and severely damaged the cathedral's upper walls.

Image source: Wikipedia

Flooding of a temple Image source: Sambad English

Also, most of the destruction at Kedarnath was caused by a sudden rapid melting of ice and snow on the Kedarnath Mountain, 6 km (3.7 mi) from the temple, which flooded the Chorabari Lake (upstream) and then Kedarnath. The temple was flooded with water resulting in several deaths due to drowning and panic-driven stampede. (4)

In a near-impossible feat, a stunning scene was captured when the 100 ft statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro was recently hit by lightning (5). It damaged the thumb of the statue.

The scientific principles that govern Nature are supreme. Nothing and nobody can escape them. Neither temples, religions nor man-made Gods. No miracles can save them.

When several factors decide outcomes, they follow the interplay of scientific rules and routes and exactly fit into the reaction realities.

Science's rules are unyielding, they will not be bent in any way for anybody or anything! (2)

If Gods and religions are not ‘man made’ and are supernatural, why can’t they escape the scientific rules by using some ‘miraculous escape route’?

Can anybody answer this question?


  1. Some Qs. people asked me on science and my replies to them - Part 28
  2. Science's rules are unyielding, they will not be bent in any way fo...
  3. Notre-Dame fire - Wikipedia
  4. 2013 North India floods - Wikipedia
  5. Lightning strikes Brazil’s iconic statue, Christ the Redeemer, its ...

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