Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

There are thousands of artists in the world & there are hundreds of artist network sites on the web. I myself am a member of at least a couple of hundred networks that deal with art. Everywhere I see thousands of artworks & artists. So we will become "ONE AMONGST THE CROWD" when we join a network. An artist cannot get recognition among his/her peers until he/she does something more than just joining a network & displaying his or her work. I want to know what my artist friends do to "STAND OUT''.

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Thanks, Pierre for the reply. Yes, you are right. I am really surprised. Every artist wants to sell his/her work. But surprise, surprise, most of them don't know how to stand out! Some don't even want to stand out! I recently read an article on how to become a successful artist in which the author clearly mentioned that in this competitive world unless & until the artist stands out as a leader in the art world, he or she cannot succeed. That is why I started this discussion. The replies really puzzle me. If the artists themselves are not interested in standing out will the buyers notice them?
Pierre Tavlitzki said:
In a previous network (which has been deleted by its owner) I took the opportunity of a very active discussion to invite the artists to define themselves and their art in about 15 lines. The idea was to build a file with their short CV's for helping them as a group to contact auctioneers.

No member replied ; I think that no member appreciated that their customers need to understand who they are, who were their teachers, why they feel that their art is different of the art of the others.

If an artist does not make the effort to market his art, nobody will be interested to buy it.
Some ponder why they do art, why they are poor artists, why they must do business with art, why they must justify the time to create, some even have to explain the imagery. I do art because I have to, I cannot stop. It has possessed me and I don't intend to fight it. It is also a tribute to the Gods, as all art began. We are playing with God in a lovely whimsical way when we create for his kindness and compassion to us. It is of no accord what God you create for but believe me, when you are in the zone of mindlessness and you are making beautiful pieces of art, you are playing with God. Namaste, Miguel
I too am not trained & I am a self-taught artist. I feel what comes from the depth of the mind & the bottom of the heart is the real art & you don't need training to communicate your feelings to the world through art.
I wish you all success

Sinnet Olina Tiwaz said:
I do art because this is the only way my soul is speaking freely and I simply need to be in close contact to the soul of mine. I am happy when people want a piece of my soul's unique expression. In this way I feel I am sharing light and love that comes straight from heart.

I am self taught, I never went to art schools and I do not feel I have too. The crooked and experimental paintings of mine are a blend of will (thought/idea) and feel (subconsciousness), I honor the crooked and mysterious ways of the unconscious.

Many blessings,

How true!

Michael Forbus said:
Some ponder why they do art, why they are poor artists, why they must do business with art, why they must justify the time to create, some even have to explain the imagery. I do art because I have to, I cannot stop. It has possessed me and I don't intend to fight it. It is also a tribute to the Gods, as all art began. We are playing with God in a lovely whimsical way when we create for his kindness and compassion to us. It is of no accord what God you create for but believe me, when you are in the zone of mindlessness and you are making beautiful pieces of art, you are playing with God. Namaste, Miguel


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