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General Qs and my replies to them - part 30 - Acquiring the right knowledge

Q: How do you acquire knowledge?

Krishna: How do I acquire knowledge? The 'right knowledge'?
I read a lot of high quality peer-reviewed research papers (about 70-80 per day!). 
That is the only way to get high quality knowledge.
Science runs this universe. There is science in each and every Angstrom of this universe. This is knowledge hidden in each and every atom of the universe. Learning how science runs this universe using scientific method  is unlocking that knowledge and the  only right truth seeking way because it overcomes all human frailties while acquiring knowledge.  
To get general awareness, I watch some good TV news channels (for about 30 minutes, not more than that).
I read some good newspapers ( I allot 15 minutes for this purpose, that is more than enough).
Despite my absent mindedness, I watch human behaviour very closely.
Is this enough?
I do critical thinking. A lot. This is very important to  acquire genuine knowledge.
Critical thinking is highly disciplined, knowledge oriented, analytical well directed ( informed by genuine evidence and data), monitored and a corrective process. It follows rigorous standards of excellence. 
Critical Thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to action.”
You get proper insights only through critical thinking. Only when you get insights, do you become a truly knowledgeable or enlightened person.
(Some people asked me after reading this reply of mine why I don't read books.  Books, like everybody thinks, are not the correct sources of information. Anybody can write anything in them, especially if   it is not supported by the right evidence, you cannot trust that information at all.  I  read some very absurd books in my childhood. They were highly misleading. 
Reading books is like seeing the world through somebody else's eyes. Books  are mostly perception based, and need not be evidence based.  If what is shown in a book is not a correct view, you can easily get mislead if you are not a critical thinker. That is why I don't recommend books.
This is not to say all books are bad. But many people who have argued with me against science quoted from the books they read. This clearly shows why books mislead people most of the time.)
Q: We are just degree students and cannot understand peer-reviewed high quality research papers. What is the solution for people like us to acquire the right knowledge?
Q: How can we think critically?
Krishna: I can understand your problem. When I was a student I was like you. Misguided by books and ill-advised about knowledge sources. But fortunately I realised my faults after acquiring my PhD.
If you cannot understand research papers, don't worry, we are here to help you. "Science Communication" is the field founded specifically to help common people. 
We torture our brains to bring relief to you. Follow what we write and post on our networks, you won't miss a thing!
If you still cannot follow a few things, just ask questions. We will clarify things in a more simple way.
Please click on the 'critical thinking' link given above to understand the process of critical thinking. 
 Q: Don't  innocence and stupidity cause problems, while dealing with knowledge? How do we deal with them?
Krishna:  Yes, they do. 
Innocence because it cannot understand what is genuine knowledge and what is fake and can support and follow the latter just based on blind emotional feelings. 
Stupidity, because it obstinately refuses to differentiate between genuine and fake knowledge.
Gaining genuine knowledge removes innocence.
Stupidity is the most stubbornest hurdle for knowledge acquirement. It requires great deal of hard work to melt stupidity away.
Q: What is the use of acquiring so much knowledge and doing critical thinking?
Krishna: By acquiring vast knowledge in various fields, you can creatively connect various things, and solve problems easily. Physics can help biology, Chemistry can help Biology than biology alone and this  cooperation is more successful than work in only individual fields.
Art can help in communicating science, science can help art in preservation and detecting frauds.
Critical thinking makes you follow the right path and helps you in taking correct decisions all the time.

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