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Do they? I don’t know.

However, I can tell that most of them aren’t selfish after interacting with them.

With the ever increasing population and limited resources to support it, some people don’t feel secure to bring more children into this world.

Some told me bringing children into this uncertain world with climate change, global warming pandemics, and what not doesn’t seem nice. Children need a safe and secure world to live in. If we cannot provide it, it is better not to bring them into this world. At the core of this hesitation to procreate is a reigning sense of moral responsibility—a responsibility not to have more kids during global instability.

Some told me children are not being treated well - in schools, playgrounds, neighbourhoods - they are being bullied, subjected to inhuman treatment, and even worse things like paedophilia, human trafficking, terrorist activities and wars. And they (parents) can’t be everywhere to protect children 24X365.

Some told me they can treat all the children in the world as their own providing love and affection, education, food and all essential things children need. They need not have their own children.

Some have economic constraints. They cannot bring them up in a good and stable state with limited economic freedom. Some have time constraints. 

Some are busily engaged in several humanitarian projects that they don’t have time for their own families. These people prefer not to have children of their own.

I have also seen some nuns who dedicated their lives to religion, God and other humanitarian work.

Some people are worried about all the pain and difficulties they have to endure with child birth and subsequent bringing up children!

Some say in fact people with their own children get very selfish and cannot have a universal outlook to treat all the children in the world alike. “Biases”? Yes! Human frailties? Yes! For them their own children are above others!

Some want their children to look after them during old age - children are like an investment for the rainy day. That is why they have children. This again is a selfish trait!

However, death, destruction, and the unstable state occurs throughout human history. If everybody thinks in this way, there won’t be children at all and human propagation stops.

And reproduction is one of the important traits of life!

Some want children, some don’t, for various reasons. Each one points the finger at the other and says they are selfish and bad.


All sorts of people live in this world and we have to deal with them.

If people want children of their own, it is their business.

If they don’t, it is their thinking.

Both are right in their own ways.

So why should we bother?

Image source: Adobe stock

Children are children whether yours are mine. Nothing compares to those cute little marvels.

Without children, whether yours or mine, this world will be worthless.

It doesn’t matter whether they are yours or mine, they are all mine, because I have a universal outlook.

And I am not selfish without my own children! Ask all the children who play with me day and night. They love and adore me like they love and adore their own parents and sometimes even more! And when they do that they don’t think about my busy work in the lab or ‘time constraint’. They knew I am their most dependable ‘friend’. And children are not ‘biased’ in their thinking. So they are correct when they think ‘love‘ doesn’t stop at the door of my home and it is available throughout the universe, wherever a child is present!

That is why they come running to me whenever they feel like doing it!

And they never get disappointed.

“Selfish?” What does that mean?

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