Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Additions to the instructions for obtaining,
bioptical compositions
Bioptical Art, offers the possibility to communicate by fine art
perceptions to which man has not yet developed skills.
-Each form of the field, 1, corresponds a form in, filed 2,
-Vertical dimensions of each pair of shapes are equal.
-Horizontal dimensions of each pair of shapes, differs, up to p = 6 mm.
-Each pair of shapes are placed in the two fields at the same vertical height.
-Horizontal position of each form of the pair vary in distance from the right.
side of the field 1, respectively of field 2, in the limit of d = 10 mm.
The values of p and d refers to the height fields, 8 cm
Observation distance is 1.5m
For other value of the height fields these values change proportionally
Use bioptical device allows a relaxed observation from any distance.
-A forma do campo 1 corresponde a uma forma, o campo 2.
(há exceções)
- Dimensões verticais de pares deve ser igual
- O tamanho horizontal para diferentes pares p = 6 mm, 80 mm de altura campo.
- A posição horizontal de cada forma do par, para a borda direita do campo, 1,
e respeitar a borda direita do campo, 2, diferem limitar a d = 10 mm
Usar, o dispositivo bioptical permitea uma observação relaxada a partir de qualquer distância.
Fields that compose bioptical composition are arranged on vertical.
For the ability to communicate, bioptical effects in the absence bioptical device, the fields are placed horizontally.
Fields placed horizontally allows people to observe boptical effects on the crossed eyes.
This way of looking, was discovered by:
- Le Clerk (1712) pointed to the binocular rivalry with colours.
- Dutour (1760, 1763) clearly describes the binocular rivalry of two colours with contour. He also describes the fusion with the naked eye, by eye convergence or divergence. This modality of observation was resumed in 1990 by Christopher Tyler in the autostereograms invented by him and popularly called "Magic Eye".
Is used in research – example:
Randolph Blake lists more than 140 references in his study A Primer on Binocular Rivalry, Including Current Controversies, published in "Brain and Mind" in 2001. Sixty percent of the titles were published after 1975. [Figure 2.1 of this chapter is reproduced from Blake`s article.] Blake briefly reviews the main contributions, starting with J.B. Porta`s De Refractione. Optices Part. Libri Novem of 1593, quoted by N.J. Wade in 1998 in A Natural History of Vision.
- Is currently used - see on Google :
3D images without glasses
My first publication 19.02.1974
First publication of bioptical technique
Liviu Iliescu; OSIM Patent no 67678/19.02.1974 - Method for model making.
See link ;
14. Some additions and resumptions on the bioptical composition
Use bioptical device allows a relaxed observation from any distance :
for fields arranged on horizontal and for fields arranged on vertical
Fields that compose bioptical composition are arranged on vertical.
Placement fields on horizontal offers the possibility bioptical
communication effects failing that the bioptical device
Extracted from (link): 6. Aspects relative to the applications of plastic arts in psychotherapy
Vasily Kandinsky ; about his abstract art
About his paintings:
a) Impressions – namely the impression made by the surrounding nature
b) Improvisations – namely impulses from the unconscious
c) Compositions – the dominant role is played by reason, conscious awareneness, purposefulness, finality, with elaborations in a longer time period.
To be sure, the amount of writings about modern art is overwhelming. I am trying to situate my preoccupations in the context of the great many styles and currents which evolved after the so-called impressionist revolution.
Relative to Vasily Kandinsky’s statements, namely (a), I point to my attempt
in the bioptical composition 6.1:
Fig. 6.1. L. Iliescu – Study D – oil on cardboard – 90 X 65 cm
Is a bioptical painting which appears as a regular painting,
but containing bioptical stimulus.
Bioptical painting must be observed with bioptical device
Are not indicated with the letters all pairs.
Forms A, A : B,B ;….. which occupy large areas of the field also need to
follow the rules for size pair forms and their location in field.
Forms G,L,K, H, have no pair, but are only in field 2 the reasons
artistic (mirroring). Their pair would have to be repeated at the top of the field 1.
Nem todos os pares são marcados com letras.
A, A, ; B,B ;… forma que ocupam grandes áreas do campo também precisa seguir
as regras para as formas de tamanho par e sua localização no campo.
Formas G,L,K,H, não têm par, mas são apenas, in, o campo 2, as razões
artística (espelhamento). O seu par teria de ser repetido no topo do camp 1.
Fig. 6.2 Details from figure 6.1
Placement fields on horizontal offers the possibility bioptical
communication effects failing that the bioptical device
Do we need special glasses to learn this course? With crossed eyes I am unable to find tings you are mentioning. Moreover my eyes are aching when I look at these pictures with crossed eyes. Where do we get these glasses?
Dear Vijetha Krishna
Thank you for your interested in Bioptical Art
Observation with crossed eyes is used only when the fields
are arranged horizontally.
Observation with crossed eyes should be trained; following the discussion that I will send the following days.
I do not recommend it for the composition of Bioptical Art,
where fields are placed vertically and where it is used bioptical device.
Bioptical device has not yet made and not found in trade.
It can be obtained with simple methods that I have given drawings:
To be introduced in Bioptical Art patience is needed.
I can answer any question.
Best regards
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