Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Liviu Iliescu
  • Male
  • Bucharest
  • Romania
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Liviu Iliescu's Friends

  • Bivolaru Carmen-Alexandrina
  • Jonathan Zilberg
  • Popa Vasile
  • Andrea
  • Orlando Serpietri
  • Michael Ricketson
  • marek wysoczynski
  • Georgescu Dan
  • mark.e.gould
  • Ifthica Shamsudeen
  • Mauricio Antonio Veloso Duarte
  • Catherine sarah hislop
  • Stella Chaviaropoulou
  • lucia mesquita bleasby
  • Macovei  Lilioara

Liviu Iliescu's Discussions

Some observations, of extrapolating application, to fine art

Started Nov 5, 2018 0 Replies

Some observations, of extrapolating application, to fine art WikipediaIn philosophy. Extrapolation is the extension of the sphere of a notion from one domain to another or a shift from one idea to…Continue

Some observations, of extrapolating application, to fine art

Started Oct 26, 2018 0 Replies

Some observations, of extrapolating application, to fine art WikipediaIn philosophy. Extrapolation is the extension of the sphere of a notion from one domain to another or a shift from one idea to…Continue

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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 6:12pm on November 8, 2015, Catherine sarah hislop said…

my email

At 3:10pm on April 6, 2015, Bivolaru Carmen-Alexandrina said…
At 11:22am on February 11, 2015, Bivolaru Carmen-Alexandrina said…

                     Superba imaginea; talentul in pictura aproape egaleaza eruditia filozofico-stiintifica!

                     'Absurdul vesniciei'... Genial! Dureros de adevarat! Va felicit inca o data!

Totusi, Demiurgul pare ca priveste rece, usor intelegator la neobositul alergator, care nu da semne ca stie nici unde vrea sa ajunga, nici de ce, nici macar ce i se intampla, dar nu se lasa! Asta conteaza: perseverenta...

       Va multumesc pentru intregul moment ; pentru mine reprezinta un cumul artistic de mare rezonanta stilistica, psihologica, senzitiva!

At 10:41am on December 6, 2014, Orlando Serpietri said…

Orlando Serpietri

Ispettore Onorario del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.

Presidente del Movimento "CENTO ARTISTI PER IL MONDO"

Invita (costo zero) tutte le categorie degli Artisti, Scienziati, Cultori dell’Arte e Artigiani a, promuoversi Fondatori e sostenitori del Nuovo Rinascimento Intellettuale “ILLUMINATI E CREATIVI” catalizzatori del cambiamento Culturale, un vero atto di fondazione Sociale dall’Italia in tutta Europa.

Adesioni rivolgersi al Presidente Orlando Serpietri:
Lettura del documento:

At 5:54am on May 22, 2014, Michael Ricketson said…

Hello Liviu Iliescu, thank you for your message! I am not sure what you mean when you ask me to develop the latest post? Thanks..

At 5:15am on April 13, 2014, Mauricio Antonio Veloso Duarte said…

Caro amigo Liviu Iliescu,

Obrigado pelo elogio e pelo interesse em minhas obras. Atualmente estou utilizando guache s/ papel ou s/ tela  juntamente com nanquim em bico de pena.  Mas já utilizei muitas técnicas como fotografia, escanografia, xerox, montagem de pseudo-ready-made (com fotografia) e outras, como aquarela, pastel oleoso e pastel seco.

Vamos conversando.

Um abraço forte,

Mauricio Duarte

At 3:19pm on September 20, 2013, Catherine Mascrès said…

Very interesting, what you do. Thank you for friendship.

At 2:32pm on September 10, 2013, Macovei Lilioara said…


Nu stiu cum se face ceea ce imi propui!

De fapt ce trebuie sa fac eu, unde sa ma uit si sa apar ca si tine pe aceste locuri ?

Nu ma prea pricep la aceste ,,masinatii,, , te rog spune-mi ce si cum...!

At 6:06pm on August 9, 2013, Orlando Serpietri said…

ORLANDO SERPIETRI  Collaboratore del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. Responsabile Regione Lazio, Settore Arte Federitalia.
Presidente del Movimento “CENTO ARTISTI PER IL MONDO” la invita a farne parte non le costa nulla.

At 5:24am on July 18, 2013, Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said…

Happy Birthday and many, many happy returns of the day!

Liviu Iliescu's Blog

The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy (intersection)

Posted on February 1, 2017 at 9:00am 1 Comment

  The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy 

Edited by A.C. Grayling, Naomi Goulder, and Andrew Pyle…


Binocular Rivalry applied into visual-psychotherapy

Posted on November 20, 2016 at 11:00am 1 Comment

In recent decades there were many studies of  binocular rivalry tests that belong to the neuroimaging.


Binocular rivalry bibliography - Robert P O'Shea - Sites -…


Some aspects of the contributions in art and science.

Posted on July 26, 2016 at 8:00am 2 Comments



Some aspects of the contributions in art and science.


It appears as he added more redundancy trying something

this much discussed theme that. to provoke interest


There exist…


Presentation of Bioptical Studies at the "Ion Mincu" Institute of Architecture, Bucharest

Posted on February 1, 2016 at 10:30am 0 Comments


Note. Added by L.Iliescu

This text was written by Prof. dr. Sorin Vasilescu in 1998 and published in

Arta bioptica; Bioptical Art - training of bioptical vision, Crater, Bucharest, 1998,

      148 pages. ISBN 973-9029-37-X  see  …




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