Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Some aspects of the contributions in art and science.



Some aspects of the contributions in art and science.


It appears as he added more redundancy trying something

this much discussed theme that. to provoke interest


There exist can sense that even misses in discussions peripherals

it could be part of a virtual chain to have a useful result.

  Of course I refer to those chains where they can discern how to act early.


  This chain includes more explicit presentation replays, however routine, but without them

  (hindsight) would not have been possible to obtain a useful result.


    I quote from my attempts.

Psychical satiety in affectivity


Art is crowned by  subtle  emotions (J.P. Sartre) that it causes the artistic object,

     which is considered and Readymade discovered by Marcel Duchamp.

    We know that fine art  has an important technological backgroung (scientific)


A readymade could be the section with a photographic camera lens,

presented by the production company for commercial





Might hold an observation

at composition Optical glass ( lumini in spatiu-lights in space)

                                    12  x 17 x10 cm


I have designed this form using  elementary formulas of geometrical optics.

  I thought that the light will go through reflections, a large number of cycles, the wave front

   decreasing in intensity by diffuse reflections at each cycle.

  It can be assumed that after interrupting light,  wave energy will persist in it as a time that tends

    by infinitesimally, time that could be determined using sensitive means.

   My hypothesis, to an eventual verification, it belongs to the realm pre-axiomatic


See link:

Science criteria - SCI-ART LAB


   I present below the method that I set for a  computer program,

designed by me in the '80s that I used  to automatic correction of optical systems.

I did an adaptation which I designed as ZOOM optics and mechanical cam profile

Of course in recent decades have been achieved automated programs developed by specialized institutes (marketed programs), which resulted in designing high efficiency optics, but are used and help programs, especially in the

preliminary stages, to determine the form.


In my program I applied the method bending recognized as efficiency in the past when the correction optical systems are operated using mechanical calculators.


I have used this program for calculating aberrations another program designed by my colleague in the company in which we work,

  Niculae Dumitrescu mathematician, but may be  to use any program; the method is not dependent on a particular program.


Relative to this program

see link;

Science-Art and psychic life


I recently published this method in ResearchGate, wich  resulted from my experience,  method that could be used in a chain with useful purpose.


Inviting the evaluation and eventually use the method that I present (which is free) is the following publications in decades, describing the beneficial effects of applying bending combinations



Design and Correc tion of optical Systems part

Institute of Applied Physics Friedriech Schiller-Universitat Jena


A copy of the method:

Bending method for automatic optical aberations correction


With about 40 years ago I designed a software solution for automatic correction

aberrations of optical systems using the bending.


An important issue in an automatic correction of optical systems is the reference point, respectively

in a change in shape the system to be able to determine optical aberrations relative to paraxial system (ideal) system during cycles remain congruet.


It is known that applying a modified form of the system (eg a radius of curvature)

axially status change or focal length. Operating with a ratio of scale can be achieved with precision

  the initial length.

But the vicious circle in that change and the values established for the changing shape.


Applying a lens optic system shape change by bending method were obtained relationship, to maintain

   congruency paraxial state of the system, in the automatic cycle (of course implicitly state paraxial chromatic)


  I have not yet met this method, but there may be, otherwise described



 So I programmed distances initial Cm and Cn to remain constant during the cycles,

as reference distances.

   In each cycle change distances from the principal planes to vertex.

Adjustments are made on distances dmi; dni or Shi; Shi' such as Cm and Cn

remain constant. Thus in paraxial system, including paraxial chromatism (important)

  remain congruent during the execution of cycles.


Deviations from congruency and the state colors, at cemented lens thicknesses,

  conditioning imposed by Cm and Cn values as a remain constant, prove negligible

in the optimization process, but of course they can limit this process to some optic systems (change of geometric distances without changing the focal length).


A page from the program (Turbo Basic version 1.0); instructions from 6320-6350 containing relationships that relate

the achievement of obtaining Cm and Cn distances that must remain constant during the execution cycles. With relation to 6360 I calculate bending radius R (k + 1) for bending a lens; changing shape, but applying relations, for keeping focal length (if this program all lenses, lens glued including , calculations are considered to be in the air)






 The program has two stages. In the example I chose STAGE 1 application,

Bending 1 on a group of three lenses cemented (2 + 3 + 4) STAGE 1 is targeted spherical aberration correction.



 tep 2 program, implementation Bending 2 lenses cemented (6 + 7)

to correct aberration in the field. Can usually choose the groups for bending noting

Y quotas, incidence bundles on the surface diopter


 This optimization program designed by me, of course necessitated the development of several sub-programs

  how and adaptation program (sub-program) to calculate aberrations within each cycle.

   For its calculation of aberrations I used the program mathematician Nicolae Dumitrescu, that I write down PDN.

 I noted with spherical aberration Sfi value in a cycle as absolute value (recurrent) T = ABS (SFI) and the constant target Tf with, tolerance TFε.


For recurrent aberration field I noted TT absolute value and the target TTf, with, tolerance TTε.

  The value aberrations (spot diagram) obtained by,

PDN program., they are geometric, with no term implication inferred from wave.

   Of course program that I propose can be coupled, to calculate aberrations,

  with a program that complete lack term


Δbi value of recurrence he added the first radius of curvature of the lens group Bendung1 group or Bending 2

   for the  halving  method (to a half the interval Δbi   with change the sign) - see equations). The optimization process is stopped when the value reaches halved Δbi limit value (minimum) scheduled Δbε


  Halving  method


 The first curvature radius

in group or  first ray lens isolated        Value of halving           The absolute value of recurrence  

                                                                                                       (spot diagram )                                                                                                                                                                                       

R k1                                                         +  Δbi                                  TT2 < TT1


Rk1                                                           + Δbi                                   TT3< TT2   

…….                                                        ……                                            ……

Rk1                                                           + Δbi                                   TT(s+1) >TT(s)

………….                                               ………..                                  …………..

Rk1                                                            - Δbi /(2n )                             TT(n+1)< TT(n)


Note: Given that the base R (k1) bends automatically group all the lenses, the lenses remain cemented,

  resulting in a curved lens group, bending group. In each cycle is computed by case aberration T or TT


After executing Bending Step 1 is automatically switch execution Bending Stage 2, which involves placing

the first ray of optical doublet (6 + 7) the value of R61 + Δb, following the sequences of the scheme.


Every change in the form of the system (in the cycle) be checked by sub-routines

  if such change does not exceed the limits mentioned, including any intersections, curve radii.


Note: Given that the base R (k1) bends automatically group all the lenses, the lenses remain cemented,

  resulting in a curved lens group, bending group. In each cycle is computed by case aberration T or TT


After executing Bending Step 1 is automatically switch execution Bending Stage 2, which involves placing

the first ray of optical doublet (6 + 7) the value of R61 + Δb, following the sequences of the scheme.


Every change in the form of the system (in the cycle) be checked by sub-routines

  if such change does not exceed the limits mentioned, including any intersections, curve radii.






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Comment by Liviu Iliescu on August 16, 2016 at 12:13pm

With my program with the algorithm, Bending Automat, I designed Finder scope rifle with optical zoom IOR

obtaining patent:


OSIM QFICIUL DE STAT PENRU INVENTII SI MARCI Bucuresti  Patent;  nr.115472; 20 /11/1996


(Optical system with variable focal -zoom)

Comment by Liviu Iliescu on August 14, 2016 at 9:34am

It is known multitude optical devices, miroscoape, telescopes, lenses for cameras, optical zoom performance limited only by the wavelengths of light or radiation that are used. Automated programs appeared computing mathematical computer developments, which are based on definitions of geometrical optics, complemented

   developments related to the wave nature of radiation.

   Among the latest developments there and accomplishing superlative optical system superacromat.

  What additions would bring in this huge theoretical and practical conquest by my proposal:


      Bending method for automatic optical correction aberations


Leave from the premise that the method, which would come off in my  article, is already included in

publications or in drawers offices of optical computing.

It is natural to be so, knowing that bending method is known, before a few decades,

   as the most effective at generating new systems.

The method consists in modifying the shape of the lens keeping powers, described

  in the latest books  of geometrical optics.

I believe that the application of automatic calculation in bending method would present the advantage

  obtaining rigorously targets (geometric aberration)

  This would make coupled, on a case by case basis, with program

automatic calculation currently used.

Perhaps this coupling was already done, I delayed making confirmation.



Bending automated reporting method allows it the ideal optical system (paraxial)

  keeping rigorous focal length. Essentially apply deductions from known relationship to compose two

optical systems


 Wherein Δ is the distance



Variations in distance between the principal planes of a lens not included in relationship focal resulting from compositing,

causing changes in the geometric distances.




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