Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
In recent decades there were many studies of binocular rivalry tests that belong to the neuroimaging.
Binocular rivalry bibliography - Robert P O'Shea - Sites - Google
fine art binocular rivalry
to see and fine art applications into Binocular Rivalry
VISUAL ROOM PSYCHOTHERAPY patent no. (free) 00123477 (OSIM Romania...
With additions of patents (free) Iliescu Liviu inventor (OSIM) no. 123 477 METODA PENTRU REDARI CINETICE DE TIP STEREOSCOPIC & (OSIM) no. 112 061 METODA PENTRU REALIZAREA MACHETELOR
Known criteria, which experts apply for approval of patents: originality and effectiveness
Summary of
VISUAL ROOM PSYIHOTHERAPY patent (free) no. 00123477
(OSIM Romania ROU) Liviu Iliescu inventor
Comments and replays of texts relative to:
VISUAL ROOM PSYIHOTHERAPY patent no. 00123477 (OSIM Romania) Liviu Iliescu inventor
Extracted from:
The Paired Off Visual Signal 2007, Monitorul Oficial, Bucharest, 95 pages ISBN 978-973-0-05187-2.
Chapter 5
See link; 5. Laboratory hall for visual therapy
5. Laboratory hall for visual therapy
(Cabinet for visual psychotherapy)
Fig. 5.1
Fig. 5.2
Figure 5.1 show the hall for psychotherapy. Shows a section of the hall.
1 – Circular wall of the rotonde; 2 – Cupboard; 3 – Set of bioptical paintings; 4 – Bioptical painting (every painting of the set may be electro-mechanically driven to window A); 5 – Bioptical sculpture; 6 – Frame of a bioptical painting; (The observer, seated in armchair 7 looks through the bioptical device 8 towards B and sees how the forms and colours of the sculpture and painting are floating in space. Some forms are viewed beyond the wall (see the description of figure 4.8); 9 – Monitor (connected to a computer where kinetic forms and colours of a bioptical type are programmed, as described in Patent RO 112061 [13]). The patient may interfere, to modify lines and colours; 10 – Frame for photographic reproductions of the Joey Fischer-type; 11 – niches (with installations for long electrical discharges with thunder – of the lightning type – as well as for corona-type discharges); 12 – revolving platform (where several sculptures 5 and reproductions 10 may revolve in angles up to 3600); C – indirect adjustable lighting, correlated to a spotlight B,with coloured filtres, for lighting up painting 4, which is being seen in window A; 14 – set of devices for objective measurements largely performed by telemetry.
Laboratory for visual therapy, enables the association of numerous stimuli to highlight the favorable factors for the patient.
Among them are those that result from synergetic application in fine art techniques for binocular rivalry, color fusion, images, streoscopy, applying:
no. 112 061 (OSIM- ROU) Liviu Iliecu inventor.
Highlight recent discovery relative to the effective implementation of binocular rivalry, which describe:
Subcortical discrimination; binocular rivalry; magnetic resonance
3. Bioptical effects, definitions
. Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art
( see )
citez deasemeni (links)
Compositions of fine art in which it would be possible to observe t...
Visual sense storming: Bioptical Art eBook: Iliescu Liviu: Amazon.c...
Sculpture containing flat shapes to increase virtual depths
Started by Liviu Iliescu
In this way they can establish hundreds of programs (recipes)
Concept offices are specialized groups of stimuli, equipped with specific means, so that means simplified, offices to
applying therapies allow a larger number of patients.
The cylindrical wall (1) can be installed in a room with normal prismatic shape.
Above descends several mobile panels (P) to form a cylindrical wall inside (total or partial) for testing under conditions of protection (isolation) sound and the ability to create openings that occur gradually (by in each case) means for testing.
Since the case in the position (T) can sit therapist.
Some notes
Building complexes for use and development of research in Binocular Rivalry should be established gradually in universities.
I propose possible criteria for experimental development.
See link:
Bioptical Art : Psychical satiety in affectivity
This item is added to my publication:
15. Psychical satiety in affectivity
I keep coming back to the main idea noting that a vector can be defined
that reported psycho-physiological to the structure of would have dimensions:
Utility, Needs, Satiety
I he added
(similarly cybernetic of developments)
Satiety feedback would appear on need be. A cyclic dynamics can also be noticed in the relation need – satiety as follows:
-Need is presented cyclically in succession with satiety.
-Primitive needs have a higher frequency (are installed in time more frequently) than the educated ones.
-Educated needs have a lower frequency, to the extent of an affiliation more remote from primitive needs, some of them become non-periodic (figure 15.1).
This vector could get qualifications:
-minor interest
-applicable in limited situations to developments by intelligence.
-of survival.
-as an attribute of life, in contact with the environment by adapting
reflex: response (of contact agent) favorable - unfavorable.
- Divine vector
As fine art applications, to the attention of professional artists who feel limited by technical means.
The artists obsessed by their style, whose imminent subconscious emphasizes the role of everlastingness and progress in communication by means of fine art, will find out all about the way to create forms for a different contemplation modality.
I present some possibilities of ways to increase communication, relating to the fine art in order to experience the psychological growth influencing.
I am calling into question to analyze how much could be taken into consideration the correction factor such as a vector in which saturation has a role that must be taken into account.
The study of currents, movements, styles and manifestos of fine arts, tarting with Impressionism, as aroused interest in some questions:
- Why are there so many currents in a relatively brief historic period?
- Why have artists given up generous ideas and valuable contents after only a few years from their appearance?
- Is this only a quest for originality?
- Why do they rather quickly satiate affective experiences and are turned to account as decorative elements?
The causes are multiple, but could be considered a psychic saturation (satiety).
In connection with this, I quote a doctoral thesis, in which results of experiments, extending the concept of satiety, at physical state
of activity
2. Satiety may comprise very different areas of preoccupations and situations. You can saturate to interpret a particular study at the piano or even interpret, studies, in other cases not only studies but in general to play at the piano, and even to be saturated of music in general, so it was not you can listen or an opera or a concert. (translated from German) (1)
Reference (1) Karsten A. ; Psychishe Sattigung Psychol. Forsch., 928, v. 10 page 145
From Wikipedia : Psychishe Sattigung
Psychische Sättigung bezeichnet ein Phänomen, das sich bei häufiger Ausführung einer Handlung einstellen kann, wenn diese als Wiederholung erlebt wird.
Eine zunächst als angenehm oder neutral empfundene Tätigkeit verliert im Zuge der häufigen Wiederholung den positiven Aufforderungscharakter für die handelnde Person – es kommt zu einer ausgeprägten Abneigung gegenüber der Handlung. Diese Abneigung „steigert sich unter Umständen so weit, dass die Person trotz eines gewissen äußeren Zwanges und trotz guten Willens und großer Anstrengung die Arbeit fortzuführen, diese Arbeit nicht mehr ausführen 'kann' und daher abbricht“, heißt es in der Studie Psychische Sättigung, mit der die finnische Psychologin Anitra Karsten dieses Phänomen 1928 erstmals ausführlich experimentell untersuchte.[1] Karstens Studie gehörte zum Berliner Experimentalprogramm ihres Lehrers, des Gestaltpsychologen Kurt Lewin, zur "Handlungs- und Affektpsychologie", mit deren Hilfe dieser seine psychologische Feldtheorie der Person entwickelte.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semantic satiation (also semantic saturation) is a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds.
Possible to developments by applying the results of publication: - Neuron - Brian N Pasley, Linda C Mayes ...
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