Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

lucia mesquita bleasby
  • Female
  • fortaleza-ceara
  • Brazil
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Lucia mesquita bleasby's Friends

  • Jonathan Zilberg
  • Andrea
  • Jesus Gonzalez
  • Liviu Iliescu
  • marek wysoczynski
  • Jagan Pole
  • Sheila Cristina Barboza Gomes
  • Ifthica Shamsudeen
  • Stella Chaviaropoulou
  • Josie Taglienti
  • nour
  • delia
  • Milivoj Šegan
  • Zarbis

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Are you genuinely interested in joining this network and consider being very active? We have very limited space here.

Lucia Mesquita artista plástica, escultora,designer stilly,costumize.Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil.

Lucia mosque
album "Colours of Happiness"
BELIEVE in ART that does evolve and transform. INSTRUMENT OF CONTRIBUTION and changes. MAKES U.S. thinking, breathing and questioning. THOUGHTS OF ART and ideas that transpires.
body and soul in HARMONY.
in full motion brings the meaning of existence.
CONCEPTS free art concepts and pre-
simple in its diversity.
Great expression of feelings and expressions
UNE THAT conference, the UNIVERSE.
ECOA that revolutionary cry from generation to generation
Infinite Dreams proved imagined every day.
Want to make a NEW WORLD
SAY men who are all in battle RACES OF BROTHERS
FINALLY, I want to create BEINGS THAT NO
MIX the Realms, vegetable and mineral
TALK to the man in a new language or do not speak any language
Send message to a contemplative
"ALWAYS QUIZ create something, a gift, a birth." Lucia Mosque.
Bureau d'Art. Avenida Santos Dumont, 1267 SL 1002 Ed.Barros Leal.
Aldeota.Fortaleza Ceará Brazil. (085) 3248 22 89. CEP. 81147300



           Lucia Mesquita Escritório D'Arte Fortaleza Ceará Brasil                      

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Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 10:38am on February 24, 2013, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Lucia

I read your comment on The Dance of Live

and I lived your emotions caused by Matisse dance.

At the same time I felt sadness to be abandoned

without explanation by you.


Latest pictures that we received from you though were not

bioptical compositions however they were very nice, attesting original style

which I have called binary style.



  I will always feel your passion for art that transpires

of your visual communications.


Greetings from Romania


At 9:55pm on July 31, 2012, Ifthica Shamsudeen said…

I really welcome your friendship.


My personal welcome to this wonderful site. This is a great place to network and make friends.


I would be honoured if you would kindly join my Ning Network 'Friends of Asia' too.


Best regads,



Please CLICK HERE to Join 'Friends of Asia'

At 7:56am on July 9, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Querido amigo

Ver a discussão;  Additions to the instructions for obtaining,

bioptical compositions

eu escrevi as principais direções em Português para você

Pergunte-me perguntas. Estou interessado que a sua visão para a

 arte de ser traduzidos em Arte Bioptical

Com os cumprimentos da Roménia


At 5:12am on July 4, 2012, Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said…

Thank you for posting interesting DNA letters! Have a great day!


At 5:20pm on July 2, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Caro amigo Lucia

Pela primeira vez na gravação porrtugheza.

Minha língua é o romeno é uma língua latina.

Você é um artista talentoso e eu estou contente você fechar

Arte  Bioptica

Espere instruções para continuar a trabalhar.

Eu escrevo em Inglês para entender e membros do grupo.

Se você não entender alguma explicação, eu vou repetir texto


Com grande simpatia


At 12:33am on July 1, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Lucia

You can enter in composition how big a number you want of pair forms. You do need to respect the conditions for pairs.

Fields must be drawn according to my sketch, observing

vertical and horizontal., otherwise result not bioptical drawing.


At 12:18am on July 1, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…


 Dear Lucia

Thank you.

Attention! if You imagine one bioptical  drawing  you need to take account of these rules

 Fig. 3

-Each form of the field, 1, corresponds a form in, filed 2.

-Vertical dimensions of each pair of shapes are equal.

-Horizontal dimensions of each pair of shapes, differs, up to 6 mm.

-Each pair of shapes are placed in the two fields at the same vertical height

-Horizontal position of each form of the pair vary in distance from the right side of the field 1, respectively of field 2, in the limit of 10 mm


At 7:14pm on June 30, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Lucia

You're the closest to my work.

See description:

Bioptical sketches (simplified);


 I'm sure you will understand me and that I would be

enthusiastic about your colors.


With admiration for your talent

Greetings from Romania


At 12:48pm on June 27, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Licia

Can not find your message of 26 June  12

With much sympathy

Liviu iliescu


At 2:58pm on June 23, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear friend Lucia

Your composition is outstanding in terms of  binary structure.

I like, but I am not art critic.

  You follow the discussions that I write.

 I have found ways simplified, for introduction in Bioptical Art

Greetings from Romania




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