Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Michael Ricketson
  • Male
  • Dublin, PA
  • United States
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Michael Ricketson's Friends

  • Liviu Iliescu
  • marek wysoczynski
  • Jagan Pole
  • Puttaswamy Gudigar
  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 9:45am on November 10, 2015, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Michael

 I come back with a request to accept as a donation to a device, with which you can examine my work.

I was impressed with your observations, sensing something special

 in my compositions and your desire to have a device with which to see.


I've arranged to get a small number, using artisan skills of a known.

You will have no obligation and if you communicate your observations to me I will be happy to read them.

If you agree with my proposal communicate your postal address to send you the device, with an international courier

Best regards.

At 7:29pm on June 9, 2014, Liviu Iliescu said…

I congratulate birthday and I wish you health and success in the arts

At 10:20am on May 28, 2014, Liviu Iliescu said…


I quote you:

"I feel that art is anything we do in which function is not the only purpose!"


It would be interesting to discuss other purposes.


II send you this message, hoping that the following might interest you.


Science has made ​​huge progress in health, agriculture, military means ...

But in the fight against stress and some psychiatric disorders such as depression

consider the means and methods progresses slowly.


I have searched long applications in psychotherapy visual art,

without pursuing material benefits.

I studied fine art in relation to the visual sense.

We obtained highlight Googel, highlighting the fact that occurs on the first page

when posting keyword:

fine art sense


I am quoted several times.

I got on the first page I wrote a blog highlighting the

Fine Art America.

Among others is cited and the image series:


Please check posting fine art sense and then click on any of the images:

  You will obtain corresponding publication


   But I feel isolated and disappointed that nobody wants

talk to me.

  My texts are not too clear but can explain the simplified figures.


I thought situated in this discussion to be made by

Simplified sketches to see obtaining biopsy effects

and as few words

   example; see link:

Elementary stereoscopic effect


And link:

The wind and the stars in the fine art compositions; Constantin Brancusi


So no one is interested in the achievements of others, if not

are within the usual techniques, or if not approved by experts.

And experts say the composition and trends that have already been imposed

through criteria in limited known techniques.


Although Googel offers, in my case, a fantastic biliografie orderly scientific

applying each title over 300 criteria, no one was interested to know my techniques.

Please, what is your opinion about this?

I will enjoy your answer, even if I is unfavorable.




At 8:42am on May 21, 2014, Liviu Iliescu said…

You look through the composites and opinions,
great artistic sensibility.
Please develop the latest post.
Please take a discussion with me; forgive my mistakes that I make in English
I am interested to show me that you consider me away from the art.
I can give details what is complicated in my descriptions.
If you do not understand what I write mean the, I do not express myself clearly enough.
Our discussions would be useful for other members

At 1:56pm on August 11, 2013, Liviu Iliescu said…

You're among my friends, who consider my compositions


  I presented in Chapter Discussion simplified sketches for a device that

can access mental srtucture inherited from phylogenesis.


  What are your opinions on my investigations in terra incognita in these psychic structures

Please I would like a communication with you. Any questions you may me

  address is valuable, even if it looks like it is out of topic. I think that I could not express myself clearly or have some wrong assumptions. I propose that we understand step by step

At 9:06am on January 20, 2013, Liviu Iliescu said…

I was impressed that you felt that my compositions have something special and

 that you tried to buy the device with which to get the  biotical effects.

I studied and realized the simplest stereoscope

  You can try to do it and you using drawings and descriptions

that I present in Chapter Discussion

You can ask me anything. I will be happy to answer

Best regards

At 10:32pm on July 30, 2012, Ifthica Shamsudeen said…

I really welcome your friendship.


My personal welcome to this wonderful site. This is a great place to network and make friends.


I would be honoured if you would kindly join my Ning Network 'Friends of Asia' too.


Best regads,


At 7:47am on May 29, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Michael

Of all members group  "Science and Art - Bioptical Art"you feel closest to start introducing the topic, this and your desire to learn Bioptical Art.

We will start discussions from zero, I was forced to clarify the smaller details
Will benefit all the members of the group.
Communicate if you agree and if you have experienced the test,
upon request made to the group.

First I should  help you to perceive effects bioptical elementary.
We have discussions about the concept of primitive perception.
I admire your compositions, which, coming on me, by your artistic sensitivity

 see test

At 8:56am on May 19, 2012, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Michael
I have presented at, the discussion drawings for bioptical device
The device can be made with modest means.
I am interested in a discussion with you. Can I submit details step by step.

Best regards

Liviu Iliescu

At 6:39am on April 5, 2012, Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said…

Thank you.

Profile Information

Are you genuinely interested in joining this network and consider being very active? We have very limited space here.
Your Art/science/literature Website
Tell us how you heard about Sci-Art Lab
I saw artwork by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa, on the social network "I Draw & Paint".
In what way you are associated with art/science/literature?
I am an acrylic and also a digital artist.
Why do you want to join Sci-Art lab?
Primarily having a background as an artist, I am interested in exploring ways to combine art with my interests in astronomy, cosmology, and the general quest to obtain knowledge and improve our lives.




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