Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

 Crystals and Abstract Compositions


Digital images from microscope with polarized light; comments.

Olympus presents an exhibition (gallery) with more than 200 images from Polarization Microscope


  1. Polarized Light Digital Image Gallery - Olympus Microscopy ... - În cache - Pagini similare

Polarized light microscopy is a contrast-enhancing technique that may be utilized
...but are eventually recombined with constructive and destructive interference ....

 In addition to chemical crystals, fibers, hairs, rocks, and minerals, a number of ...


These images are the result of accumulation in science for centuries.


I propose to discuss these images versus abstract compositions made by

known artists from the contemporary.


Abstract compositions are the result of millennia of cultural accumulation.


My proposals (Liviu Iliescu) the enlargement the possibilities

  in visual communication I summarizes them to:


Link;      12. Visual-sense-storming

















Abstract compositions made by  known artists from the contemporary.










 My hypothesis (Liviu Iliescu) about satiety in artifacts that produce aesthetic pleasure




This item is added to my publication:

15. Psychical satiety in affectivity

I keep coming back to the main idea noting that a vector can be defined
that reported psycho-physiological to the structure of would have dimensions:

Utility, Needs, Satiety 
This vector could get qualifications:
-minor interest
-applicable in limited situations to developments by intelligence.
-of survival.
-as an attribute of life, in contact with the environment by adapting
reflex:  response (of contact agent) favorable - unfavorable.
- Divine vector

As fine art applications, to the attention of professional artists who feel limited by technical means.


The artists obsessed by their style, whose imminent subconscious emphasizes the role of everlastingness and progress in communication by means of fine art, will find out all about the way to create forms for a different contemplation modality.

In Perspective: possible completions in the field of philosophical aesthetics, at chapters:

disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge and others.

 Bioptical Art is a new chapter in painting and sculpture.

I present new techniques for visual communication, to the attention fine art artists.

I present some possibilities of ways to increase communication, relating to the fine art in order to experience the psychological growth influencing.
I am calling into question to analyze how much could be taken into consideration the correction factor such as a vector in which saturation has a role that must be taken into account.

In essence my research have been developed at the intersection of fields:

Binocular rivalry, Colour fusion Helmholtz and Stereoscopy.

The methods they propose I highlighted a number of phenomena and effects, by the application them in fine arts compositions. 
The study of currents, movements, styles and manifestos of fine arts, tarting with Impressionism, as aroused interest in some questions:

- Why are there so many currents in a relatively brief historic period?
- Why have artists given up generous ideas and valuable contents after only a few years from their appearance?
- Is this only a quest for originality?
- Why do they rather quickly satiate affective experiences and are turned to account as decorative elements? 

The causes are multiple, but could be considered a psychic saturation (satiety).

My research topic concerns the extension of research in communication of fine art, but think also interesting to extend the concept of satiety at affectivity.

How physical life includes intelligence, affectivity and activity propose for discussion some phrases.

In the genetic program would be a vector, utility- need- satiety

Satiety feedback would appear on need be. A cyclic dynamics can also be noticed in the relation need – satiety as follows:
-Need is presented cyclically in succession with satiety. 
-Primitive needs have a higher frequency (are installed in time more frequently) than the educated ones.
-Educated needs have a lower frequency, to the extent of an affiliation more remote from primitive needs, some of them become non-periodic .



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Very interesting analysis. idea of fashion..thanks for sharing




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