Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Science is universal in nature where as art has roots in and dependent on the culture it originates from for its evolution. So art was varied from place to place and culture to culture earlier. But globalization is changing all this variation in art and making it look like a stunted pigmy these days.

Everywhere in the World I see the same kind of creative works these days! I
wondered several times why this thing is happening. Because everybody
wants to sell their works & become famous. So they follow famous
creative people & their trends. They stop thinking about new trends.
This kills innovation. Creativity suffers as a result. Don't agree?
Here is the proof from science: 

In his book predictably irrational, author Dan Ariely makes the case that globalization inhibits creativity
and ultimately reduces innovation. His idea is that the concept of ‘one
large market’ reduces the diversity of ideas and approaches to the
problems of today.

To make his point, he uses a passage from The Lost World by Michael Crichton in which the chaos-theory scientist character named Malcolm goes on a pessimistic rant against one of the offshoots of
globalization – cyberspace. Malcolm’s point is that in a world where
everyone is connected, creativity, innovation and ultimately, evolution
will suffer.

The idea that the whole world is wired together is mass death. Every biologist knows that small groups in isolation evolve fastest. You put a thousand birds on a ocean island, and they’ll evolve very fast.
You put ten thousand on a big continent, and their evolution slows down.
Now, for our own species, evolution occurs mostly through our behavior.
We innovate new behavior to adapt. And everyone on earth knows that
innovation only occurs in small groups. Put three people on a committee
and they may get something done. Ten people, and it gets harder. Thirty
people, and nothing happens. Thirty million, it becomes impossible.
That’s the effect of mass media–it keeps anything from happening. Mass
media swamps diversity. It makes every place the same–Bangkok or Tokyo
or London: there’s a McDonald’s on one corner, a Benetton on another, a
Gap across the road. Regional differences vanish. All differences
vanish. In a mass-media world, there’s less of everything except top ten
books, records, movies and ideas. People worry about losing species
diversity in the rain forest. But what about intellectual diversity–our
most necessary resource? That’s disappearing faster than trees. But we
haven’t figured that out, so now we’re planning to put five billion
people together in cyberspace. And it’ll freeze the entire species.
Everything will stop dead in it’s tracks. Everyone will think the same
thing at the same time. Global uniformity…

Yes, I fully agree with the author Dan Ariely.  Benefits from Internet & Globalization? - Yes. Cultural Evolution? -No!

Go to any art website & observe the trends in creativity.

Only a hand full of people have the courage to go against the tide. Only these people can innovate & become trend setters. Others are just  trend followers. Majority of the people belong to this second
group. In the Cyberspace you assume a global identity & your
cultural identity is lost. The culture you are born into becomes
secondary & its influence on your creativity gets affected. Cultural
differences - which are very essential for creative evolution - get
diminished.   Doesn't "true creativity" suffer in these circumstances?

What do you think? Please let me know.

(Effects of globalization on creative  evolution is the main topic here. Not creativity or benefits of cyber space.

And now proof from various parts of the globe:

Creative Evolution: A theory similar to that of biological evolution, which argues that human creativity changes gradually throughout time, as a
result of a number of cultural processes.
Culture is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that
depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning
Sorry, I don't see "evolution in creativity". Yes, there is evolution in marketing, evolution in finding new ways to show your art to the world, evolution in following trends created by some people, evolution in new media & technological usage. I want to see true creative evolution of art in all this. This happens only when artists from different parts of the world can find new trends based on true cultural basis in which they are embedded. Not by following a single global culture!

One of the  most important things that enriches culture is variety of thoughts! Are you thinking your own thoughts? Or are you, like too many people these days, blindly and unconsciously seeing the world through the beliefs, convictions, and assertions of others?

You might not know this: In India - for that matter in several parts of the world - in which there was a rich cultural diversity earlier, most of the art forms are becoming extinct. Yes, earlier we had several types of folk music, puppetry, some sort musical story telling on stage - we call it "Burra Katha" & "Hari Katha", rural painting forms, regional painting art works on clothes - all these forms of art are disappearing! Why? Because nobody is encouraging them & nobody is following them because they don't have a market. New globalized market which wants to follow only certain trends doesn't encourage these things. As people who are creative in these art forms cannot earn their livelihood through these they are discarding them & following pop music or painting that the global market wants! And it is happening all over the world. Most of the art forms that belong to different cultures are becoming extinct & this is a fact! I have seen with my own eyes all these things disappearing! There are lots & lots of complaints coming from all parts of the world. I have read several reports myself. Here we are not only talking about individual's creativity levels but also on global creative terms! The world has rich cultural heritage. Most of it is on the brink of extinction.  I am sure our creativity is not limited to fine arts. )

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I liked your story, Mr. Mike. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Shall I tell you something that is true. When people in the art world here first saw my work based on science, they said it is not art! They said there won't be any market for it & advised me to "follow others & trends that are market friendly". " Krishna should do things other artists are doing, not what scientists are doing" is their unanimous opinion. Some even said as I cannot do landscapes, abstracts & figurative art, I chose science as my subject as nobody int he art world can understand it. I laughed & continued with my work. Now I got recognition because of my subject.
How will culture evolve when even people from this field refuse to accept something new? It is not the incompetency of the artists, it is the refusal of the "globally- effected" art world to accept something that is different from global view point that is hindering the cultural evolution!
Shall I tell you something more? If the artists are getting new medium or new technology, they are still doing the same old things in the new medium! They are not going for new creative ideas! How can culture evolve in such a situation? Or is evolution only confined to science & not art?!
Plagiarism is different from "following trends".
Please read below where I discussed how some art forms are disappearing & becoming extinct because of globalization!

Mr. Mike said:
I feel that globalization is not as much the culprit as is the lack of morality and plagiarism. Current pressure to be unique and individualistic has lead to copying. That being said globalization due to the World Wide Web has contributed to the ease at which one can acquire a digital copy of an original work of art or an idea or a campaign. Laws for copy rights of our original artistic endeavors vary so drastically from country to country that at no time is our work safe once you begin to promote it on the World Wide Web. Perhaps an additional problem is how do we as original creative people display our work for sale on the World Wide Web with the security and comfort that our forefathers had when placing a framed painting in a gallery or museum?

There will always be copying of styles and what sells in this current economy is what becomes hot and thus what is hot needs to be emulated so that the artist can continue to eat, that is how it works, always has always well… but the thievery and the mindless copying that I think is the topic of discussion, is once again the true culprit and the undermining of originality.

Additionally image saturation due to corporate mass marketing has begun to chip away at our ability to see or experience something new and unique. Further more another mindless corporate approach has been the Henry Ford approach to the structure of what we see and how it is laid out. If a geographic area is accomplishing high yields than all other areas need to be clones of that area. This, of course, if you were a logical human would know that this makes no sense. This approach reminds me of an old story I herd while in college. The story goes something like this. A professor was removing the legs of a live frog one at a time and the frog was asked to jump with each amputation. Each time when the Frog was asked to jump the distance became shorter. Once the frogs’ legs were completely removed it was again asked to jump. The frog was asked several times to the point of yelling, of course the frog did not budge, none the less jump. The conclusion that was arrived to by the professor was “a frog with no legs is deaf!”

The continual degradation of our visual cornucopia is directly related to the ability to mass market, it is not that creativity has floundered, there are just as many original thinkers as days gone by, the difference is that they are now exploited by the wall marts and k marts and super stores of the world. You and I are victims of the corporate giants selling us on “be different” buy our stuff just like everybody else! A logical person would immediately understand, of course, how is it possible to be individuals, how can this be accomplished logically? Of course, it is Impossible to be an individual at this time; we are purchasing things that have shipping quantities in the billions.

For one person to be creative as you have mentioned it is of course easy, a group of five still doable, however it is not once again globalization nor instant information but greed that has muddied the pallet of creativity. The copies are the result of a struggling society to match the efforts of the original Creative mind and then finding a cheaper none qualified or not as creative person in a position of creative decision making to do what the original has done. Plagiarism is the result of People being raised to a level of incompetency, not globalization!

Of course this is just my opinion!

Mr. Mike
What you are quoting is because of the improvement of science & technology in this century. Not because of globalization. Science has created new mediums, new ways to create works & set new standards. Whatever little progress has been done in the evolution it is because of science.
But are artists using it to evolve creativity by adopting new paths? Are the cultures evolving because of these? Very, very slowly like a snail! Cultural evolution is stagnating because most artists want to do the same thing! Yes, you are right. It depends on the people who use it. But in the global era, it is easy to get "influenced by certain people & trends" instead of doing your own thing like in the past.

If the artists are getting new medium or new technology, they are still doing the same old things in the new medium! They are not going for new creative ideas! How can culture evolve in such a situation? Or is evolution only confined to science & not art?!
Effects of globalization on creative evolution is the main topic here. Not creativity or benefits of cyber space.

Brian said:
What you are quoting is because of the improvement of science & technology in this century. Not because of globalization. Science has created new mediums, new ways to create works & set new standards. Whatever little progress has been done in the evolution it is because of science.
But are artists using it to evolve creativity by adopting new paths? Are the cultures evolving because of these? Very, very slowly like a snail! Cultural evolution is stagnating because most artists want to do the same thing! Yes, you are right. It depends on the people who use it. But in the global era, it is easy to get "influenced by certain people & trends" instead of doing your own thing like in the past.

If the artists are getting new medium or new technology, they are still doing the same old things in the new medium! They are not going for new creative ideas! How can culture evolve in such a situation? Or is evolution only confined to science & not art?!

I really don't agree with the thought at all. Globalization has made are more diverse and prevalent than ever before, and technology has allowed more artists to get their art out there than in recent decades. As for innovation ... you just have to look around you in the world. Galleries have some of the most interesting works lately, in limitless styles, mediums & subject matters ... artists can use newer and newer technologies and real world supplies to create better and longer lasting works than ever before and as a whole ... the only thing inhibiting innovative thoughts and creativity of a person, is the person. As an artist today you can excell in many fields, the applied arts uses any one of any art back ground (graphic design, web design, illustration, screen printing, sign design and fabrication, printing, conceptual art for movies games and more, motion graphics, etc. etc. etc.) and with sites like etsy you can get your work directly sold to a market that wants to buy art, and galleries clamor for the next big thing to sell to their clients.
Globalization means: Globalization (or globalisation) describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.[1] However, globalization is usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and biological factors.[2] The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation.

Cultural (& creative) evolution: A theory similar to that of biological evolution, which argues that human cultures change gradually throughout time, as a result of a number of cultural processes.
An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning.

Marcelino Ferreiro Paz said:
Few artists have excelled throughout history . Although not fully understand the term globalization, I wonder why it would be different today.PAZ
Sorry, I don't see "evolution in creativity". Yes, there is evolution in marketing, evolution in finding new ways to show your art to the world, evolution in following trends created by some people, evolution in new media & technological usage. I want to see true creative evolution of art in all this. This happens only when artists from different parts of the world can find new trends based on true cultural basis in which they are embedded. Not by following a single global culture!
You might not know this: In India - for that matter in several parts of the world - in which there was a rich cultural diversity earlier, most of the art forms are becoming extinct. Yes, earlier we had several types of folk music, puppetry, some sort musical story telling on stage - we call it "Burra Katha" & "Hari Katha", rural painting forms - all these forms of art are disappearing! Why? Because nobody is encouraging them & nobody is following them because they don't have a market. New globalized market which wants to follow only certain trends doesn't encourage these things. As people who are creative in these art forms cannot earn their livelihood through these are discarding them & following pop music or painting that the global market wants! And it is happening all over the world. Most of the art forms that belong to different cultures are becoming extinct & this is a fact! I have seen with my own eyes all these things disappearing!There are lots & lots of complaints coming from all parts of the world. I have read several reports myself. Here we are not only talking about individual's creativity levels but also on global creative terms! The world has rich cultural heritage. Most of it is on the brink of extinction. I am sure our creativity is not limited to fine arts.
We don't say anything without proof.

Brian said:
Technology has a MAJOR impact on globalization. Not only that but because of technology and the access to information it has an effect on "creative evolution" which I still say is not stagnant. Trying to compare one without the other and not fully exploring all that there is out there to begin with is a lot like trying to juice an orange without breaking the rind or disturbing the flesh inside. New mediums and technologies bring with it new ways of making art and creative works. As with all types of art .... creative stagnation has little to do with cultural impacts but personal impacts and the lack of creativity there of. It may seem that creative evolution has slowed but it has in fact been growing fast, as since there are a higher percentage of artists working to better themselves and their art that can actually get their art out there ... the art scene as grown exponentially more interesting.

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa said:
What you are quoting is because of the improvement of science & technology in this century. Not because of globalization. Science has created new mediums, new ways to create works & set new standards. Whatever little progress has been done in the evolution it is because of science.
But are artists using it to evolve creativity by adopting new paths? Are the cultures evolving because of these? Very, very slowly like a snail! Cultural evolution is stagnating because most artists want to do the same thing! Yes, you are right. It depends on the people who use it. But in the global era, it is easy to get "influenced by certain people & trends" instead of doing your own thing like in the past.

If the artists are getting new medium or new technology, they are still doing the same old things in the new medium! They are not going for new creative ideas! How can culture evolve in such a situation? Or is evolution only confined to science & not art?!
Effects of globalization on creative evolution is the main topic here. Not creativity or benefits of cyber space.

Brian said:
What you are quoting is because of the improvement of science & technology in this century. Not because of globalization. Science has created new mediums, new ways to create works & set new standards. Whatever little progress has been done in the evolution it is because of science.
But are artists using it to evolve creativity by adopting new paths? Are the cultures evolving because of these? Very, very slowly like a snail! Cultural evolution is stagnating because most artists want to do the same thing! Yes, you are right. It depends on the people who use it. But in the global era, it is easy to get "influenced by certain people & trends" instead of doing your own thing like in the past.

If the artists are getting new medium or new technology, they are still doing the same old things in the new medium! They are not going for new creative ideas! How can culture evolve in such a situation? Or is evolution only confined to science & not art?!

I really don't agree with the thought at all. Globalization has made are more diverse and prevalent than ever before, and technology has allowed more artists to get their art out there than in recent decades. As for innovation ... you just have to look around you in the world. Galleries have some of the most interesting works lately, in limitless styles, mediums & subject matters ... artists can use newer and newer technologies and real world supplies to create better and longer lasting works than ever before and as a whole ... the only thing inhibiting innovative thoughts and creativity of a person, is the person. As an artist today you can excell in many fields, the applied arts uses any one of any art back ground (graphic design, web design, illustration, screen printing, sign design and fabrication, printing, conceptual art for movies games and more, motion graphics, etc. etc. etc.) and with sites like etsy you can get your work directly sold to a market that wants to buy art, and galleries clamor for the next big thing to sell to their clients.
My dear Friends:technology brings new materials that can be useful and are welcome, networks communicate easier than ever (also complicates when everybody wants to get involved in such a bussiness). But globalization in terms of art, I am not capable of understanding, because art comes from the deepest and sometimes unknown side of ourselves, which is personal, unique, impossible to globalize. Of course , there are artists who follow tendencies, and follow them very close, those, shouldn`t be considered artists, and cause much confusion.
The term 'globalization' is a political term/idea. Within the realm of creativity, I don't think it is a particularly useful term. Creativity is a term contained within the humanities. It encompasses all, and then nothing more than itself; this is the essential challenge of creativity.
Yes Simplas'Pages, briefly , I agree with your text. And not only artistic creation an individual is attitude about everything around us and the universal self. So globalization is nothing new, just a mere sequence of biologism society and individuals, or even the term because it is part and Greek terminology. Thus even in the so-called art .
best regards ...Milivoj Šegan
Sorry, I don't see "evolution in creativity". Yes, there is evolution in marketing, evolution in finding new ways to show your art to the world, evolution in following trends created by some people, evolution in new media & technological usage. I want to see true creative evolution of art in all this. This happens only when artists from different parts of the world can find new trends based on true cultural basis in which they are embedded. Not by following a single global culture!
You might not know this: In India - for that matter in several parts of the world - in which there was a rich cultural diversity earlier, most of the art forms are becoming extinct. Yes, earlier we had several types of folk music, puppetry, some sort musical story telling on stage - we call it "Burra Katha" & "Hari Katha", rural painting forms - all these forms of art are disappearing! Why? Because nobody is encouraging them & nobody is following them because they don't have a market. New globalized market which wants to follow only certain trends doesn't encourage these things. As people who are creative in these art forms cannot earn their livelihood through these they are discarding them & following pop music or painting that the global market wants! And it is happening all over the world. Most of the art forms that belong to different cultures are becoming extinct & this is a fact! I have seen with my own eyes all these things disappearing!There are lots & lots of complaints coming from all parts of the world. I have read several reports myself. Here we are not only talking about individual's creativity levels but also on global creative terms! The world has rich cultural heritage. Most of it is on the brink of extinction. I am sure our creativity is not limited to fine arts.
We don't say anything without proof!
Yes Krishna, the great inventor Nikola Tesla, the high-frequency motor, which was invented in his head, some of his sixth sense, contrary to all expectations of knowledge at that time, he said to his electric motor, it was an invention where there is nothing to add or take away .. . This your text good for me,is similar to , it does not add up as much or take away, I have not nothing for replicate you ! It is always difficult to recognize the same value for our life in spite of modern communication and high flow informations. We are witnessing the destruction of past values, and vice versa, their rescue, as far as it can .. Universal chemical pot is such a relentless, you know it well!
Greeting,.. M.Šegan
Thanks for seeing & accepting the truth in the way it is, Milivoj! It is the first step towards solving the problem.


Milivoj Šegan said:
Yes Krishna, the great inventor Nikola Tesla, the high-frequency motor, which was invented in his head, some of his sixth sense, contrary to all expectations of knowledge at that time, he said to his electric motor, it was an invention where there is nothing to add or take away .. . This your text good for me,is similar to , it does not add up as much or take away, I have not nothing for replicate you ! It is always difficult to recognize the same value for our life in spite of modern communication and high flow informations. We are witnessing the destruction of past values, and vice versa, their rescue, as far as it can .. Universal chemical pot is such a relentless, you know it well!
Greeting,.. M.Šegan
Yes, art should first define, in this century it has not moved away from the Tesla and Marconi, which is the frequency. The changing state of matter, energy! Already sent to infinity of the universe with the early 20 th century. For the purpose of communication with outside of terrestrial UFO intelligence. Sent frequencies remain forever.Most of the forms and figures, and forms below this level of life, in all other material carriers will disappear .. and the linear conception of time as it is .. and no ?! It was not just my motivation and interest in this life, as it does not exist ... .. how much is short and elusive in the so-called classical,and all modern conception of artistic creation! In my opinion, the real New art has not yet started, except in such trace! POST MODERN MMXY is a Art Research!!.(my last discussion on this topic interesting topic)
Please add more information on this topic.

Milivoj Šegan said:
Yes, art should first define, in this century it has not moved away from the Tesla and Marconi, which is the frequency. The changing state of matter, energy! Already sent to infinity of the universe with the early 20 th century. For the purpose of communication with outside of terrestrial UFO intelligence. Sent frequencies remain forever.Most of the forms and figures, and forms below this level of life, in all other material carriers will disappear .. and the linear conception of time as it is .. and no ?! It was not just my motivation and interest in this life, as it does not exist ... .. how much is short and elusive in the so-called classical,and all modern conception of artistic creation! In my opinion, the real New art has not yet started, except in such trace! POST MODERN MMXY is a Art Research!!.(my last discussion on this topic interesting topic)


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