Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

 Stereoscope consists mainly of two small mirrors

which is placed in front of one eye, the other eye being free.

Call this type: stereoscope monocular


See description in Annex;

Advantages of the vertical layout of binogrammes


This model has the advantage that after the mounting

   can be adjusted to fit the rules for binocular vision


This stereoscopes is used to picture as an artistic object

and is also used in computer, to compose and contemplate bioptical images


 I will require a university design to recommend me a student

  to run multiple devices   according to drawings below.


I know that its accumulation will contribute to the improvement

 of methods of constructing the device.


I will give advance amounts

that he will ask for his contribution.


  I intend to donate interested persons, these devices,

  persons who want to participate  in continuing of

 experiments that I describe  in 


  Also I will ask the student (for a fee) to manufacture bioptical

composition  that seen with stereoscopic space (monocular)

appears in another space with depths of tens of times higher.


See description in annex;

Bioptical sculpture




  Images and drawings for stereoscope



Stereoscope monocular



 G2 mirror which looks, is mounted on piece 2




 Dimensions of the components












Stereoscope monocular (profile)


 Techniques that I've used in the prototype


On construction of the stereoscope can use tools fretwork


There are some people who could perform stereoscope.


I hope that by motivating a student of design will be an opportunity

 for everyone to get on-demand device


  I will order some stereoscoapes, I will give gift

interested persons to attend; 

12. Visual-sense-storming
Contributions consist of observations even summary


  That student will receive for free, as the right to

execute .


Geometrical conditions (for execution) essential to be taken for

monocular stereoscopic to correspond rules for manufacturing

binocular devices.


G1 and G2 mirror-plane

be perpendicular part 1

mirror-rotation axis G2 (7-piece screw machine)

be perpendicculara on track 1


Stereoscopic monocular is designed to meet

rules in precision tolerances for use in binocular vision



Bonding mirror G1 and piece 3 on piece 1






 M monkeywrench

setting by pressing (red arrows) in the level, piece 3




 For the execution of pieces and assembly, allowed deviations

 from size to 1 ... 2 mm.

Accuracy required by the rules is achieved by adjustments




 Fig.13; Final adjustment


piece 2 sits on part 1, is mounted screw 7 and nut 8

(no intermediate washer 6)

It is used to ensure part 4 M monkeywrench (applying a medium effort)


It looks figure 14 (from computer screen)

from a distance of ~ 1 m.

It then looks to the naked eye alternately with stereoscope

  for a few seconds each time (several times)

  When rotating part 2, it will be noted in figure 15 (a) movement D


Push meaning red arrow and in the opposite direction (from the mirror) on the track 4,

 until movement D will be minimal as in figure 15 (b)

In Figure 15 (c) shows the case in which fuse the images, turning piece 2





 Fig.14; Figure helper for final adjustment



 Fig. 15; Images observed by stereoscope (with both eyes open)

for final adjustment



Helpful tools



Image for verification device






 Monocular stereoscope, which I have proposed above can be executed

with fretwork tools.


  Monocular stereoscopic versions can be built

complex even with automatic image adjustment.


Type proposed above corresponds experimental phase, current.


So far experts have not been able to pronounce, because did not have as its

dioptical-bioptical train in perception.


But there is a major interest in expanding visual communication through

application developments in science, in terms, visual sense.


Google offers a huge bibliography ordered by applying each

  publications    over 300  criteria


My works appear  among  first places (sites and images)


fine art visual sense science


On perceptions of both eyes are obtained from fusion

  pairs of images that I have called, perceptions dioptical-dioptical perception


Pairs of images are those described in areas

Binocular Rivalry; Color Fusion Helmholtz;   Stereoscopy

 (where are systemized scientific)


I draw attention to the importance of domain fusion Colour Helmholtz

  where pairs of images inserted into fine art by the combination of colors

in physical structure (they are not in the composition)

Also these pairs of colored images causes    time perception

(ie kinetic perception of static images)

My studies refer to their introduction interconnected in fine art compositions


  My descriptions of what we called Bioptical Art

can  be understood only mediated by this type of stereoscope

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