Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

Science Art Literature

 issues   Science and Literature, sequence and intersections with art.


From past few techniques emphasize fine art belonging sciences:


Geometric perspective (applied to fine art, mathematics); findings of colors and application techniques;

simultaneous contrast (impressionism) pointillism (nowadays TV theory applies).


Regarding considerations on the development of fine art, present

aspects of my research results.

  To quote originality various fields that can be found on Google;

begin by quoting the:


fine art visual sense time


We know that Google applied for each site over 300 criteria

Last word we have of course specialists, art criticism, which

will be helped by huge bibliography ordinate value, scientific,

by Google


Succession Art- Psychology

Texts from P.Sartre

.P. Sartre, Psihologia emotiei, Ed. IRI, Bucuresti, 1977, p. 77.

  ( Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions HERMANN )

We live emotional quality which penetrates us, you suffer and overwhelms us from all sides. Suddenly emotion, ......... is not a trivial episode of our daily life, but the absolute intuition. * Is what explains the finer emotions ......

And in Addendum same book, William James, p. 103:  Finer emotions fine. “Organic changes and emotion itself may be extremely weak for aesthetic emotions, a masterpiece not a known cause often than a judgment cold, purely intellectual, without the slightest vibration organs. the people, however, it will cause the most intense emotions ......”

Optical illusions studied by psychologists applied in fine art.

Succesiunea;  Psihologie- Arta        

Excerpts from (with addition)

   2. Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art

Researchers have also described variants of binocular rivalry resulting from the main ones.
As I intend to introduce them in plastic arts, I also add stereoscopy. This is a limit-rivalry, since the pair of images evince acceptable disparities, that lead to the fusion of the stereoscopic perception.
Some forms wich induce ambiguities were called monocular rivalry: the Necker cube (1832); the Robin vase - figure 2.2 - and others.
The Necker effect is met in plastic arts. Victor Vasarely (1906-1997) created several compositions where the Necker effect prevails. Figure 2.3 represents Cheyt-M by Vasarely.
Figure 2.4 shows a photo of a mosaic floor from Antioch, second century A.D., where the Necker effect is obvious. It is reproduced from E.H. Gombrich, Art and Illusion.
It should be noticed that the tests and effects of binocular rivalry are much more numerous than those of monocular rivalry, which is far too limited as to artistic expression.

Binocular modalities to apply tests of binocular rivalry in plastic arts

Salvador Dali expresses his yearning for space by the extreme depths existing in his paintings. In Metamorphosis of Narcissus (figure 2.5 (a)), he places a man's fingers in the foreground and barely recognizable figures in the distance. In the seventies, he experimented stereoscopy as a corollary, creating works such as Golden Fleece (figure 2.5 (b)). The compositions comprise two paintings in stereoscopic correspondence, placed at a distance, and a stereoscope

(specially created by Roger de Montebello  physicist).to help obtain the spatial image. This scheme might be applied to introduce tests of binocular rivalry into plastic arts. I suggest other beneficial modalities.
As early as the fifties, I studied the applications of optics in plastic arts. In 1974, I succeeded in patenting my Method for Model Making, mentioned in [6], with details in figure 2.6. The patent includes simplified calculations, adapted to compositions of plastic arts, with spatial transposals.


Fig 2.1 R. Blake

Binocular rivalry

Fig 2.2 Robin Vase


Fig 2.3 V. Vasarely, Cheyt M


Fig 2.4 Mosaic, Antioch, 2nd ct. A.D.

Fig 2.5 (a) S. Dali,

Metamorphosis of Narcissus


2.5 (b) S. Dali,

Golden Fleece. (Stereoscopic pair)

The compositions comprise two paintings in stereoscopic correspondence,

placed at a distance, and a stereoscope

(specially created by Roger de Montebello  physicist).to help obtain the spatial image. This scheme might be applied to introduce tests of binocular rivalry into plastic arts.

Reproductions of these compositions with some comments are present in the album published

 by the Prado Museum: 400 Obras de 1914-1983,

 Salvador Dali Museo espanol de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid.

                         page 309

E. H. Gombrich; Arta si Iluzie ; Meridiane   Bucuresti 1973; page 309

 (Art and Ilusion Phaidon Press London 1959)


Page 310


 Deck above the wheel ... ambiguity ... swinging (Neker effect, LI note) ..

Klee great explorer of forms


Succession Science-Art

  using scientific field of Binocular Rivalry.

To establish rules of Bioptical Art  I have done research in the fields:

Bioptical Art can be applied to any style but by introducing stimuli as

  rules are obtained effects;


Psychophysical mixture of colors, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyperrealistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, field binocular rivalry.

Link;  3. Bioptical effects, definitions

Binocular Rivalry field are studied on tests like these:


Post keywords;     binocular rivalry images


It may be noted that these tests can not be considered

I am fine art compositions.


Techniques of Bioptical Art offers the possibility of using stimuli Binocular Rivalry

in fine art.

These techniques allow expansion into new fine art.  

See link;  15. Psychical satiety in affectivity

Succession Science-Art-Science

Compositions of Biptical Art I believe that may be of interest:

 viosual psychotherapy,  aesthetic (sensory experiments, artists

(for at least the antrenamene in visual perception)

I adds another important chapter (see links):

5.   Laboratory hall for visual therapy

8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics


An excerpt from the bibliography for Binocular Rivalry

 (from hundreds of publications, from B) published by Robert O'Shea:



I present novel effects resulting from my research, extension possibilities

in visual communications.

  They were obtained by training new skills in visual sense.


For documentary posting areas (keywords):

fine art visual sense images

fine art visual sense binocular rivalry

fine art visual art colour fusion helmholtz

fine art visual sense stereoscopy science 3D



                                                                    Fig. 2  L.Iliescu, Study M, 1987.

Oil on cardboard, 65x90 cm


Tones were distant shapes of squares (red and blue) and can not merge

according to color fusion Helmholtz


Apply bioptical technique:


COLOUR FUSION WITH MARKS Psychic response to watching a coloured biform (a form for the left eye and another one for the right eye, having different colours), when in the coloured fields a mark of the same colour is inscribed; a line or a spot of the same colour, but different from the colours of the two fields). Coloured marks result in the perception of a resultant colour. In some cases rivalry fluctuations are ruled out.


si rezulta : o culoare metalica gri (imagine virtuala , nu se poate fotografia).




 Stereo-binogram (arranged for crossed-eye viewing)

Fig.  3  Detail of figure 2

Figures 2 and 3 show the following effects:

 colour fusion with marks

(stimulus invented by me during the research)






 Stereo-binogram (arranged for crossed-eye viewing)


Appear flickering colored circles (size resulting time);

 I present phenomenon to the attention of psychologists.



 Forma in spatiu (sculptura)


Link; 4. Bioptical means for psychotherapy

14. Some additions and resumptions on the bioptical composition

This shape is observed with  bioptical design perceiving a virtual image,

with depths of tens of meters,  in the presence of real images, which can inter-penetrate.





Liviu Iliescu, Study in wide-angle field, oil on canvas, 800 x 220 cm


Bioptical composition with field binocular rivalry.

By global viewing exercises, using large field compositions, the concept of visual gradient in fine arts may be developed and used in communication.

The large visual field isolates the central bioptical nucleus, in contemplation, from environmental influences, such as other near compositions. They cause inhibitions to the observer, of which the observer is not aware, but which influence psychically.

We may easily find that the global visual perception in the environment is the one of a field with an approximately elliptic shape (lenticular)

Painting in water

Added by Georgescu Dan 


(aplica o tehnica  chinezeasca )

Compozitia este selectionata de Google

 pe  .primul loc, inainte de compozitii Chineze.

 Din punctul meu de vedere compozitia

se incadreaza in Conceptual Art (Postmodernism)



About 73,500,000 results




                        Painting on Water - YouTube

► 7:09
 Jul 2010 - 7 min - Uploaded by x1ee
Painting on Water ... I tore through the carpet, broke through 2

floorboards and burst a water ...


Conceptual Art (currently in posmodernism)




  1) Art That is Intended to conveyor an idea or concept to the perceiver and the INVOLVE not Need

creation or appreciation of a traditional art object as a painting or sculpture Such.


2) Which Art in particular the idea behind the work, and the means of Producing it,

is more important Than the finished work


       In my memory I return  a description of the French Academy member Marcel Brion, who in his book

Laurent them resume the chronicles Magnificent Renaissance:


At a time fast to Florence the cathedral famous painters painted biblical scenes;

people often come to admire how it developed gradually as painters brush

known for her images of religious texts.


People believers enter into cathedrals, usually credited to their ritual practice,

But in the case reported (in execution type paintings), people directly contemplated artistic events,

accompanied by the spiritual atmosphere in Which They were educated.

These behaviors are common, but it appeared likely

an event which impressed Florence chronicler.


We could bring in actuality these stories ..


We may remark that in this situation, the cathedral is a place of artistic resonance

I have called this space ad-hoc educational atmosphere


Link; 3. Bioptical effects, definitions


AD-HOC EDUCATIONAL ATMOSPHERE Means by which the recipient-subjects are educated

 and brought closer to the meanings and techniques of an artistic current (bioptical art included). 



 Prezint un alt exemplu; un  studiu al succesiunii Literatura- Arta



Fig. 11 L. Iliescu, Study C, oil on cardboard, 65x90 cm



  Stereo-binogram (arranged for crossed-eye viewing)

Fig. 12 Detail of figure 11


             In Figure 11 I present a way of generating in fine art abstract forms. This method can be called stimulated abstraction       

 link;  Abstractizare stimulata

   Is used a text description, and after some time to paint abstract shapes that suggest the actions of the description. So these forms can also be references to reality. For example I used an episode of The Talisman novel, written by Sir Walter Scott, where Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, and Richard the Lion Heart, King of England, meet in a desert in the Holy Land for a conference in which each has an opportunity to display his prowess. … Heavy sword, iron bar, built with refinement sword, veil.

            In this way we can say that they try a continuum between fine art and literary description.   The theme can be developed in several paintings by one or more artists. The exhibition is a resonance space, people will experience feelings of abstraction process, knowing description.

           I say that in this case perceptions are mainly developed by bioptical stimuli, the conflict being their support.

Of course the theme that I propose can be made ​​more professional by artists of fine art.


This may be a theme for many artists who perform compositions

with which to organize exhibitions (artistic resonance spaces, educational atmosphere ad hoc)


  I believe that the work to be executed under bioptical techniques are more suitable for creating these spaces

because they enable the compositions in any style


Moreover, these techniques (Bioptical Art) offers interpretations of masterpieces, even in abstract fine art.


Link; 8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics


     My descriptions enroll in perspective

Binocular rivalry, Colour fusion Helmholtz and Stereoscopy

research in which we have applied in fine art

Some could be included in art criticism, without claiming that the character of their generality.


Dorec to express clearly what are my contributions to fine art.


The vast majority of visual communication is via perceptions

visual contemplation of the two eyes (with reference to man normal function, standard man)


Appears at first sight, binocular perception (ie, perception of space  

is the simultaneous awareness of perceptions  simultaneously  by each eye. dynamics of space depth)

No differences in perceived simultaneity in stereoscopy


Techniques we propose, put in fine art, producing differences

perceptual for the left eye to the right eye, which is installed while differences

of seconds and in some cases the order of minutes.


  My experiments introspective and limited the testing of several hundred persons

  are relevant in that it highlights the time dimension caused by

certain combinations of shapes in fine art images.


Important is to expand the experiment by working with professional artists,

to achieve maximum results, showing remarkable artistic sensibilities.

So I offer a leap in technology (important, training of new skills in the visual sense)

  who let a substantially differentiated visual communication whatever other techniques

  generate new trends in fine art.


This may explain a good deal and highlighting Google.


Views: 633

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Completion (translation)


Painting on Water -YouTube

Added by Georgescu Dan 

 (apply a Chinese technique)

Composition is selected by Google

on first place before Chinese compositions.


From my point of view composition

fall in Conceptual Art (Postmodernism)



About 73,500,000 results




                        Painting on Water - YouTube



We need Dedicated Workers like you Mr. Illiescu. Your contributions are much appreciated. Thank you very much.

I also thank you for your generosity, your sensitivity and competence,

to give me the opportunity to participate with other partners with affection to

the exchange of ideas on the links between fields for some people appear as isolated.





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