Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

About dioptica-bioptical: Visual sense, Hyper-stereoscopy


Although there is no law I joined the conclusion:

 A lot of what's intellect was mediated by the senses.


I believe my studies enroll in ample interest is manifest in the world

for Science and Art


 Generally experts express, sometimes indirectly in this respect,

 but their assessment criteria are complex, with conservative motivations.


Now is not the attention of experts examining a

     possible developments in fine art for dioptical-bioptical   perceptions.


But interest in Science and Art can be highlighted and through huge bibliography obtained by accessing the Google domain:



fine art  visual sense science


Google ordinates in order of importance, evaluating using programs containing more than 300 criteria, and maybe can use those techniques that take into account developments related to the visual sense.

Posting: fine art visual sense science

Google examines ~ 150 millions of results, and publishes over 700 websites and over 500 images.


This area is an important source for guidance in artistic creation because it can be applied in fine art advances in research on the visual sense.


Compositions for the two eyes appear normal, but

dioptical-bioptical perceptions are caused by nerve inflows on different tracks. These effects I bring to the attention of specialists in psychotherapy,


This is evidenced by the Centre for Anthropology in the report below

 examination as a result my compositions.


Romanian Academy, Anthropological Research Center no. 852, December 16th, 1994


To the ROMANIAN ACADEMY, General Secretary


As a matter of fact, the Academy Management favourably 3 years ago appreciated the works of That time. In the meanwhile Mr. Liviu Iliescu Continued to study, to complete and Accomplish HIS Theoretical and practical instruments, the results of HIS actions That being the two-eyed Physiology imaging functionality is Involved in the brain and in particular in the binocular vision lateralisation / integration process, innovative shaping Phenomena and Processes ... and so on, All of them benefitting from proper reasoning and demonstration.


PhD V. Sahleanu



I undertook a series of studies to what I may be classified as Hyper-stereoscopy.

  I can prove namely: a form in space (sculpture) can be translated into another space with shutter monocular

This space where form elements that appear in the depths of tens of times higher. Form (sculpture) placed in the environment is integrated into the environment by using monocular stereoscopy. There is thus the possibility of comparing the depths.


So is shock caused by jumping perceptive contrast between sculpture can be a work of great artistic qualities and translating them into another large room with surprising depth.


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