Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication


I believe that change the name a concept with another name. but with the same definition,

   induces confusion.

Relative to the same definition I quote:

Retinal rivalry | definition of retinal rivalry by Medical dictionary

‎retinal rivalry


(Psychology) psychol another name for binocular rivalry

retinal rivalry

Binocular rivalry.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Binocular rivalry is a phenomenon of visual perception in which perception alternates between different images presented to each eye [1When one image is presented to one eye and a very different image is presented to the other (also known as dichoptic presentation), instead of the two images being seen superimposed, one image is seen for a few moments [2], then the other, then the first, and so on, randomly for as long as one cares to look.

R. Blake's publications is remarkable


Blake, R. (1977). Threshold conditions for binocular rivalry. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 3, 251-257.

Blake, R. (1981). Binocular rivalry and perceptual inference. Perception & Psychophysics, 29, 77-78.

 Din publicatiile sale rezulta  cercetari adiacente  domeniului pshologiei,

folosind tste grefice

My research on binocular vision are certified by the patent:


   Inventator  ing  Liviu  Iliesu: Metoda pentru realizarea machetelor nr.67678/ anul 1974

( Methods for obtaining drawings in pairs)


My publications appear in the same period of time, of Blake R.

These publications are also based on considerations partly psychological, but I describe complex techniques applicable in fine art, using binocular main effect, which are taken from Retinal Rivalry, which has the same definition of Binocular Rivalry,



In a time dominated by the dictatorship in my country, with severe checks and ideological censorship, is found in the activities of a cotinue fine art, undisturbed, use millennial evolutionary accumulations of fine art. Such traditional techniques are transmitted from person to person, somehow almost esoteric. This state is attested by the magazine Art, which then typing in that time. Thus in number 7, Page 34, year 1988, was published my article entitled -experiment- pictura bioptica- from which I extract


 Retinal Rivalry

  Retinal Rivalry






        Cover; Theodor  Palldy

Theodor Pallady (Romanian pronunciation: [teˈodor paˈladi]; 11 April 1871 – 16 August 1956) was a Romanian painter.

In a few prints successive magazine Art I wrote a few articles continued about

the effects of Retinal Rivalry:


 Publishing in the journal Art, Magazine Artists Union (UAP) in Romania

                     Revista Uniunii Artistilor Plastici (UAP) din Romania 

  1. Liviu Iliescu; Pictura bioptica (Bioptical painting), "Arta" (Bucharest), no 7, 1988.

                 Bioptical painting


  2.Liviu Iliescu; Acordul retinelor (Retinal cooperation), "Arta" (Bucharest), no 5, 1989.
                         Antanta retinelor           


   3. Liviu Iliescu; Abstractizare stimulata (Stimulated abstractization), "Arta" (Bucharest), no 2, 1990.
                   Abstractizare stimulata


    4. Liviu Iliescu ; Adieri albastre (Blue breezes), "Arta" (Bucharest), no 9-10, 1990.
                       Adieri albastre


I think it is worth mentioning a few aspects that invite processing in science and philosophy.

Consolidated in the 19th century scientific phenomena are taken independently of me and Blake R. separately but in the same historical period, the 20th century, 70s; 80s, with different research themes, living in countries at distances of thousands of kilometers through with partially different cultures, with different political leadership essential state, then to occur in 2006 as a scientific event, registration of photography for Binocular Rivalry - Neuron - Brian N Pasley, Linda C Mayes ...

In humans, the neural computations for visually discriminating complex objects. ...


Rapid identification of behaviorally relevant objects is important for survival. In humans, the neural computations for visually discriminating complex objects involve inferior temporal cortex (IT). However, less detailed but faster form processing may also occur in a phylogenetically older subcortical visual system that terminates in the amygdala. We used binocular rivalry to present stimuli without conscious awareness, thereby eliminating the IT object representation and isolating subcortical visual input to the amygdala. Functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed significant brain activation in the left amygdala but not in object-selective IT in response to unperceived fearful faces compared to unperceived nonface objects. These findings indicate that, for certain behaviorally relevant stimuli, a high-level cortical representation in IT is not required for object discrimination in the amygdala.



In this research Binocular Rivalry tests were human face to one eye and that

  a home for the other eye.

   To fit the result of my research post

fine art sense

  and then instruction


please click on the images







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