Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication


I  mention some chapters in the field of aesthetics.

Disinterested interest; Art as sensorial experience; Art dependant knowledge


In the field of aesthetics, modest knowledge I have, but I insisted on

these chapters which appear to contain evaluation criteria for

some categories of fine art compositions.



   Chapters has the advantage that contain topics that could be considered as belonging

philosophy on the one hand and science on the other.


   I am a specialist in optics calculation and I experienced fine art compositions,

  about applying visual psychophysical stimuli proceeding from research such as:

Binocular rivalry, Colour fusion Helmholtz and Stereoscopy.


For documentation post on Google keiwords:

fine art visual sense images

fine art visual sense time


May documenting adds links:

2. Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art
12. Visual-sense-storming
14. Some additions and resumptions on the bioptical composition


and my publications in:

ART LAB - Art, Science,


I wrote about bioptical techniques, which I propose  that it applies

 to any style of fine art.


As an example I will describe possible applications in what appears to be

  1. simple forms of visual communication  such as;  Images for damien hirst spot paintings



Damien Hirst is a famous artist of contemporary art.

He presents compositions that enjoys positive appreciation

   by a large part of experts in art criticism.


I chose composition:



 I have changed color a few spots. You can find the original link:

    Images for images for damien spot painting with the title:


550 × 430 - Damien Hirst colored spot painting. Around 2007, when the world 


I have noticed that changes introduced by me caused

reduce (decrease) artistic impression.


This perception I got it when I looked on in succession spots.


It is known that people perceive a clear image only ~ 1 degree angle

For example, you will see this if you look fixed

the letter J in red circle in the image that follows.


 I have seen spots (Damien) of color at a time sequentially one after another, both images, concluding

  difference in perception, respectively artistic impression decline was due to modification of colored spots.

Might fit the experiment in hapter aesthetics: Art as sensory experience.


During my studies I also use circles associated with colored spots,

  to enter the fine art compositions stimuli resulted in

research in the fields:

Binocular rivalry, Colour fusion Helmholtz and Stereoscopy




 Liviu Iliescu;  Figure 22


Look cross-eyed two black spots above or below

   obtaining three spots

  (it looks more relaxed with bioptical device)

Then look colored spots, it will be observed, that spots flashing, color change over time,

   colors are translucent (time is in static compositions of fine art)

Then look at the center circles, circles appear gradually in space ..


These effects occur by applying rules derived from:


1 Liviu Iliescu. OSIM Patent no 67678/19.02.1974 - Method for model making.
2.Liviu Iliescu; Bioptical painting, "Arta" (Bucharest), no 7, 1988

3.Liviu Iliescu; Bioptical Art - training of bioptical vision, Crater, Bucharest, 1998,

      148 pages. ISBN 973-9029-37-X.  Figure 22




I apply the same rules in composition of Damien Hirst

(Similar effects can be observed in with those of Figure 22)

See link;   8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics




For applications in psychotherapy I got OSIM patent no. Ro 123477



See description (link)

5. Laboratory hall for visual therapy

Using this Cabinet will be able to determine (objective)     degree of psychical influence

by fine art compositions.


The therapist  choose from over 3000 tests

 (among many bioptical compositions which works by primitive perceptions)


Patient behavior  is followed by various    measuring devices (some without physical contact with the patient)


I think that bioptical effects are particularly effective for observing the effects which the patient is required to train new skills, related to visual sense and is, in addition, faced with mostly primitive perceptions.


  I offer toate patentele mele referitoare la Bioptical Art (including this  ), with explanations.

for application, free of charge.

   I wanted to get the patent in order to obtain confirmation of my competence. I was granted patent as a result of the examination, documentation by experts, including the doctors. They find originality in the world, confirms the feasibility of the technique and find possible effective implementation.



Digital Art course is an area that occurred and will occur compositions with powerful   

 degree of psychical influence  using appropriate techniques and topics.


But it is important to develop painting as an artistic object, think of the difference in degree of physical influence between satellites of Jupiter through a telescope contemplation and contemplation of their image on TV


I painted a composition resulting from the assumption, enlarging the degree of psychical influence   in  areas that are seen by the periphery of the retina, with the knowledge and blurry images.


 L. Iliescu, Study in wide-angle field, oil on canvas, 800 x 220 cm

I want to donate (free) this picture with three bioptical


Bioptical composition with field binocular rivalry.

In the centre of the field, shapes are painted in binocular correspondence (effects of rivalry, of colour fusion and of stereoscopy). At the side, conventional shapes are painted (uncorrelated from the bioptical point of view) in bright tones. At a closer look to the centre, they are perceived unclearly, at the side of the visual field. Attention oscillates between the centre and the side of the field, in succession, at intervals of a few seconds (looking forward at all times). Between the central and the side shapes, an area is interposed (approximately elliptical) denominated hiatus in artthat makes aware a global perception including also the haziness from the sides, engaging almost the entire retina of the eyeball. 

By global viewing exercises, using large field compositions, the concept of visual gradient in fine arts may be developed and used in communication. 

The large visual field isolates the central bioptical nucleus, in contemplation, from environmental influences, such as other near compositions. They cause inhibitions to the observer, of which the observer is not aware, but which influence psychically.

We may easily find that the global visual perception in the environment is the one of a field with an approximately elliptic shape (lenticular)

The large field painting is assembled on 5 frames with the sizes: 
- one central frame 200 x 220 cm
- two lateral frames to the left 150 x 220 cm
- two lateral frames to the right 150 x 220 cm




I–Intensity of visual sensation (on the ordinate).

–Time of psychic adjustment (measurable and differing from one subject to other) (on the abscissa).

–Duration of psychic cycle: naked eye vision, then through the bioptical device, then naked eye again. The end of the cycle (when the device is removed) is expressed by vector M.

–Remaining sensations or residual impressions. The psychic cycle is not entirely reversible. When the bioptical device is removed, one sees „with a different eye”.

–Evolution of the hyperspace: occurrence of stereoscopic effects. The composition aims at destroying relations known from conventional representations –spatial values of some colour patches which intersect or superpose. Naturalistic links change (e.g. – the cart wheel is modified in bioptical vision as follows: the felloe, the spokes and the hub acquire positions in hyper-depth, getting transferred into another space, with other relations – somewhat illogical as compared to the normal representation. The phenomenon of retinal cooperation is present.

–Evolution of the antispace: elements which provide a naturalistic perspective in normal vision (near red, distant blue, vanishing lines towards the horizon) are perceived reverted, in bioptical vision, following slower accommodation. Though the antispace occurs as a phenomenon of pseudoscopy, artistic inspiration may result in perception modifications and psychic contradictions.

–Evolution of the psycho-space: by means of the bioptical device, each eye sees different shapes and colours – e.g. an eye sees a square, the other one a triangle; one sees blue, the other red. Perception oscillates between square and triangle, blue and red. In the case of elements which result in retinal cooperation, colours are fused psycho-physically and the resultant is violet, pulsating to red or blue. The diagram shows the variation in intensity of the visual sensation for a component–a single eye.

e and –Changes in spatial perception, within a psychic accommodation time, dilated throughout a cycle, depending on the recipient-subject. This time, measurable from without, is placed on a scale physically defined as objective.




Liviu Iliescu; Blue breezes, "Arta" (Bucharest), no 9-10; 1990

 See link; 3. Bioptical effects, definitions 

I think that bioptical techniques may suggest contributions to aesthetics chapters:

Disinterested interest; Art as sensorial experience; Art dependant knowledge


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Replies to This Discussion

Damien Hirst spot was derived from fashion spots. After exposing his compositions

 containing these spots, Hirst received a reply.



Yayoi Kusama: dear Damien Hirst, the spots were my idea - Telegraph





A scheme resulted in my Researches about images for two eyes, published in

.  Arta bioptica; Bioptical Art - training of bioptical vision, Crater,   Bucharest, 1998,

      148 pages. ISBN 973-9029-37-X.

( )



 A sketch variant

You approach the screen distance of 10 ... 15 cm. Close your eyes, then after for ~ 5 seconds;

panal gradually moving away're looking at ~ 30 cm.

You will notice the effects of Binocular rivalry; Stereoscopy; Color fusion Helmholtz




Applications Bioptical Art in Fashion


If you are looking with crossed eyes from a distance of 50 cm (corresponding to a physical distances of 1 ... 2 m) you will see a few spots in space


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