Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

COLOUR FUSION WITH MARKS Psychic response to watching a coloured biform (a form for the left eye and another one for the right eye, having different colours), when in the coloured fields a mark of the same colour is inscribed; a line or a spot of the same colour, but different from the colours of the two fields). Coloured marks result in the perception of a resultant colour. In some cases rivalry fluctuations are ruled out.
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3. Bioptical effects, definitions

contribution to the Helmholtz color fusion, resulting from my research)








 Another way of looking   (known)  at the   bioptical  pair

In few days I will present sketches for biopsy device, which can be produced using simple techniques.









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Dear Sir Georgescu
Of course each technique applied in fine art has its contribution
at culture universal.
  Art Bioptical not participate in a competition in this respect.
I apply an extension of the visual sense, and get as effects:

Psychophysical mixture of colors, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyperrealistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, field binocular rivalry.

For definitions post

3. Bioptical effects, definitions

To see my position in the bibliography automatically ordered
by Google in order of value, post: 

fine art visual sense pictures 

It relates to my work

12. Visual-sense-storming - The paired off visual signal, Liviu Iliescu 


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click on each.


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