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Complements to preliminary correction of optical systems and some observations related to acromatizations

I'm still referring to the publication of the Institute of Applied Physics - Friedrich Schiller -  Universität Jena

 Design and Correction of optical Systems

 Summer term 2012

Herbert Gross


Bending method for automatic optical aberations correction

Complements to preliminary correction of optical systems and some o...


The informative documentation of the Jena Institute shows the amplitude of the field   correcting optical systems,

  The publication was required in current circumstances when superficially trained people

they use automatic programs to correct the aberrations of the optical systems, by inappropriately introducing very expensive optical glasses,. Cases can be cited when these people claim to contribute to basic structures such as acromatization of optical systems.


These contributions could be highlighted, but in order to avoid confusion, in the case of publications, it is necessary to quote:


 Herzberger, M., and N. McClure, The design of superachromatic lenses, Appl. Opt. 2, pp. 553–560 (June 1963).

 And formulas like:



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