Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
I am a lover of fine art compositions whatever style they were painted.
Art Lab gives me the opportunity to admire the compositions of talented artists and art lovers.
I have no expertise to place compositions on a scale of values,
but they cause me pleasure to contemplate and to relive their passion for art.
I thank Dr. Krishna Kumari Chall for the possibility that it gave me to present my work.
The descriptions and pictures that I have published I presented mainly technical descriptions.
My technical descriptions and images are arid and causes no artistic emotions.
So I offered my studies the artists, considering that them with training and talent
will be interested to compose the bioptical art an artistic level that I did not prepare to do it.
Until now we did not inquire about any artist for making compositions
or at least sketches for visual training.
I hope in causing discussions were no matter how contradictory.
I shown that in areas:
Binocular Rivalry, Color Fusion Helmholtz, Stereoscopy
developed research that can be applied in fine art.
Artists could develop original works, important (step) as can use,
in addition, new skills related to visual sense.
(Dutour discovered skills (1760-1763 years) ; used in recent research)
I have difficulty in communicating works because art critics, researchers
in fine art, have not formed these new visual skills necessary for
access effects from my research.
On the other hand consider my action and that failure to use an optical
necessary relaxed contemplation.
I think artists should be sources of inspiration if they look (as amateurs) in
the microscope and in the telescope.
In case Bioptica Art the optical device allows communication of images
from unexplored psychic structures.
( the device consists of two small mirrors placed near one of the eyes
; can be executed not influence colors)
Optical device can be used both on TV and in the case of paintings (as art objects).
I wrote about:
Compositions that have been achieved using methods that have resulted from my research include that distinguish effects using names:
Psychophysical mixture of colors, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyperrealistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient Hyperspace in art, field Binocular Rivalry.
Link; 3. Bioptical effects, definitions
Effects can be exercised separately by sketch
Some of these effects have not yet been experienced by people.
The man is confronted for the first time with some of these effects.
Some people who, have normal look, ware not than some of the effects.
In some cases it takes training to acquire skills of awareness.
I have presented several times aspects of my technical proposals
and proposals for their introduction in the compositions of fine art by artists.
The modalities that I propose may be recovery by arousing the interest wider, if the fine art artists, by using traditional techniques and their talent, will create complex compositions with bioptical stimuli. On one hand, Bioptical Art will bring developments in research of psychology, neurology and psychiatry, and, on the other hand, it will give possibilities to the field of aesthetics to supplement chapters Such as: disinterested interest, as sensory art experience, art addict knowledge and others.
I propose for documentation, post areas:
binocular rivalry
color fusion Helmholtz
In these areas the researchers use graphical tests
And in addition to these areas post:
binocular rivalry fine art visual sense
fine art colour fusion Helmholtz
fine art visual sense stereoscopy
See: ;
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