Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
I practiced in Romanian Optics Company (IOR), participating in the construction of optical devices.
I drew and was executed form called me light in space, which was donated to personalities, during a ceremony.
The shape is the result of applying the rules of geometrical optics so that in addition
to refraction and reflection of light, it would appear that capture light.
They made two versions of which option was chosen, with less effect.
As a reward we received the version with stronger effects
Get the picture if you do clck on:
Lumina In Spatiu by Liviu Iliescu - Fine Art America
I present composition in this online gallery to make it known (not to sell)
Liviu Iliescu; 12x17x10 ; optical glass
The shape is inspired by:
Crystalline silicon dioxide (quartz); for important uses SiO2 in science
I accompany this composition that belongs to me, with feeling of the existence of miracles
Another example of application of my accumulations obtained in the field of optics, example which I present it through my compositions and posting:
fine art sense images
Liviu Iliescu; Desert Phaantom
See links
An old microscope research regarded as Ready Made
In a factory optical computing optical activity is essential
There I found that sometimes some of optical computing professionals, is
interrupt communication with colleagues, considering
that in their daily routine work, they obtained criteria of creativity, which
keep them selfishly.
Of course copyright must be respected. But there is the possibility of communication by patents, scientific papers and as a corollary of activity doctoral thesis. It found that sometimes when approaching thesis, transposing successes of his routine in creativity, the designer in question is not abreast of new developments in the scientific basis for optical calculation.
By law, the novelty is required to be patented because the patron can become titular by right of preemption, then the designer can publish or to choose their leader for doctotat thesis. There are some small firm's own, where the law is not respected, the designer considering that the novelty is its property that can not be negotiated or be subject to restrictions of use.So in doctoral thesis in optical computing, it is compulsory to be compared quotes
algorithms and theoretical developments of Maximilian Herzberger,
that revolutionized the optical calculation, through its publications:
M. Hherzberger ; Modern Geometrica Optics, 1958
Herzberger, M., and N. McClure, The design of superachromatic lenses,
Appl. Opt. Vol.2, pp. 553–560 (June 1963)
Designers already use sophisticated programs for automatic correction of optical systems,
containing Herzberger's algorithms, programs bought from reputable companies.
I cite as an example of accomplishing the great importance the world a tele-obieectiv
by applying algorithms and theories published by M. Herzberger
(encyclopedic presentation):
Superachromat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The superachromat or superachromatic lens was first conceived and developed by Maximilian Herzberger as the ultimately well-corrected lens. The color shift curve of a superachromat is a quartic, meaning that in theory four separate colors can be brought to focus in the same plane, while simultaneously correcting spherical aberration and field aberrations. This near-perfect correction of chromatic The superachromat or superachromatic lens was first conceived and developed by Maximilian Herzberger as the ultimately well-corrected lens. The color shift curve of a superachromat is a quartic, meaning that in theory four separate colors can be brought to focus in the same plane, while simultaneously correcting spherical aberration and field aberrations. This near-perfect correction of chromatic
Tele-Superachromat, 5,6/350 T* lens./ anul 2006
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