Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication


I participated in ART LAB with several discussions on the topic  dioptical-bioptical

 percetion, which could provide new means of visual communication.


I want to get an approximation of the members of this group.


As result of my publications I have developed techniques applicable in fine art compositions for two eyes

 (compatible techniques and in contemplation with one eye).


 I give examples of compositions made ​​me who in terms of artistic appear to be mediocre.


  But the surprising territories of the Terra Incognita can be discovered by artists

  trained and talented.


They are amateur artists who have compositions that prove sensitivities,

  excellent artistic.


My desire is to train artists in a colloquium in which each

to participate with their own style in highlighting phenomena and effects

  that I have highlighted, using relatively simple technical means such as:


Psychophysiological mixture of colours, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyper-realistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, space and time in bioptical art, field binocular rivalry.


I think that will result in some compositions that will be attention to the researchers, who apply magnetic resonance to reveal the physical recordable links between image and cortex, similar to those recently published (see links) - Neuron - Brian N Pasley, Linda C Mayes ...


Subcortical discrimination; binocular rivalry; magnetic resonance


Until now we did not cause a changed ideas and I feel isolated.


I think I can list some reasons that led to this situation:


  - My descriptions not sufficiently clear of hypotheses and experiments.

   However I give the elementary explanations, on the other hand I offer myself to answer

to any question, no matter how it may seem that it would be naive.


-The preoccupation artists to create their own style, style that offers satisfaction,

preoccupation of course is a natural state and dominant.


-But perhaps the most important deductions are caused by the fact that

for observing phenomena requires new skills training

  the visual sense, suspecting possible unhealthy influences



Regarding the unhealthy influence could be inferred, especially in

the request of eye muscles, in the case gaze with crossed- eyes,

if you are watching the pairs of images of the class  Binocular Rivalry


This mode of observation is already used in stereoscopy, with naked eye

(without using special glasses or  stereoscopes)                                        


see keyword

3D crossed eyes



 In my studies that I have done for over 50 years I

looked cross-eyed, at my age of 90 years was not necessary

I do cataract surgery (replacement the lens)

It could be a genetic endowment, but anyway, I have suffered

 no consequences for health.


  See link:

  1. 1.                 Important Tips on Eye Gymnastics for the Improvement of Vision ...


This means that the deterioration of vision is predetermined mainly by the urban existence of a modern person. We spend hours in front of the TV or a computer, but very little time enjoying the spectacular natural scenery. However, if the lack of movement has already been recognized by the society as a serious threat to human health and well-being, which resulted in the general interest to fitness, sport and active lifestyle, very few people now realize that eyes need gymnastics not less than body muscles.


We tend to forget that a human eye is a sense organ which has its muscles and ligaments, which can and must be trained. There are exercises which can help not only to improve vision and prevent eye diseases, but also fight the consequences of constant fatigue, which influence the eye sight in a negative way.

There are several methods of eye gymnastics, but all of them are based on similar exercises and principles. And although it is difficult to believe that simple eye movements can eliminate the majority of eye problems, hundreds of people who regularly train their eyes prove this fact.

Before proceeding with the description of the exercises, it is worth mentioning several key principles of the exercises.


The article presents several exercises.


However for the observation relaxed Dioptical-bioptical images I set

a new method and a new stereoscope.


See links


12. Visual-sense-storming

                   Stereoscope for dioptical-bioptical perception

From which I extract







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