Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
We could define a sequential contrast, in the compositions of bi-optical,
where the sequence is composed of two stages,
In the first stage of conventional image appears. containing certain stimuli and
a second image deducted from the first, taken on by an optical device.
In deducted image, when looking through a device, effects occur caused by activation the stimuli.
There already adopted contrasts in fine art: simultaneous contrast, successive contrast
Others are deducted, such as, Chiaroscuro , in general shadow
About shadow quote prodigious publication.
Victor Ieronim Stoichiță
Creatorul și umbra lui, Meridiane, București, 1981
(The Creator and his shadow)
From chapter written by me would detach some ideas how the concept of cinestatism
See link:
Some of my studies have as the theme of optical possibilities to developments in fine art
I cite, among others, the introduction of the compositions of fine art, of the stimuli
resulting from graphic tests studied in Binocular Rivalry
Test for B.R. is a unit composed of two different images: for left eye and right eye respectively.
Tests B. R. composed of R.Blake were used in magnetic resonance research
achieving changes in the brain photographed image.
Link; - Neuron - Brian N Pasley, Linda C Mayes ...
By entering, in, bi-optical compositions, different stimuli
resulting from research in the field binocular rivalry, together with the color fusion Helmholtz
and in stereoscopy, using an optical device for observing composition
result, several effects as:
antispace, bispace, hiatus and hyperspace in art, dynamics of space depth, hyperrealistic effects,
psychic cycle, psycho- physical mixture of colours, retinal "cooperation",
space and time in bioptical art, spatial harmony, spatial disharmony, visual gradient, etc.
.......image the forms appear as floating
(as in space without gravity)
In the image inverted the forms appear to occupy space partially common
(perception of penetrable)
I quote an original composition composed by artist Aura Bălănescu, composition
that I consider in bi-optical class, in that it shows sequential.
(second image deducted, mediated by anaglyph glasses)
About Aura Bălănescu
As a graduate of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Sculpture Department (2003) West University, Timișoara and Doctoral Studies of the same institution (2010), Aura Bălănescu explores various extensions of sculptural work, among them being the stereoscopic representation. In her vision, this type of representation has the potential of painting, sculpture, graphics and also the environment and these premises approaching it to the character of an integral artwork.
Aura Băbălanescu manages the basic composition to be artistic, avoiding
overlapping colored images, visible with the naked eye, looking in anaglyphic process.
To achieve this effect she studied a selection of colors, because the color filters for anaglyph induce restrictions.
The Black Sun looking using colored glasses obtain a form in space, substantially different from the form seen with the naked eye.
I believe that this composition shows a strong sequential contrast
in terms of change in the perception of form, achieving the effect of static signals, without kinetic changes, during contemplation composition (physical, lines, colors).
Anaglfici glasses (two filters attached to a cardboard) are on sale on the market.
I photographed image through each filter of anaglyph glasses, obtaining two images, which I sit horizontally arranged to be viewed with crossed eyes.
I got two images for stereoscopic couple as they get when looking through the glasses with filters.
Although the quality of the filters is appropriate for the look with the naked eye,
are not adequate for proper camera that has much higher input pupil and therefore the images that I have obtained not appear clear
Arranged for crossed-eye viewing
This method of looking is not recommended for art.
I made a kind of stereoscope for contemplation, bi-optical compositions,
that I will present below
(sereosop monocular, with the second eye look is free)
Other examples of sequential contrast
Spatial reversals appear (anti space in fine art)
Fig. 11.14 - Liviu Iliescu Study P -28x 40 cm- 1985
(colored paper collages)
(binogamme arranged for crossed-eye viewing)
I called binogramme the pairs from bioptical compositions.
Fig.12.14 - extracted from figure 11.14
In orthoscopic image the forms appear as floating
(as in space without gravity)
(binogramme arranged for crossed-eye viewing)
Figure 13.14 ; extracted from figure 11.14
In the image inverted the forms appear to occupy space partially common
(perception of penetrable)
Dispozitivul ( stereoscop monocular ) pentru observarea de imagini bi-optice
1 the plate the base
2 lever by turning, getting vertical movement of the right eye image
3 fixed mirror
4 mirror fixed to the lever 2; 3 + 4 forms a vertical periscope
5 adjuster screw
6 button to lock lever 2
7 diaphragm; piece that contains a form to support the forehead.
Verlapping, real image with virtual image obtained 3 + 4 mirrors, rotating lever 2, which has an axis of rotation YY, perpendicular to the plate the base 1 being that the screw axis 9.
When observing a disorder, to the overlap images the rotation screw 5
around the axis XX, which is in the plane motherboard 1,
ensure appropriate control
The two axes ensure the correct overlay images.
ensure appropriate control.
The two axes ensure the correct overlay images.
In over 50 years of study I created several variants of devices for the contemplation of bi-optical images.
This is the latest design.
The device was executed in several copies of my friend Petrica Damian
with bricolage tools.
I will distribute free to people who want to apply bi-optical techniques.
If there are numerous requests, for obtaining such devices, I have to recommend a professional workshop.
Aura Balanescu get by, BLACK SUN composition of what I have defined the sequential contrast
It is a contrast in terms, a substantial transformation of the form.
By reversing filters (anaglyphs method) to obtain the second sequential contrast of form.
So I think that definition should appear: Double sequential contrast (a second substantial change shape)
In extracts from Fig.11.14 composition (L Iliescu) I present the sequential double contrast with substantial changes,
in terms of dominant feeling
Compositions of fine art in which it would be possible to observe t...
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