Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

 Post keywords:

fine art sense images

 I am the author of this composition


 L. Iliescu - Study G -  oil on canvas - 74 x 100 cm - Desert phantom


When posting

 fine art sense images,

Google systematically selects first place my composition from ~ 30 million results,

applying hundreds of criteria.

 In connection with this picture, I am on the Internet such explicative texts and horizontal disposition




When posting

fine art images

Google shows ~ 300 million, results

So my composition occurs first place in an incredible 10% of the total 300 million

This percentage should be placed in one of the trends of development of fine art.

 Of course it is about selecting a robot.

I have not managed to attract attention to experts to make selections criteria for artistic sensibility.

 I make some considerations nearest informational structure.


Perceptions for fine art compositions are virtually identical to the observation with one eye,

  comparable with the same obtained with both eyes.


  As we know the depth perception of space is due to a physiological process,

  convergence axes correlate the two eyes, with the eyes adjust, processing small

  differences arising between the retinas of both eyes


Fine art stereoscopic compositions appear to gaze into space with two eyes,

   that follow a similar physiological process.

  In this case appear small differences in correlation to some

people need to acquire the skill through exercises.


In the case of  Bioptical art, I apply the techniques resulting from  areas:

Binocular Rivalry associated in a synergistic manner with Colour Fusion

and with elements of Stereoscopy


seeking essentially different visual sense, resulting the originality compositions.


A recent research- Link:  - Neuron - Brian N Pasley, Linda C Mayes ...

Obtain article:

Subcortical Discrimination of Unperceived Objects during Binocular Rivalry

For the first time it noticed that has been done for science

  using magnetic resonance image of the brain traces corresponding to one and test graphic,

   binocular rivalry belongs.

  For an eye test graphic shows a building image for the other eye image of a human face.


It follows that the extension of skills in visual sense appears as essential

fine art developments


Biopsy techniques are applied to fine art:

-digital * image

- easel painting

- sculpture forms


Visual sense storming phrase recently published book title,

   which I invite artists, amateur artists, the experiments in this development possible in fine art.


Visual Sense storming – Bioptical  Art ;  Liviu Iliescu ; Amazon

The book contains descriptions of the application of new techniques Binocular Rivalry domain

as in fine art and descriptions of the effect obtained by applying these techniques.




                1. Introduction

            2.Techniques for making bioptical compositions,

        3   Binocular   rivalry applied in bioptical art

4.The structure of bi-optical composition

5 Visual Binarity 

6 Bioptical effects, definitions

                                      7. Bioptical compositions of fine art

                                                   8. References

   Eu  ofer gratuit  aparatul  bioptic de observare in cadrul unor discutii preliminare  din grupa:

I offer free observation bioptical device in preliminary discussions within the group:


Science and Art - Bioptical Art


  I will to present  explanations on the image strings elementary

Contributions of course, will depend on the level of the participants in arts


LAB ART offers the possibility of recording the paternity of each contribution.


 See sites:

12. Visual-sense-storming
13. Visual binarity

2. Binocular rivalry and stereoscopy in bioptical art



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