Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
It is natural that professional artists, owners of techniques accumulated in millennia to manifest
caution in accepting to analyze techniques applicable in fine art, coming from amateurs
This is the case of my techniques, entitled Bioptical Art.
I write this text due to the fact it is the second time in decades,
when professional artists have positive considerations, relative to my work.
First time does Theodor Redlow in Article Psihodrom Proposals for (name is on me) published in
ARTA Bucharest nr.9- 10; 1990.
I describe circumstances in link:
Informare despre plagiatul lui Liviu Câmpeanu
And recently I have received positive references from professional artists:
Adriana Lucaciu
Professor Ph.D at the West University – Faculty of Arts and Design– Timisoara (RO)
Livia Mateiaș
Ph.D. in Visual Arts at the West University of Timiosara, Faculty of Arts and Design.
This as a result of exchange of ideas that took place recently on Facebook about composition:
Livia Mateias
Multiverse; detail - mixed media installation, variable dimensions, 2010 / View - Mansardă Gallery
My studies, as I wrote, develop techniques for application in Fine Art stimuli from sciences Binocular Rivalry, Color Fusion Helmholtz associated with Stereoscopy (BFS) .
I present my compositions, but I try to use compositions of professional artists. This to the extent that it allows me to increase the means of expression in visual communication.
In this case I am limited by my level of training to penetrate the subtleties of artistic expression of those compositions.
In most cases I consult Google using keywords that relate to a specific theme that I already started it, as are these.
fine art sense bioptic hyperspace images
What is distressing for me is that I did not understand me
in the integration techniques set me in visual communication.
My intervention in fine art justification is that I'm specialist
in the construction of optical devices (calculations and physical effects) profession
that offers possibilities improvements in visual communication
I found interesting composition Multiverse of Livia Mateiaş for optical transposition,
because artistic space is well structured , in parallel with virtual space of forms obtained by mirrors.
Execution and concepts in Multiverse, expressing the artist's intention both to be rigorously
artistic and his telent induce significant differences at the pixel size limit.
The techniques proposed by me, I think that can be applied to several sections of fine art.
In what follows I will refer to one of these sections.
Vezi link:
About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics
The Paired off Visual Signal Liviu Iliescu
We know about "variations on a theme" in music. Variations are introduced in a certain theme in point of melody (to a certain extent), rhythm, relative values of the notes, harmony. Some composers are known to revive the works of other musicians, as a homage. It is also known that composers use to introduce cadences of their own in the concertos created by others.
The bioptical art permits to introduce similar modalities, as I shall show in the following lines. Many compositions of the modern plastic art succeed in conveying only a little of the artist's sensitivity. They have a high entropic degree. Art critics try to cover the distance between the artist and the recipient subject. I provide the opportunity to introduce in well-known compositions a different type of wordless comments, with the help of bioptical means. They may complement known types of visual psychotherapy with beneficial effects..........
For example we have chosen a part of Multiverse composition.
Arranged for crossed-eye viewing
It shows a diversification of space and effects of color fusion Helmholtz
This transformed space, is significant because the feeling is psycho-physical, relative to the composition of the base where the space is the result of mental educating. Application of
BFS means installs contrast sequentially whom I have defined as visual contrast between stage where it looks with the naked eyes and then the next stage using the device with mirrors or, failing that, on with crossed- eye viewing
The composition made by Livia and Mateias is valuable in that it allows special artistic variations.
The artist can develop more variants. These, which I propose further that the artist will develop
of course belong to the artist; they can be digitally recorded and presented in exhibitions
with basic composition (source).
Can be interesting course, other variants composed by other artists, but that will be the position of art critics.
This is because the composition of the base is present in all variants in dominant fashion.
For contemplation with the apparatus, component images are placed one above the other
Relative to the bioptical techniques see link:
Graphic presentation of development possibilities in visual communi...
Started by Liviu Iliescu Jul 2.0 Replies 0 Likes
For diversification, I mention the sensations, effects and concepts arising from extension application visual skills through BFS:
Psychophysiological mixture of colours, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyper-realistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, space and time in bioptical art, field binocular rivalry.
Some of these have not been experienced by humans yet.
To confirm reception of these sensations I propose testing to persons, medium training,
such as students in gymnasium.
See link:
This and connection with (link)
Compositions of fine art in which it would be possible to observe t...
Use the device offers a relaxed contemplation, helping substantially
the intensity of the sensation.
Over the years I have designed and built several devices. Using accumulated documentation,
Petrica Sorinel Damian executed the prototype, from the latest type,
participating in improvements. He has equipped a workshop for a small number of
artisanal production.
The apparatus allows the use of glasses for vision correction
Referring to the theme enunciated by Dr. Khrisna Kumari Challa for its ING (where are my articles)
LAB ART - Art, Science, Li tt, based Art Science,
for result is that we are invited to participate with combined issues in these areas, but also in view
complex composition, the composition comprehensive and unified.
A participant in discussions ART -LAB observed holistic aspect of the thoughts, Dr. Krishna
understanding that we should aspire to conduct awarded by the bitterness materials, such as these activities tend towards perfection possible similar the offerings dedicated to divinity.
I mention that the Livia Mateiaş make literary completions in presenting his compositions.
In this way it stands, near its spirit contributions to invitation Dr Krishna.
I use this special circumstance, the positive appreciations are made by professional artists, the success of bioptic interventions made me to return to the discussion of important selections processed by Google through its evaluation criteria.
fine art sense images
is obtained :
So my composition is selected; Study G: Desert Phantom of ~ 29 million results,
I notes that the total number of fine art compositions that are listed by Google is ~ 250 million.
Arranged for crossed-eye viewing
Imaginea este un unicat absolut fiind printre primele compozitii de acest tip recunoscute in acest fel ca au prioritate. Eu consider ca aceste compozitii se disting prin folosirea sinergetica de stimuli din domeniile stiintifice BFS.
De curand cecetatorii , folosind rezonanta magnetica au obtinut pentru prima data fotografierea unui semn pe creer, in timpul cand o persoana privea un test grafic de Binocular Rivalry, respectiv inregistrarea efectului provocat de constientizarea disparitiei unei imagini.
Image is an absolutely unique compositions among the first of its kind recognized in this way, as a priority. I think the compositions are distinguished by using synergistic stimulus of scientific areas Binocular Rivalry, Color Fusion Helmholtz, Stereoscopy (BFS)
Recently researchers using magnetic resonance obtained the first photographs
a mark on the brain, when someone observed during a test graphic type Binocular Rivalry, namely photographs caused by the awareness effect, extinction of an image.
Vezi link:
Subcortical discrimination; binocular rivalry; magnetic resonance
Achievement by a group of artists compositions, which include bpoptical references , it offers the prospect of access to the top creations of fine art. It might start with the discussions under
Art- LAB with a fictitious person, who would be called AGORA-T.
Each participating artist can make contributions, keeping your style. These contributions are
claimable as it registers the date on which each intervention was made.
Currently it is operating a center for the presentation of the composition and bioptpcal techniques, located
Polytechnic University Museum; Romania Bucharest Street Polizu no. 1
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