Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

   The composition of fine art complex is difficult to achieve in that involves diverse content using techniques that include references to Sci-Art-Litt.

  But they will enhance emotional stimulation effects in communication.

   Efficiency perspective, a complex compositions, it provides Dr. Krishna in:

 Why you cannot create lots of sci-art works

Posted by  Dr .Krishna Kumari Challa  on January 28, 2015 at 9:30am


 One of my artist friends creates lots of art works. At least ten to fifteen in a month. Most of the works are landscapes and nature-related. It is as if some machine is working in her studio producing innumerable works in no time. And sells them cheap, attracting people and making lots of money in the process. She copies from photographs, pictures in news papers and magazines. She need not put much of an effort mentally. I am sure she can paint thousands of these things in her life time.In the…………..


And try connecting all these three subjects: Science, Art and Literature. Your mind will blow off! That is what I am trying to do and why my mind is going haywire these days. And I didn't come across people doing this as it is extremely difficult. I have seen some  people trying to connect science to art (mostly with aesthetics as the purpose, not communication ), some art to literature, some science to literature but never saw anybody trying to connect all the three like me  ( maybe I am the only crazy person around to do this trying to  damage her gray matter). I haven't seen anyone else trying to do a three subject work on a single theme of science till now.

The difficulty limits the number of works I can create. I cannot be prolific. But still I could manage about 130 sci-art works till now, aesthetic ones included, in eight years. And just a few sci-art-litt ones. People will have to see the quality and not the quantity of work when they judge my work .



Adaptation of new techniques in fine art depends on acceptance by professional artists.

  They are holders of millennia accumulation of techniques  transmitted by initiates to the the disciples.

  In general professional artists, watches severity, to preserve artistic criteria.


Compositions professional artists, addressed the numerous lovers of fine art: some of them, painted as amateurs.

And I subscribe among art lovers, practicing as an amateur fine art.

   As a specialist in the design of systems and optical instruments  I introduced in compositions of fine art

techniques containing optical stimuli, resulting from scientific fields:  Binocular Rivalry, Colour Fusion and Stereoscopy.


In support of my demarches I mentioned  some concepts that I think are important.

I wrote about this in:

Science-Art and psychic life



  For the connection between sci-art and psychic life I quote:

   Norbert Sillamy, Dictionnaire of Psychology, Larousse. , 1995;

respectively of defined content; AFFECTION;


Psychic life would include three areas (inseparable)

that I try to represent by graphs:

6. Aspects relative to the applications of plastic arts in psychoth...

Excerpt paragraph:  Psychic life 
As is known, man's psychic life has three fields: activity, intelligence and affectivity. The last one comprises feelings, emotions, passions. They all coexist inseparably. Yet we may take into account the fact that we become aware of some being dominant or having a higher share. I may state that, in the case of the bioptical art, the share of affectivity increases in comparison with the case of the known abstract art. This statement should be pointed out to specialists in psychology. 
The shares in psychic life related to plastic arts may be presented as in the graphs of figures 6.4 and 6.5 (approximations for enlightening ideas).

Fig. 6.4

Fig. 6.5

Figure 6.4. Graph of the Bioptical Art. 
Figure 6.5. Graph of known abstract art. 
1 - activity; 2 - intelligence; 3 - affectivity.


Some publications of researchers highlight the link between science-art

 and the areas of psychic life.

May still develop recommendations for adjustments in balancing

 the areas of psychic life.


Generally people, especially scientists feel the need to balance areas

their psychic life, some using art.

   Scientists are in positions:

  amateur, theorists by adjacent to their specialty or authors of artistic compositions.


A remarkable example of this offer

 Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa    by setting - ART LAB - Art, Science, Litt,.


Would result from these graphs  it would be possible some assessments into Fine Art considering to what extent

the resulting composition dominant emotional, which is not altered by intelligent interpretations.


I recently communicated with Carmen Bivolaru

transmitting its  composition The Survivor


I received a response that attest the efficiency of complex composition Sci -Art - Littt:

 Literary part is required, completing  the image, from resulting the affective dominance.


Carmen Bivolaru in turn develop creative sense of composition.


     I composed painting  (oil on cardboard 64x 45 cm) two decades ago.

  It may be noted that the feelings I had while painting, trying

to express sadness, resignation by human eyes, participating in this scenario.


I think the success of an complex compositions  Sci-Art-Litt consist mainly

 in stimulating discussions about affectivity. We know that in this way  are stimulated creative discussions.

  I called this stimulation creative resonance.


I repeat the message sent to Carmen Bivolaru and and the response received


At 10:16am on February 8, 2015, Liviu Iliescu said…

Dear Carmen

 Sometimes I want to share something nonconformist of person with particular sensitivity,

 associated with patience understanding the passions, like my amateurish painting.

  For those I usually invoked as your patience.


I believe that communication through ART LAB is an important feature mediated by

Dr. Krishna and because it allows us to digress in literature in adjacent to

with science, course with clear boundaries, without making confusion.

Thus, as an amateur, I painted the picture below:

 I  have entitled: Survivor.


I imagined a scenario when after the  neutron war,

  has remained a man who followed the urge ... is healthy to run.

  As an amateur painter must not risk a portrait, to master the nuances

  because the image does not look with deformations of the face.

I risked from pessimism and from opportunity  to also show a contrast.                                                                    

With the disappearance of the last man disappears and the universe.

 The universe will exist in eternity of the absurd.


 The answer which I have received from  Carmen Bivolaru (In Romanian)


At 11:22am on February 11, 2015, Bivolaru Carmen-Alexandrina said…

                     Superba imaginea; talentul in pictura aproape egaleaza eruditia filozofico-stiintifica!

                     'Absurdul vesniciei'... Genial! Dureros de adevarat! Va felicit inca o data!

Totusi, Demiurgul pare ca priveste rece, usor intelegator la neobositul alergator, care nu da semne ca stie nici unde vrea sa ajunga, nici de ce, nici macar ce i se intampla, dar nu se lasa! Asta conteaza: perseverenta...

       Va multumesc pentru intregul moment ; pentru mine reprezinta un cumul artistic de mare rezonanta stilistica, psihologica, senzitiva!


It can be seen as promoting the complex composition of fine art (Sc-Art-Litt envisaged by Dr. Krishna)

caused to Carmen  Bivolaru a resonance creative.


Returning to the concept: the absurd eternity.

  I try to understand descriptions of specialists, within my accumulation, about cyclic segment

  of the universe in which we live.

   There are few cases where scientific papers causing particular inspiration for fine art.


Are described the eternal material particles, forming a huge number (but finite) ephemeral forms.

  He appeared in a moment of eternity form (similar to a number) which opened a lock in the universe.

The form was invested with properties of life: multiplication, feeding selective enrolling

  substances necessary for survival.

Thus the very distant time, after successive multiplications against aggressive factors, I was born, attesting the existence of the beginning life, detached from eternity.


  To these, I still adds thoughts extracted from link:

 Psychical satiety in affectivity



I keep coming back to the main idea noting that a vector can be defined
that reported psycho-physiological to the structure of would have dimensions:


Utility, Needs, Satiety 

This vector could get qualifications:
-minor interest
-applicable in limited situations to developments by intelligence.
-of survival.
-as an attribute of life, in contact with the environment by adapting
reflex:  response (of contact agent) favorable - unfavorable.
Divine vector



 Examples extracted from my studies:

Art Bi-optics, which I promote is in experimentation.


     Appears as important, the need to develop the title of composition and then comments caused by, composition

   (literary descriptions), they should contribute to

amplification the dominance of affectivity


Examples of my studies ; links: 


  Inserting space in one of minimalist compositions composed by Dan F...


Conceptual Art and the dominant feeling


Compositions of fine art in which it would be possible observe the ...


Stimulated abstraction; ad-hoc educational atmosphere


  See Emotii fine (in Romanian).J.P. Sartre:

 Noul introdus de Arta Bioptica

.... estetice28)


Art by artists they develop, as is natural, ideas about life and the cosmos.Science provides topics in these areas, but the transfer (science- art) is difficult. The image may implement only on a small scale the work of researchers in science.

I'm interested in the findings of the cosmos for takeovers in Bi-optical Art


Resulting from research, issues relating to limits about possibilities of defining the universe


An example:

Universe measured to 1% accuracy

By James Morgan; 9 ian. 2014


BBC News




"I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house.


"While we can't say with certainty, it's likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time.

 Our results are consistent with an infinite universe," he said.


...................   however J.M. is circumspect ... "While we can't say with certainty,......


Sci-Art-Litt appears to me as a new class in communication arts; centered on an image

(ie created or chosen), with the theme extracted from science, and completed

by literary descriptions, contribute to the dominant affectivity and stimulates

creative resonance of lovers of fine art.


 See keyword

fine art sense



Badge for a segment content in the universe.



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The two circles overlap technique creates a "3D" state; not just a bidimensional image, but a moving image: black + purple combination becomes brilliant and moves in the front and the pink circle in the middle behind the screen is awesome! It would fit at the beginning of the recent award-winning movie "Gravity"!

Further discussion you do, is caused by resonance creative. You participate creatively in the consolidation of the Bi-optics.

   I am interested in your descriptions relative to my experiments



Survivor, neutron war

Kafka Homer

oil on canvas 64x45 cm



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