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Vasili Kandinski - Wikipedia

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky /; 16 December  – 13 December 1944)

was an influential Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting

 one of the first purely abstract works.


 Kandinky about his paintings: 
a) Impressions - namely the impression made by the surrounding nature 
b) Improvisations - namely impulses from the unconscious 
c) Compositions - the dominant role is played by reason, conscious, purposefulness, finality, with elaborations in a longer time period. 


Bi-optical compositions belong to the combination (a) with (b)

In Study E I used forms that cause

lighting contrasts, through reflections and shadows.




                              L. Iliescu - Studiul E - ulei pe panza - 90 x 65 cm; 1998


Bi-optical Painting, is placed on the vertical; the effects can be observed using bioptical device.

It can be seen the compatibility the bi-optical painting  compared with, conventional painting.

In this example, it is found that it offers the advantage of bi-optical technique against conventional painting.

This can be inferred by examining the images below, where the component fields, of course, require conventional painting


                                                        Arranged for crossed-eye viewing



                                                            Arranged for crossed-eye viewing



Bi-optical interpretations

Another way of extension of subconscious impulses with reference to paragraph (b) Improvisations

  See link:


8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics  (Liviu Iliescu)


We know about "variations on a theme" in music. Variations are introduced in a certain theme in point of melody (to a certain extent), rhythm, relative values of the notes, harmony. Some composers are known to revive the works of other musicians, as a homage. It is also known that composers use to introduce cadences of their own in the concertos created by others. 
The bioptical art permits to introduce similar modalities, as I shall show in the following lines. Many compositions of the modern plastic art succeed in conveying only a little of the artist's sensitivity. They have a high entropic degree. Art critics try to cover the distance between the artist and the recipient subject. I provide the opportunity to introduce in well-known compositions a different type of wordless comments, with the help of bioptical means.



 Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky


                       Bi-optical interpretation; arranged for crossed-eye viewing

Maybe interpretation led to an increase redundancy, but here I present an

 example for demonstration.




Bi-optical interpretation;   painting placed on the vertical for observation

with bioptical  device.

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