Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky /; 16 December – 13 December 1944)
was an influential Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting
one of the first purely abstract works.
Kandinky about his paintings:
a) Impressions - namely the impression made by the surrounding nature
b) Improvisations - namely impulses from the unconscious
c) Compositions - the dominant role is played by reason, conscious, purposefulness, finality, with elaborations in a longer time period.
Bi-optical compositions belong to the combination (a) with (b)
In Study E I used forms that cause
lighting contrasts, through reflections and shadows.
L. Iliescu - Studiul E - ulei pe panza - 90 x 65 cm; 1998
Bi-optical Painting, is placed on the vertical; the effects can be observed using bioptical device.
It can be seen the compatibility the bi-optical painting compared with, conventional painting.
In this example, it is found that it offers the advantage of bi-optical technique against conventional painting.
This can be inferred by examining the images below, where the component fields, of course, require conventional painting
Arranged for crossed-eye viewing
Arranged for crossed-eye viewing
Bi-optical interpretations
Another way of extension of subconscious impulses with reference to paragraph (b) Improvisations
See link:
8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics (Liviu Iliescu)
We know about "variations on a theme" in music. Variations are introduced in a certain theme in point of melody (to a certain extent), rhythm, relative values of the notes, harmony. Some composers are known to revive the works of other musicians, as a homage. It is also known that composers use to introduce cadences of their own in the concertos created by others.
The bioptical art permits to introduce similar modalities, as I shall show in the following lines. Many compositions of the modern plastic art succeed in conveying only a little of the artist's sensitivity. They have a high entropic degree. Art critics try to cover the distance between the artist and the recipient subject. I provide the opportunity to introduce in well-known compositions a different type of wordless comments, with the help of bioptical means.
Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky
Bi-optical interpretation; arranged for crossed-eye viewing
Maybe interpretation led to an increase redundancy, but here I present an
example for demonstration.
Bi-optical interpretation; painting placed on the vertical for observation
with bioptical device.
Again a picture intergalactic amazes you! The more you look, the more the more step into space, galaxy!
Dear Carmen
I thank you for your message
Study E is one of a series of experimental compositions
by which I demonstrate compatibility with conventional compositions.
Of the many discussions in ART LAB result my intention,
in contemplation of causing psychical influence, diversified to decorative composition.
However I recognize that the Study's feelings induce strange is presenting a kind of landscape,
with extracts from the manual physical effects, but exist and he deduced from imagination.
About existence in existentialism there are important philosophical considerations
and I think my composition rejection would benefit philosophical arguments about ....
Consciousness in the universe (as it is known ) appears as an existence infinitesimal compared,
for example hydrogen; mountains, rocks, solid matter, there are much larger proportion.
When I was sent for work in China I crossed the Himalayas, traveling plane.
Mountains with snow eternal, then the bare rock testifying force that produced it,
Then pine covered mountains that rise from the image I associate with those
the rock overgrown with mold. By contrast appeared to me the image on the scale
human existence, the image of pines that have agreed to divide the light, increasing
mirculos the sky, on the vertical gravity. Let me these digressions as literature
adjacent to Study E, filling with regret that democracy has not yet managed to divide fairly light.
Draga Carmen
Multumesc pentru mesajul tau
Compozitia bi-optica Study E este una dintr-o serie experimentala
prin care demonstrez compatibilitatea accesteia cu compozitiile conventionale.
Din numeroasele discutii publicatae in ART LAB rezulta intentia mea
de a provoca in contemplare influentari psihice, diferite de compozitia decorativa.
Totusi recunosc ca prin Study E eu induc sentimente stranii etaland un decor ,
cu efecte extrase din manualul de fizica, dar iata exista si acesta compozitie dedusa din imaginatie.
Despre existenta , in existentialism, apar importante considerente filozofice
si cred ca respingerea compozitiei mele ar fi in avantajul argumentelor unor filozofi despre....
Constiinta in univers ( dupa cum se stie) apare ca o catime infinitezimala fata, de exmplu de hidrogen;
muntii , stancile , materia contondenta, exista in proportie mult mai mare.
Trimes in interes de serviciu in China am traversat cu avionul Himalaia.
Munti cu zapezi vesnice, apoi stanca goala marturisind forta care a produs-o,
Apoi muntii acoperiti de brazi , care de la inaltime am asociat imaginea cu aceia
a materiei napadita de mucegai. Prin contrast mi-a aparut imaginea la scara
existenei umane , a brazilor care s-au inteles sa-si imparta lumina, crescand
mirculos catre cer, pe verticala gravitatiei. Permite-mi aceste divagatii , ca literatură
adiacenta la Study E, completand cu regretul ca democratia nu a reusit inca sa imparta echitabil lumina.
Dupa razboi! Vitejii n-au aparut inca!
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