Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
I belong to the class fine art lovers, practicing drawing, painting
and some assumptions for forms in space.
Tests and my proposals are associated with geometric optics, techniques resulting from
area in which I professed.
I try to bring to the attention possible means of orientation in
possible to developments in fine art, considering some aspects, resulting from my exercises.
For some results that I've achieved I shall refer to automatic criteria, evaluated by Google.
It appears in publications that are more than 300 criteria and, for ordering of values, they are applied to each site
I reproduce my graphics images (usually insignificant), which was selected by Googel
between tens of millions of compositions, posting fine art sense images.
L Iliescu ; sketches
I present the links that refer to my publications and to compositions of this type,
that I've made.
I think they were automatically considered by Google
Revista Teatrul, nr. 7-8, anul XXIX, iulie-august 1984
Portrait Caricature Psychology ; Liviu Iliescu
12. Visual-sense-storming - The paired off visual signal; Liviu Iliescu
I benefit from the translation of Mrs. Monica Sima
Line, as related with physiognomy and the sensuous expressionism; Liviu Iliescu
Linda in legatura cu fizionomia si expresionismul senzualist: Liviu Iliescu
I benefit from the translation of Mrs. Sorana Georgescu gorjan
..........Ce-i drept, într-un punct esential, caricaturistul se aratã modest, el nu se strãduieste ca expresionistul sã investeascã trãire psihicã în obiectul sãu." (op. cit., vol. II, p. 17)
39 Anexez schitele-portret ale unor artisti notate cu SP. 1, SP. 2, SP. 3, SP. 4 SP. 5 SP. 6 SP. 7 SP. 8 SP. 9 SP. 10 SP. 11 SP. 12 SP. 13 SP. 14 SP. 15 SP. 16SP. 17 SP. 18 SP. 19 etc. realizate prin încercãri repetate, fãrã pretentia de trasãri de linii cu spontaneitate.
(repeated attempts made by, without claiming tracing lines with spontaneity).
Sketches, drawings, figures and portraits ; Liviu Iliescu
I practiced a laborious work to reduce to lines the complex forms, practicing until the line corresponded image from memory, receiving all expression;
Of course technique is not new, but I adds some processes, which they describe in the above publications.
We know each person on the move, such as a particular expression of the eyes occurs in other time rather than the expression characteristic of mouth.
The relationship between expression and drawing image memory, I found the image of memory as kinetics.
On the other hand I also considered, and I, the notion of sensual, as extended, detached from the notion erotica, which appears dominant.
Readers known artists when they were young, they can prove a surprising sowing with my designs.
So it is worth noting that the selection was made without Google can take in the multitude of criteria and similarity criteria.
Thus explains the composition Desert Phantom selection in the first place, of over 20 million results posting fine art sense images
L. Iliescu, Study G; oil on canvas; 74 x 100 cm ; Desert phantom
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