Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

 I define the stereoscopic couple having simplified form that is reduced to a minimum of signs

and causing the stereoscopic effect or elementary  stereoscopic couple

 Binocular rivalry is the name of a perceptive phenomenon that results

when simultaneously with one eye one sees a form and with the other another form

totally different as lines and color. The images are perceived in succession, from the eye

left, then the right eye, within about five seconds


I have developed techniques for application in fine art the stereoscopic couples

 with simplified form, associated with binocular rivalry forms


This effect is obtained:

- Using a device (for application in fine art)

- The cross-eyed (for publication)


For cross-eyed look, see details in:

Dioptical- bioptical fine art composition ; visual communications


My first publication.

 OSIM Patent no 67678/19.02.1974 - Method for model making.
I registered the patent in 1974



See excerpt at the end of the essay.


a = horizontal distance on the picture corresponding to a point in space that you want to be perceived by the eye toward painting
b = horizontal distance to a point on the picture that you want to be perceived behind the painting


My attempts to make it as understandable bi-optical techniques, that I propose, did not cause resonances,

  artists not interested in assimilating these proposals

See the introduction of:



Assimilation is possible only if undergoing interactive, step by step, some rules.


  The possibility of applying elementary  stereoscopic couple

Application is possible to easel painting but also in digital compositions.

- Stereoscopic effect arises spontaneously with artistic gesture, like cough painting,

 allowing the artist to determine the effect of own artistic sensibility.

- No restrictions to traditional techniques.

- Allows the transposition of a sculptures, in hyperspace;

see link;

Sculpture containing flat shapes to increase virtual depths

- Provides transposition in stereoscopic space of their own compositions or

  fine art compositions of other artists.

- Provides posibillitatea obtaining stereoscopic assemblies, using stereoscopic shapes,

obtained by other techniques, including digital programs

- Provides association stereoscopy and tests of binocular rivalry and tests

  colorful fusion (see sketch, with, circular spots)

- As a corollary resulted advantageous settlement Fd and Fs fields below each other,

 so that the first stage of contemplation, to look normal with the naked eye,

 bi-optical composition occur as a conventional composition.


 Liviu  Iliescu ; Sketch: stereoscopic couples;

  it looks cross-eyed or parallel eyes;

See link:

 Dioptical- bioptical fine art composition ; visual communications


Stereoscope (monoocular!) with mirrors used to

observation bi-optical compositions.

(device is the result of my research since the 70s)


I offer a few devices, free, for amateur, artists

   proving that notifies bi-optical effects relative to this discussion item

 and after some conversations. I gladly respond to your questions.


The caller will report in a few short phrases seized effects

  I have tested many people for a long time;

some people, having noticed no effects at first, after several attempts

 they have managed to seize them.


The device can be acquired and the fabrication series.





 The 1 button acts lever 2 for overlapping fields Fd, Fs

and adjustment in the height of the images.

Screw 3 acts horizontal adjustment.


The device (which I called bi-optic) respect standards

  binocular devices.


Scheme for elementary stereoscopic couple



 Bi-optic device allows it overlapping fields, Fd with Fs, so with one eye appears

  Fd field and the other field Fs.

 At the start of application technique of  elementary stereoscopic couple

 all forms (points), they are seen as having the same coordinates for both eyes (Xi = Xi 'that Yi = Yi')


Couple t, t' remains without changes and will be seen in the painting support plan (composition)

  By applying further method, the form k1, belonging to the couple k, k1, is moved

 horizontally in different positions, to limit the module -M, yielding different stereoscopic depth.

Similarly, apply technique, horizontal the movement to the form k2, belonging to the couple k, k2

+ M to the limit, resulting inverted depths.


In experiments resulted limit values recommended for the module M are

-5 / + 5mm, for diagonal composition of 18.5 ", the composition being regarded by the    distance of ~ 0.5 meters. For the distance of observation bigger then values   M increase proportionally.

See link:


Bioptical art, convergence and accommodation of the eyes, accuracy ...




  Interpretari  bi-optice relativ la compozitia DeviantArt

 a lui Kandinky



 I extract from the composition. bordered in the rectangle



  Bi-optical interpretation . Arranged to be seen with bi-optic device



                    Fd                                                Fs


 It looks at different distances with  crossed eyes, the lower limit being 0.5 meters


In my universe's composition possibility of extrapolation Kandinky, in visual communication, which it is how to apply the technique offered by

 elementary  stereoscopic couple,  keeps the proportions, there is some similarity with the event Rosetta Stone


 The graphical presentation of bi-optical interpretation




 Some additions and resumptions on 

The artist who wants to make bioptical compositions should undergo a period of training to gain skills to realize the correlation between his knowledge learned in developing conventional compositions and transition to the bioptical composition (domain which is located in an experimental area).

I give below some examples, described briefly, as they are in good measure presented in previous chapters from the site:

In this chapter the binograms (stereograms) are arranged to be viewed with crossed eyes.

In terms of technique for achieving stereoscopic space I quote from the chapter ( Elemente geometrice in Arta Bioptica

To obtain spatial perception, it is necessary to introduce horizontally differences in the picture between conjugated points; differences noted in Fig. 31 with D, as has been previously shown. Theoretical developments to reveal space are known, especially in stereophotogrametry, but in bioptical painting I suggested two simple formulas, in the Patent RO 67678:

a = 0,064c/(e-c); b = 0,064d/(e+d)


a = horizontal distance on the picture corresponding to a point in space that you want to be perceived by the eye toward painting
b = horizontal distance to a point on the picture that you want to be perceived behind the painting
c, d = distance before, and behind the painting respectively, which it wants to perceive those points
e = distance at which it wants to be seen the picture (after the realization of the composition, it can be seen from 0.25 m to tens of meters, depending on the initial distance of calculation (s).
In the formulas appears the value of 0.064, which is an average pupillary distance in meters. So, all sizes (a, b and c, d, e) be expressed in meters.

In order to support my quotes I present below a rule deduced from these equations, rule can be applied with ease.

Let's suppose that each of the two images that compose each bioptical pair is attached to a system of coordinates: x, y and x ', y'

Stereoscopic space will be achieved through many pairs of graphic points (visible limit points, spots of different colors) with compositions that make up the forms.

The pair of reference points meets the condition of the reference plane position:

x=x’ y=y’

For any other point:

y= y’ ; x=x’+/- M

M is a module that is defined as:

For a bioptical composition on a A4 surface viewed from a distance of 500mm is set M = 0 ... 5 mm

Basically the ordinates (y, y ') for a pair of points remain constant (whatever their value on the vertical), but for the same pair of points, for the pair to give the illusion of spatial change, horizontal value of those points must differ in the range 0 ... + / - 5 mm. As the difference is greater in this range the greater the stereoscopic effect, before or behind the reference plane.

When the composition involves increasing the proportion of the format and distance of observation the M module is increased proportionally.



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