Dear friends You do not know anything in art that I propose (A.B).. You have much to learn. Theories that your type are connection very poor, with a sense of vision applied to fine art. Because you entered into territory marked by me you are obligated to comment on the result, after posting keywords fine art visual sense pictures
At the moment, you are standing on top of the mountain, like the king of bioptical art; and that is all right. A king stands alone. But remember, there is a whole mountain that supports you. From time to time, the king must see if the mountain is still there, that is human. You ask us to show our interest in your researches, that honors you; it means you don't treat us like servants of the king. I think that eache of us try to give the effort we can afford.
Dear Marcel You assign my intentions that I do not have. My appeal is addressed to members who want to make bioptical compositions and not understand what is Bioptical Art
Those members will make bioptical sketches or paintings they will sign as authors. If the operation is successful will rezult an exhibition, original, which will be known in the world.
I am the age where I raise the question of loss techniques set by me.
I participate with the technique, but are people. much more talented than me, which will perform bioptical compositions .
You wrote your attempts to mix colors.
I give the example of the perspective developed by Filippo Brunelleschi which caused many artists, they become famous He was a professional architect.
Honestlymy friendLiviu Iliescuwould love tolearn the technique andcomposition,and I'mtalentedfacililadepaintingon the computer!...Isamatter of observationabout the language, shadow,pespectivatheirartworkwill learn!...Want to learnobserve...feel....
I again honor your good intentions. I understand what you are trying to say, but, we must admit that it is a little bit hazardous for somebody to do a thing he does not understand. You insist on the making more than on the understanding; that does not mean you don't know what you are talking about. Anyhow, it happens very often that an artist does a work of art without understanding all about it; it is like a call from very far that you can't resist.
Dear Marcel Bioptical art network generates these effects can be reproducible (attention are not metaphors similar to those sometimes used in art criticism).
Psychophysical mixture of colors, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyperrealistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, field binocular rivalry.
Until now you have not made any attempt to see something. I tested these effects architecture students from 10 years in visual communications courses. Students have made bioptical ompositions . Unfortunately her profession away from the bioptical phenomena .
Dear Marcel I think it is a confusion in our conversation. Be separated from achieving artistic technique.
Contemplating your artistic compositions I am convinced that you have in terms of imagery and traditional painting accumulation position superior, at least to me. Therefore I regret that you do not want to try, the bioptical techniques.
As for me I mainly studied the possibility, extending the visual sense in arts (painting and sculpture) With reference to chapters aesthetics (philosophy) I had in mind chapters
disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge
I use Google's scientific program with over 300 criteria applying to each site, he makes a ordered selection. See what is my position posting
fine art visual sense storming I I'm in top positions in over 200 million results
As an artist, I am open to freedom and new techniques. I appreciate a lot your e-mail. I admit that there is, somewhere, a confusion in our conversation. In fact, I am a French- Canadian from Quebec and my mother tongue is French; English is my second language and less fluent. I have a hard time trying to understand your English, not because you are in default; you are not in default. Furthermore, I use the computor each day, but it is not my specialty; my specialty is in painting. I understand much faster when you e-mail me instead of using Art Lab site. That does not mean that I can't understand you from Art Lab site, it just means that I am not cosy with computors. I don't always catch quickly if your comment addresses me in particular or a group through Art Lab site. I don't see what exactly you expect me to do. Of course, I would like to experiement bioptical art and I regret my reflexe of putting aside temporarily your studies; I was like someone before a huge mountain trying to figure out if the mountain is too big for me. Please don't think that Art Lab site is in default, I have to thank Art Lab for meeting you.
I hope to get rid of my language confusion. If we continue to correspond, there is hope.
Superb art .. not be., no exists.!?? Only that which is art and that it is not. Each individual to decide. stavratelj and the consumer, the viewer, not a neposojeće units. There is no limit to who can be a bet that he is right. It's sort of sect Dancing and nothing more! The same applies to the so-called knowledge, which is knowledge, which may not be the opposite, otherwise?
Everything is relative, and the art with knowledge,to!
TA-BE, my work, the essential point offocus, 2. Andperspectiveantiballbyopposingthe establishedcanon ofEuclideanideal..At the same timeon2 differentsites(visibleandnotvisible(a positive ~negativetothe properstate ofalternating+ and-)
“... Pois a Natureza mantém seu véu cerrado, Misteriosa, ainda que em plena luz do dia, E onde o espírito não pode penetrar, Nossos instrumentos nunca hão de abrir caminho.” Goethe
Ingenious Superb novel is one that is not written, so and the man, one who is not yet born. Only future is the perfect, present is the real and polemical, and past is the relative,as and so called art and knowledge !!
Dear Milvoj I saw your work. Your are a talented artist. I am by profession expert in optics calculation and I handled the psychology of vision.Therefore we developed techniques applicable in fine art It appears that an area (in, contemporary) is distinguished by decorative. Unfortunately you apply the principle that not what you know, may no longer exist, and nothing else.
Obviously you have a style which I think is in the top. But the problem is as can be seen in hundreds of thousands forms that gives artists. My techniques are recognized by Google highlighting them in more than 20 millions of results by automatic Inspection that applies to each title over 300 criteria Add keywords visualsense, fine artpictures Techniques that I suggest you preserved the style (even a certain composition) but gives opportunity to communicate something of the feelings you have had while painting Your last comment shows a very poor knowledge bases of aesthetics (philosophy) Publish your work in the discussion group reserved B, A. be interpreted as a naive atitdine yours to prove thatyour work is
Dear Art L. friend, sir. Liviu.Thank you,for your opinion. I'm to think that I bad at everything, no not possessive, live a so-called art,sculptor by profession. Which is irrelevant to art. I'm not an expert in the art. Art is above the polemics, not praise, be critical! Not experts in the art, except those who create it where and when? A professional by profession I'm a senior conservator-restorer, the conservation of cultural monuments, to collaborate with several research institutes in the analysis of the carrier material in its change under different influences, Such as, humidity, salt, light when it comes to pigments. As for the theory and art history, it is good to know, and I have my opinion about it. Other branches of philosophy as an example and a second pair of gloves, the product of more speculative, abstract categories, both before and after Plato to Kant and Leibniz, the philosopher Descartes and significant danas.Sve to this theory in my opinion a man with a cubic head.(-_-).A science 17 centuries after it exploded. Developing know and experience the eye and mind and brain are neurons by different area I am interested in the theory of space,.Which I attended on the subject at the academy, Which I finished in Zagreb., Postgraduate,, master 84. ! A theory of light and optics is a physical category in Which You are a great expert, not an expert in art history.? Sometimes you're an expert I just wonder why you went into individual areas of psychology, Which is in connection with the art of Abbot special category of so-called know about art. This is a medical category, the human psyche and terapija iff it then fine, honored art of the application for that purpose, but you are an optometrist and an engineer not a doctor, if you are not cheating again?If yes,sory truly!
Man with a cubic head (Plato). My Digital Recording,, Lumino Mobile, All perception is directed at what was learned, needs to know to run away from this, so called the new art ??
Your last comment for me triggers my curiosity even more. I feel our association will be very enlightning for me because you are not "condescentant", french word for patronizing . I guess, your direct language sometimes is hard on my feelings on account of my gentrification due to my way of life since I took my pension from schoolteaching.
Dear Milivoj There is no point in a debate with you. Generally what you write belongs experts in art criticism.
But an open discussion allow me to explain some aspects on B.A.
….knowledgedepending on theart - ..... The name refers to an important chapter of Aesthetics (philosophy) and thus can not interfere neither you nor I, as amateurs
proposing changes. If you still have ideas in that way that you refer to philosophers who argue chapter publishing a paper.
-Your composition could belong to an area that could be called Biforma
. -The techniques we propose can process any composition conventional (that cause perceptions to observe single eye).
So do not impose restrictions. For contemplation BA is necessary that the observer have a look normal with two eyes.
In additio not all observers who have normal eyes perceive bioptical effects in spontaneously.
We will discuss ways to habit formation Independently of descriptions which I do for BA I express an opinion that can be discussed.
The fact that someone says that his painting is valuable as it is the result of a theory (geometric theorem) causes influencing of intelligence. I think you should reverse the statement.
Painting impresses us and then we see that is due to the fact that isinspired by a theory Your compositions impresses me, and I think you become a good practitioner of the BA
My observations relative to the artistic qualities of the compositions fine art, we report at my training . I am not an expert in evaluating fine art compositions.
Dear Milivoj There is no point in a debate with you. Generally what you write belongs experts in art criticism.
But an open discussion, allow me to explain some aspects on B.A.
….knowledgedepending on theart - ..... The name refers to an important chapter of Aesthetics (philosophy) and thus can not interfere neither you nor I, as amateurs
proposing changes. If you still have ideas in that way that you refer to philosophers who argue chapter publishing a paper.
-Your composition could belong to an area that could be called Biforma
. -The techniques I propose can process any composition conventional (that cause perceptions to observe single eye).
So do not impose restrictions. For contemplation BA is necessary that the observer, have a look normal with two eyes.
In addition, not all observers who have normal eyes perceive bioptical effects in spontaneously.
We will discuss ways to habit formation Independently of descriptions which I do for BA I express an opinion that can be discussed.
The fact that someone says that his painting is valuable as it is the result of a theory (geometric theorem) causes influencing of intelligence. I think you should reverse the statement.
Painting impresses us and then we see that is due to the fact that isinspired by a theory Your compositions impresses me and I think you become a good practitioner of the BA
My observations relative to the artistic qualities of the compositions fine art I report at my training . I am not an expert in evaluating fine art compositions.
Dear Mr. Liviu To me every word is istpovremeno and images, and physically through the waves, or enters the eye, creating a variety of aspects of the interaction of reagents in all directions receptora.A before the letter symbols that teach us first that we believe what we see and talk, listen or taste, and so I feel my way. Caring emotional speech filled grimace also learn from our 5 receptor, mam. Dad .. grandma .. and so on back in the crib. :)) And so read and all of us learn to be other than an individual, only rarely do, those that do not affect you, the most our benefactors, the best and greatest teachers are those people and friend, whom you have never met (and not just metaphorically, it is the only true high-creations :)). Begins to shape our world is burdened with the relationship among the others say most belong to the form. Nothing less time and experiential time again disturb the foundation of our existence in order to find his bearings in this world, but not by themselves, but in someone else's perception of good and evil, survival in intention as I said, learning about growing up. And all that our brains scanned from sensory receptors. So saying, the most common type in our environment in modern times enters into all spore, the existence of society and man. This I call it impaired habitat through the brain is endlessly hungry for light, light pollution as a scientific category, where is a physicist and my published works and thoughts of course :)) Yes, just a chemistry, physics, when in addition to interfering in the transformation of different carriers and pulse transmission, genetics engineering, through to stimulants and eventually even Bioptical technology devices. To me very much to embrace charity, undermined the foundation, awareness of ecology, envi, the organism as a super-natural entity, the so-called balance of natural selection or the default theistic more spheres, to which corresponds? :)) .. All in the name of a good man, and more recently futile care for the environment, especially the inner thoughts of the human consciousness euthanasia 6 synchronic senses, like a puppet in the end, unfortunately for preksano clown. :)) line on the line.Blue tuth! (-_-) Thank you not, rather well I understand that I do not understand, it's my only goal is contrary to this concept, and understand where I work, or I do not understand, but I know it is right for me and my existence and the world around me and interior! Best Wishes,,dear Liviu,my bow!!
at the distance of 1 meter ... 1.5 meter. Need to see dematerialisation of the substance. Your composition floats in the air that has your the background color Cross eyed technique is old and recently was taken up for the stereoscopic without stereoscope. If you do not see call friends to help.
Is a test you must learn to pass it even with bioptical device for which I will soon give drawings.
Mr. Liviu. I was not at all difficult to look at a single point, that is, the cross eyes and see the 3D.ali in this case I see two of your pictures, I see three But, how to draw a space that is dual doživlajva depth,, Cantor cube, when the effect of changing space and angle .. and say realistic view this drawing as my poet named "Croatian Poet Dragutin Domjanić, in the eyes of Van Gogh." Note the hat .. twofold conception cap, in the inside and out. in relation to the rod, so called dual experience and Concave Convex Space
ps work was exhibited at the annual exhibition of recent works by members of Croatian artists., in the gallery of the great Croatian sculptor Ivan Mestrovic in Zagreb ,.a new experience realistic proto ~ unreal, characteristic of composition and perspective of Van Gogh, because he was sick, so medically speaking!
Dear LIVU. Do not be discouraged you in comunicating of art, regardless of my comments, you keep the domain bioptical art,I respected you work truly !!! I was only expressing his views on art in general. I'm not fond of the so-called meditivnim sessions or scientific or theistic or occult. I am building approach to art in the creation and experience has long been built, learned my birth and selected in the interest kreacija.a and so-called experience. on the so-called psychic art and the holders of the related knowledge of physics of light and metabolic effects of the receptors of the eye (leće.lom light) on the other senses of sight and interaction kemujskog.energetskog elektomagnetskog pulses, the process of neurons or brain metabolism in the cell area in the creation of experiences metafizičnih and categories in the interpretation of the real world, especially life. Because life, it is, for now there is no final answer,in the beginning of the finality of the brain? Therefore bioptical art is the answer for you and your followers. I did not, this area and I am free, individual, that it was all I had to say, in this group, last post on the subject of art Bioptical (-_-) I was sincerely honored and once again thanks for everything, Thank you for your assistance and understanding of the magnificent work. Best regards you dear Liviu,and all in group Bioptical art! Science goes on, art has gone from here, much earlier (-_-)
ps. Flay,fly whatever that means in the physical interpretation, yours imagination!!!!
A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!
Dear friends I will begin a series of explanations of Bioptical Art
In the first stage I will insist on the way of contemplation.
Course one can not conceive art in that it must look with crossed eyes.
For this I sent Bioptical Design drawings.
But for the first exercise program I recommend this way of looking.
See my blog Bioptical Art ; initiation ; paragraph 3
Test for skill training observation bioptical events.
Should be viewed with both crossed-eye and parallel view...
www. chapter: 12. Visual-sense-storming
In the online is used this way of looking (known for a long time) to the naked eye stereoscopic. Please try and inform me that you saw:
besides the spatial effects are effects of color fusion
and binocular rivalry
If you have difficulty help your by friends to see the effect.
Together we will discuss several time patiently understanding this test.
I will be honored if some of you will respond to my invitation.
Dear Krishna Thank you for understanding that I you give for a knowledge of Bioptical Art
I have not got until now answers to my invitation.
The following days I was intervene with the details. I consider the problem of alienation by digital images (priority in some ways) of painting as an artistic object.
Important addition, to conventional painting forms, of stimuli which causes primitive perceptions.
I want to specify the nature of the biotical contemplation and separate execution technique for bioptical compositions.
Information that I do not change, artistic style already assimilated, of artist the artist will retain style (his style which belongs)
I suppose that group members at Science and Art-Bioptical Art are also interested and in scientific issues, which I can explain through demonstrations (images)
Thanks for your message.. I saw some of your compositions. You have a special style that could be the subject of communication with bioptical techniques that induce and primitive perceptions
Dear Milivoj Šegan Your composition that you post it in the discussion group "Science and Art - Bioptical Art" is interesting. In my opinion it is part of the perimeter of the universe works abstract universe in which these compositions appear multiplied imaginative. This composition would be opportune in this discussion when you are he added a description of the perspective of research studies
Dear Mr. Liviu Iliescu. Im'glad,thank you. The area by getting to know a bit more, of course, using the information, the Internet, and your individual areas of scientific bioptical technology, filing some papers that could be used in various branches of so-called visual art. Although for me it is not sory. Bath yes for example, art belongs to the ineteres Vedas, Indian culture, like this drawings and picture, where people with no knowledge of classical educational paradigm performed fenomanalne characters. To me it is fascinating to have a strong imagination and modern science, it is increasingly closer to the interpretation of the boundary range of knowledge about the so-called universe and man. So the experiment itself as members of Western culture, which is respected in all things., this area of real illusions, psychological impression I'm interested in creative, I'm not a scientist!
Part of my creative interests based on scientific understanding and use of this method is as I like to call axiomatic dogma, the law in relation to the so-called canon (-_-) I used it only in the preservation of cultural monuments, a senior conservator. situation analysis through the carrier material during the various artistic influences okoliš change the template in the formation time, historical evaluation and prevention of propadanja.neminovnost, and that is the basis of creating new art. Thus, the bioptical art in this way interesting, but not my individual areas of informational somewhat apart, thanks to you dear sir Liviu, and this valuable ART LAB. ,exchange of information from a variety of individual areas of science, the relation ~ art!
Dutour clearly describes binocular rivalry of two outlined colours (in 1760, 1763). Thus, Dutour describes the effects obtained by their fusion with the naked eyes, by eye convergence or divergence.
Paired-off drawings are used for research in the field of binocular rivalry, and for publications the convergent vision was chosen, with the mention: arranged for cross-eyed viewing.
This manner of observing was resumed also in the auto-stereogrammes invented by Christopher Tyler in 1990 (known as the Magic Eye)
I also used the Dutour method in my first publication:
Method for Model Making OSIM no. 67678 on 19.02.1974
I also used the method subsequently, as the sole manner of communication by publications, although it involves adaptation difficulties.
Fig. 25 L.Iliescu; Scheme to form the habit of observation with crossed eyes
The sketch showing the crossed-eye viewing:
With the left eye (Og) the pencil tip is projected to the circle (Cd), and with the right eye (Od) the tip is projected to the circle (Cg), so that to notice three circles, concurrently with the appearance of another image between the two initial ones, which is the fusion image.
In my books - [1] and [2] - I show the way bioptical compositions are achieved in painting and sculpture. However, a great many details can be explained only by interactive communications. The same as in any other creative activity, individual sensitivities may be stimulated in time sequences with spontaneities in the region of seconds.
I have practised a didactic modality at the “Ion Mincu” Institute of Architecture in Bucharest. For several years on end, in the department of Visual Communications, headed by professor Sorin Vasilescu, I have familiarized students with the elements of the bioptical art, within the courses of lectures on visual communications. I have also tested the way in which students perceive the stimuli of binocular rivalry. Some of them even created bioptical sketches, as examination papers.
I have pointed out the rivalry stimuli in the sketches of figures 9.1 and 9.2, as well as the rules observed when introducing them in a composition. Several copies of those sketches were given to my students. I also presented part of my works, also testing their bioptical perception (figure 9.5). Figure 9.3 reproduces the creation of student Virgil Apostol (1999). In figure 9.4, I analyse the elements that should be discussed and corrected, in order to enhance the efficiency of the stimuli. In this interactive process, the student would bring his contribution (under guidance), increasing his sensitivity, with results that surprised even the professor.
Dear Milivoj Segan I studied your discussions relative to the topic proposed to me You ignore (willfully?) the technique by that I get primitive perceptions. Using Google huge file that apply, 300 criteria for each site result for your reference to axiomatic dogma, canon: (keyword )
fine art axiomatic dogma canon sience
About 2,430,000 results and images About 4,160 results
Topics aresubjects for using conventional techniques known in fine art.
Yournamedoes not appear Regarding my proposed techniques (Keyword)
fine art visual sense science
About 277,000,000 results
I am selected for the first 7 places of 8 places
See Bioptical Art
12. Visual-sense-storming ; The paired off visual signal ; Liviu iliescu
Images About 15,000,000 results ; my image (icon) is on the 29th
Your topic does not appear
Howeverinmylimitedknowledge(I am notan expertin evaluating conventionalcompositionsoffine art) Your digital compositions appear to me
among the mostsuccessful of the workspresentedby group members.
Dear friend Liviu , you are a scientist in various branches of optics and how I see the psychological aspect of the instrument categories authority Correspondence light into the lens of the eye in what we call color, space and time, of course, any set of shaping the experience of the outside world in the mirror of our experience. I am not involved so-called art, but overall awareness about the specified, by foreknowledge of respect and your curiosity when I graduate in creative then I have my views on everything stated. Since I was busy conservation profession and weather economic turmoil fundamentally do not get access to the Bi optical art, not only in art but in general. So do not blame me,, autumn and winter days are the annual period when I do more so-called art., Rehearsals and all kinds of wild and interests related to science events from a variety of individual areas of. Thank you very much worth your attached and affectionate, greetings sir Iliescuom !
ps. White light is a mixture of all colors of light. I miss the white light through a glass prism or optical grating, the light will be decomposed in several colors (visible light spectrum). This means that the colors do not exist, an optical illusion. Interested space light itself, as it is not a prism in the eye (-_-)
A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!
Dear friends I introduce to discussion sketches simplified to enable access to Bioptical Art
( see link ; Bioptical sketches (simplified); )
You can color these drawings, obtaining effects color fusion Helmholtz.
The exercises assert your artistic sensitivity to color and may be an original way conversation by color.
Do we need special glasses to learn this course? With crossed eyes I am unable to find tings you are mentioning. Moreover my eyes are aching when I look at these pictures with crossed eyes.
From Mr. Iliescu: I present to discussion descriptions and images belonging techniques for experiments in which I have called Bioptical Art, with title: Bioptical art, convergence and accommodation of the eyes,
Accuracy overlapping fields
Unfortunately until now, I did not communicate with you in terms of confirmation that you managed to see some of the effects
my images it produces.
Of course, a essential impediment is the need to use a device for observation.
This situation has three aspects: -lack of the device
-your disapproval, for art to be mediated by an optical system.
-complexity at first sight, techniques.
I am aware of these realities and still write from one place in the universe and may my signals will be decoded by someone, sometime.
I presented at drawings for execution the device discussion. Students from universities that are design faculty can execute the device easily.
My techniques can be applied mainly in painting as an artistic object.
Permit me please, a comparison (away from me for not taking into account performance digital art)
Please compare, (imaginary) the contemplation, Jupiter's satellites seen on TV
with observation through a telescope.
I remember the Chinese proverb: a way of 30,000 feet begins with a foot. I think the Chinese have taken into consideration proverb.
A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!
Dear friends Thanks to Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa for network
and for the support and interest that she give it to us, or who would be our expression
May adds something to the intention to establish a connection with you, or who would be questions that are certainly justified, by the fact that my explanations are not clear enough. Please permit me to repeat ideas known and much commented.
We know the world through the senses, but we have limits,
at least in terms of science.
It tries science methods applied in the paranormal, such as research in psychological structures with differentiated properties.
I offer through Bioptical art methods to extend the visual sense as a normal skill, developing psychological structures with which we are born.
Liviu Iliescu
Dear friends
You do not know anything in art that I propose (A.B)..
You have much to learn.
Theories that your type are connection very poor, with a sense of vision applied to fine art.
Because you entered into territory marked by me
you are obligated to comment on the result, after posting keywords
fine art visual sense pictures
May 11, 2012
lucia mesquita bleasby
Dear friend thanks for your patience, I will continue to study his book, I understand the work Expressionist "Salvador Dali and de Chirico"Art and bioptical ... big hug ... greetings from Brazil .... Liviu Iliescu
May 11, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
DearLucia Mesquita ... Dear Brazil
Thank you. I see a perspective of a successful collaboration
I hope to lead you in your psychological structure of Terra Incognita
May 12, 2012
Marcel Charest
Dear Liviu,
At the moment, you are standing on top of the mountain, like the king of bioptical art; and that is all right. A king stands alone. But remember, there is a whole mountain that supports you. From time to time, the king must see if the mountain is still there, that is human. You ask us to show our interest in your researches, that honors you; it means you don't treat us like servants of the king. I think that eache of us try to give the effort we can afford.
May 14, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Marcel
You assign my intentions that I do not have.
My appeal is addressed to members who want to make bioptical compositions and not understand what is Bioptical Art
Those members will make bioptical sketches or paintings
they will sign as authors.
If the operation is successful will rezult an exhibition,
original, which will be known in the world.
I am the age where I raise the question of loss techniques
set by me.
I participate with the technique, but are people. much more talented than me, which will perform bioptical compositions .
You wrote your attempts to mix colors.
I give the example of the perspective developed by Filippo Brunelleschi which caused many artists, they become famous
He was a professional architect.
May 14, 2012
lucia mesquita bleasby
Honestly my friend Liviu Iliescu would love to learn the technique and composition, and I'mtalented facililade painting on the computer! ... Is a matter of observation about the language, shadow, pespectiva their artwork will learn! ... Want to learn observe ...feel ....
May 14, 2012
Marcel Charest
Dear Liviu,
I again honor your good intentions. I understand what you are trying to say, but, we must admit that it is a little bit hazardous for somebody to do a thing he does not understand. You insist on the making more than on the understanding; that does not mean you don't know what you are talking about. Anyhow, it happens very often that an artist does a work of art without understanding all about it; it is like a call from very far that you can't resist.
May 14, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Marcel
Bioptical art network generates these effects can be reproducible (attention are not metaphors similar to those sometimes used in art criticism).
Psychophysical mixture of colors, retinal cooperation, antispace in art, spatial harmony, bispace in art, psychic cycle, dynamics of space depth, spatial disharmony, hyperrealistic effects, hiatus in art, visual gradient, hyperspace in art, field binocular rivalry.
3. Bioptical effects, definitions
Until now you have not made any attempt to see something.
I tested these effects architecture students from 10 years in visual communications courses.
Students have made bioptical ompositions . Unfortunately her profession away from the bioptical phenomena .
(link) 9. About a didactic experiment in bioptical art
Bioptical Art require direct teacher-student contact and therefore I try teaching variants.
Sorry, you can not be a student supposed to learn something.
You are in the category who doubts that anyone could teach him something.
I hope they are interested in techniques BA several members of thegroup; with all your efforts to mislead without knowing anything of B.A.
May 15, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Lucia Mesquita
Thank you
I'm sure you'll be an artist, who will practice Bioptical Art
May 15, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Marcel
I think it is a confusion in our conversation.
Be separated from achieving artistic technique.
Contemplating your artistic compositions I am convinced that you have in terms of imagery and traditional painting accumulation position
superior, at least to me.
Therefore I regret that you do not want to try, the bioptical techniques.
As for me I mainly studied the possibility, extending the visual sense in arts (painting and sculpture)
With reference to chapters aesthetics (philosophy) I had in mind chapters
disinterested interest, art as sensorial experience, art dependent knowledge
I use Google's scientific program with over 300 criteria applying to each site, he makes a ordered selection.
See what is my position posting
fine art visual sense storming
I I'm in top positions in over 200 million results
This image is my icon
May 15, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Marcel
Excuse mistake
must post
fine art visual sense pictures
May 15, 2012
Marcel Charest
Dear Liviu,
As an artist, I am open to freedom and new techniques. I appreciate a lot your e-mail. I admit that there is, somewhere, a confusion in our conversation. In fact, I am a French- Canadian from Quebec and my mother tongue is French; English is my second language and less fluent. I have a hard time trying to understand your English, not because you are in default; you are not in default. Furthermore, I use the computor each day, but it is not my specialty; my specialty is in painting. I understand much faster when you e-mail me instead of using Art Lab site. That does not mean that I can't understand you from Art Lab site, it just means that I am not cosy with computors. I don't always catch quickly if your comment addresses me in particular or a group through Art Lab site. I don't see what exactly you expect me to do. Of course, I would like to experiement bioptical art and I regret my reflexe of putting aside temporarily your studies; I was like someone before a huge mountain trying to figure out if the mountain is too big for me. Please don't think that Art Lab site is in default, I have to thank Art Lab for meeting you.
I hope to get rid of my language confusion. If we continue to correspond, there is hope.
Have a nice day,
Marcel Charest
May 15, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Superb art .. not be., no exists.!??
Only that which is art and that it is not. Each individual to decide. stavratelj and the consumer, the viewer, not a neposojeće units. There is no limit to who can be a bet that he is right. It's sort of sect Dancing and nothing more!
The same applies to the so-called knowledge, which is knowledge, which may not be the opposite, otherwise?
Everything is relative, and the art with knowledge,to!
May 15, 2012
Marcel Charest
Dear Liviu,
The most important thing for us is to try to understand eachother. You made no offense.
May 15, 2012
lucia mesquita bleasby
“... Pois a Natureza mantém seu véu cerrado,
Misteriosa, ainda que em plena luz do dia,
E onde o espírito não pode penetrar,
Nossos instrumentos nunca hão de abrir caminho.”
Superb art .. Milivoj Šegan
May 15, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Ingenious Superb novel is one that is not written, so and the man, one who is not yet born. Only future is the perfect, present is the real and polemical, and past is the relative,as and so called art and knowledge !!
May 16, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Milvoj
I saw your work. Your are a talented artist. I am by profession
expert in optics calculation and I handled the psychology of vision.Therefore we developed techniques applicable in fine art
It appears that an area (in, contemporary) is distinguished by decorative.
Unfortunately you apply the principle that not what you know, may no longer exist, and nothing else.
Obviously you have a style which I think is in the top.
But the problem is as can be seen in hundreds of thousands
forms that gives artists.
My techniques are recognized by Google highlighting them in more than 20 millions of results by automatic Inspection
that applies to each title over 300 criteria
Add keywords
visual sense, fine art pictures
Techniques that I suggest you preserved the style (even a certain composition) but gives
opportunity to communicate something of the feelings you have
had while painting
Your last comment shows a very poor knowledge
bases of aesthetics (philosophy)
Publish your work in the discussion group reserved B, A.
be interpreted as a naive atitdine yours to prove thatyour work is
Bioptical Art
May 16, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Dear Art L. friend, sir. Liviu.Thank you,for your opinion. I'm to think that I bad at everything, no not possessive, live a so-called art,sculptor by profession. Which is irrelevant to art. I'm not an expert in the art. Art is above the polemics, not praise, be critical! Not experts in the art, except those who create it where and when? A professional by profession I'm a senior conservator-restorer, the conservation of cultural monuments, to collaborate with several research institutes in the analysis of the carrier material in its change under different influences, Such as, humidity, salt, light when it comes to pigments. As for the theory and art history, it is good to know, and I have my opinion about it. Other branches of philosophy as an example and a second pair of gloves, the product of more speculative, abstract categories, both before and after Plato to Kant and Leibniz, the philosopher Descartes and significant danas.Sve to this theory in my opinion a man with a cubic head.(-_-).A science 17 centuries after it exploded. Developing know and experience the eye and mind and brain are neurons by different area I am interested in the theory of space,.Which I attended on the subject at the academy, Which I finished in Zagreb., Postgraduate,, master 84. ! A theory of light and optics is a physical category in Which You are a great expert, not an expert in art history.? Sometimes you're an expert I just wonder why you went into individual areas of psychology, Which is in connection with the art of Abbot special category of so-called know about art. This is a medical category, the human psyche and terapija iff it then fine, honored art of the application for that purpose, but you are an optometrist and an engineer not a doctor, if you are not cheating again?If yes,sory truly!
May 16, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Man with a cubic head (Plato). My Digital Recording,, Lumino Mobile, All perception is directed at what was learned, needs to know to run away from this, so called the new art ??
May 16, 2012
Marcel Charest
Dear Liviu,
Your last comment for me triggers my curiosity even more. I feel our association will be very enlightning for me because you are not "condescentant", french word for patronizing . I guess, your direct language sometimes is hard on my feelings on account of my gentrification due to my way of life since I took my pension from schoolteaching.
May 16, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Milivoj
There is no point in a debate with you.
Generally what you write belongs experts in art criticism.
But an open discussion allow me to explain some aspects
on B.A.
….knowledge depending on the art
- ..... The name refers to an important chapter of Aesthetics
(philosophy) and thus can not interfere neither you nor I, as amateurs
proposing changes. If you still have ideas in that way that you refer to philosophers who argue chapter publishing a paper.
-Your composition could belong to an area that could be called Biforma
. -The techniques we propose can process any composition
conventional (that cause perceptions to observe single eye).
So do not impose restrictions. For contemplation BA is necessary that the observer have a look normal with two eyes.
In additio not all observers who have normal eyes perceive bioptical effects in spontaneously.
We will discuss ways to habit formation
Independently of descriptions which I do for BA
I express an opinion that can be discussed.
The fact that someone says that his painting is valuable as it is the result of a theory (geometric theorem) causes influencing of intelligence.
I think you should reverse the statement.
Painting impresses us and then we see that is due to the fact that isinspired by a theory
Your compositions impresses me, and I think you
become a good practitioner of the BA
My observations relative to the artistic qualities of the compositions
fine art, we report at my training .
I am not an expert in evaluating fine art compositions.
I recommend reading chapters:
8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics
12. Visual-sense-storming
May 17, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Milivoj
There is no point in a debate with you.
Generally what you write belongs experts in art criticism.
But an open discussion, allow me to explain some aspects
on B.A.
….knowledge depending on the art
- ..... The name refers to an important chapter of Aesthetics
(philosophy) and thus can not interfere neither you nor I, as amateurs
proposing changes. If you still have ideas in that way that you refer to philosophers who argue chapter publishing a paper.
-Your composition could belong to an area that could be called Biforma
. -The techniques I propose can process any composition
conventional (that cause perceptions to observe single eye).
So do not impose restrictions. For contemplation BA is necessary that the observer, have a look normal with two eyes.
In addition, not all observers who have normal eyes perceive bioptical effects in spontaneously.
We will discuss ways to habit formation
Independently of descriptions which I do for BA
I express an opinion that can be discussed.
The fact that someone says that his painting is valuable as it is the result of a theory (geometric theorem) causes influencing of intelligence.
I think you should reverse the statement.
Painting impresses us and then we see that is due to the fact that isinspired by a theory
Your compositions impresses me and I think you
become a good practitioner of the BA
My observations relative to the artistic qualities of the compositions
fine art I report at my training .
I am not an expert in evaluating fine art compositions.
I recommend reading chapters:
8. About interpretations or exegeses by means of bioptics
12. Visual-sense-storming
May 17, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Dear Mr. Liviu
To me every word is istpovremeno and images, and physically through the waves, or enters the eye, creating a variety of aspects of the interaction of reagents in all directions receptora.A before the letter symbols that teach us first that we believe what we see and talk, listen or taste, and so I feel my way. Caring emotional speech filled grimace also learn from our 5 receptor, mam. Dad .. grandma .. and so on back in the crib. :)) And so read and all of us learn to be other than an individual, only rarely do, those that do not affect you, the most our benefactors, the best and greatest teachers are those people and friend, whom you have never met (and not just metaphorically, it is the only true high-creations :)). Begins to shape our world is burdened with the relationship among the others say most belong to the form. Nothing less time and experiential time again disturb the foundation of our existence in order to find his bearings in this world, but not by themselves, but in someone else's perception of good and evil, survival in intention as I said, learning about growing up. And all that our brains scanned from sensory receptors. So saying, the most common type in our environment in modern times enters into all spore, the existence of society and man. This I call it impaired habitat through the brain is endlessly hungry for light, light pollution as a scientific category, where is a physicist and my published works and thoughts of course :)) Yes, just a chemistry, physics, when in addition to interfering in the transformation of different carriers and pulse transmission, genetics engineering, through to stimulants and eventually even Bioptical technology devices. To me very much to embrace charity, undermined the foundation, awareness of ecology, envi, the organism as a super-natural entity, the so-called balance of natural selection or the default theistic more spheres, to which corresponds? :)) .. All in the name of a good man, and more recently futile care for the environment, especially the inner thoughts of the human consciousness euthanasia 6 synchronic senses, like a puppet in the end, unfortunately for preksano clown. :)) line on the line.Blue tuth! (-_-)
Thank you not, rather well I understand that I do not understand, it's my only goal is contrary to this concept, and understand where I work, or I do not understand, but I know it is right for me and my existence and the world around me and interior! Best Wishes,,dear Liviu,my bow!!
May 17, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
vocal space/my digital shot"Lumino mobile"
every word, a sign of experience vividly, as picture
May 17, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Milivoj
You provide the occasion, that I can enter your composite in the bioptical space.
Look, with, crossed eyes as in description of:
12. Visual-sense-storming
at the distance of 1 meter ... 1.5 meter. Need to see dematerialisation of the substance.
Your composition floats in the air that has your the background color
Cross eyed technique is old and recently was taken up for the stereoscopic without stereoscope. If you do not see call friends to help.
Is a test you must learn to pass it even with bioptical device for which I will soon give drawings.
May 17, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Mr. Liviu. I was not at all difficult to look at a single point, that is, the cross eyes and see the 3D.ali in this case I see two of your pictures, I see three
But, how to draw a space that is dual doživlajva depth,, Cantor cube, when the effect of changing space and angle .. and say realistic view this drawing as my poet named "Croatian Poet Dragutin Domjanić, in the eyes of Van Gogh." Note the hat .. twofold conception cap, in the inside and out. in relation to the rod, so called dual experience and Concave Convex Space
ps work was exhibited at the annual exhibition of recent works by members of Croatian artists., in the gallery of the great Croatian sculptor Ivan Mestrovic in Zagreb ,.a new experience realistic proto ~ unreal, characteristic of composition and perspective of Van Gogh, because he was sick, so medically speaking!
It can be seen on one of the photos HDLU.web
Thank you for communicating my bow to your commitment and knowledge of light and optics, the lens Bioptical
May 19, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Transformer light,detail of the eye, and drawing a large overall with frame 260x110cm/ugljen,, wood, water pigment
May 19, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Dear LIVU. Do not be discouraged you in comunicating of art, regardless of my comments, you keep the domain bioptical art,I respected you work truly !!! I was only expressing his views on art in general. I'm not fond of the so-called meditivnim sessions or scientific or theistic or occult. I am building approach to art in the creation and experience has long been built, learned my birth and selected in the interest kreacija.a and so-called experience. on the so-called psychic art and the holders of the related knowledge of physics of light and metabolic effects of the receptors of the eye (leće.lom light) on the other senses of sight and interaction kemujskog.energetskog elektomagnetskog pulses, the process of neurons or brain metabolism in the cell area in the creation of experiences metafizičnih and categories in the interpretation of the real world, especially life. Because life, it is, for now there is no final answer,in the beginning of the finality of the brain? Therefore bioptical art is the answer for you and your followers. I did not, this area and I am free, individual, that it was all I had to say, in this group, last post on the subject of art Bioptical (-_-) I was sincerely honored and once again thanks for everything, Thank you for your assistance and understanding of the magnificent work. Best regards you dear Liviu,and all in group Bioptical art! Science goes on, art has gone from here, much earlier (-_-)
May 19, 2012
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!
Dear friends
I will begin a series of explanations of Bioptical Art
In the first stage I will insist on the way of contemplation.
Course one can not conceive art in that it must look with crossed eyes.
For this I sent Bioptical Design drawings.
But for the first exercise program I recommend this way of looking.
See my blog
Bioptical Art ; initiation ; paragraph 3
Test for skill training observation bioptical events.
Should be viewed with both crossed-eye and parallel view...
www. chapter: 12. Visual-sense-storming
In the online is used this way of looking (known for a long time) to the naked eye stereoscopic.
Please try and inform me that you saw:
besides the spatial effects are effects of color fusion
and binocular rivalry
If you have difficulty help your by friends to see the effect.
Together we will discuss several time patiently understanding this test.
I will be honored if some of you will respond to my invitation.
May 23, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Krishna
Thank you for understanding that I you give for a knowledge of Bioptical Art
I have not got until now answers to my invitation.
The following days I was intervene with the details.
I consider the problem of alienation by digital images (priority in some ways) of painting as an artistic object.
Important addition, to conventional painting forms, of stimuli which causes primitive perceptions.
I want to specify the nature of the biotical contemplation and separate execution technique for bioptical compositions.
Information that I do not change, artistic style already assimilated, of artist the artist will retain style (his style which belongs)
I suppose that group members at Science and Art-Bioptical Art are also interested and in scientific issues, which I can explain through demonstrations (images)
May 23, 2012
Mukesh Parth
I like drawing work recent exhibited at the annual exhibition by croatian
artists all the best and good luck to you
May 24, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Mukesh Parth
Thanks for your message.. I saw some of your compositions.
You have a special style that could be the subject of communication with bioptical techniques that induce and primitive perceptions
I wish you success in your work.
Best regards.
May 24, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Thank you so much,Sir Mukesh Parth, I'm glad that you like Sir ,colleague from India and me your creative works,too. Greetingsfrom the Croatian
May 26, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Milivoj Šegan
Your composition that you post it in the discussion group
"Science and Art - Bioptical Art"
is interesting.
In my opinion it is part of the perimeter of the universe works abstract universe in which these compositions appear multiplied imaginative.
This composition would be opportune in this discussion when you are he added a description of the perspective of research studies
May 27, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Dear Mr. Liviu Iliescu. Im'glad,thank you. The area by getting to know a bit more, of course, using the information, the Internet, and your individual areas of scientific bioptical technology, filing some papers that could be used in various branches of so-called visual art. Although for me it is not sory. Bath yes for example, art belongs to the ineteres Vedas, Indian culture, like this drawings and picture, where people with no knowledge of classical educational paradigm performed fenomanalne characters. To me it is fascinating to have a strong imagination and modern science, it is increasingly closer to the interpretation of the boundary range of knowledge about the so-called universe and man. So the experiment itself as members of Western culture, which is respected in all things., this area of real illusions, psychological impression I'm interested in creative, I'm not a scientist!
May 27, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Part of my creative interests based on scientific understanding and use of this method is as I like to call axiomatic dogma, the law in relation to the so-called canon (-_-) I used it only in the preservation of cultural monuments, a senior conservator. situation analysis through the carrier material during the various artistic influences okoliš change the template in the formation time, historical evaluation and prevention of propadanja.neminovnost, and that is the basis of creating new art. Thus, the bioptical art in this way interesting, but not my individual areas of informational somewhat apart, thanks to you dear sir Liviu, and this valuable ART LAB. ,exchange of information from a variety of individual areas of science, the relation ~ art!
May 27, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Crossed-eye viewing
Dutour clearly describes binocular rivalry of two outlined colours (in 1760, 1763). Thus, Dutour describes the effects obtained by their fusion with the naked eyes, by eye convergence or divergence.
Paired-off drawings are used for research in the field of binocular rivalry, and for publications the convergent vision was chosen, with the mention: arranged for cross-eyed viewing.
This manner of observing was resumed also in the auto-stereogrammes invented by Christopher Tyler in 1990 (known as the Magic Eye)
I also used the Dutour method in my first publication:
Method for Model Making OSIM no. 67678 on 19.02.1974
I also used the method subsequently, as the sole manner of communication by publications, although it involves adaptation difficulties.
Fig. 25 L.Iliescu; Scheme to form the habit of observation with
crossed eyes
The sketch showing the crossed-eye viewing:
With the left eye (Og) the pencil tip is projected to the circle (Cd), and with the right eye (Od) the tip is projected to the circle (Cg), so that to notice three circles, concurrently with the appearance of another image between the two initial ones, which is the fusion image.
May 28, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Extracted from
9. About a didactic experiment in bioptical art
In my books - [1] and [2] - I show the way bioptical compositions are achieved in painting and sculpture. However, a great many details can be explained only by interactive communications. The same as in any other creative activity, individual sensitivities may be stimulated in time sequences with spontaneities in the region of seconds.
I have practised a didactic modality at the “Ion Mincu” Institute of Architecture in Bucharest. For several years on end, in the department of Visual Communications, headed by professor Sorin Vasilescu, I have familiarized students with the elements of the bioptical art, within the courses of lectures on visual communications. I have also tested the way in which students perceive the stimuli of binocular rivalry. Some of them even created bioptical sketches, as examination papers.
I have pointed out the rivalry stimuli in the sketches of figures 9.1 and 9.2, as well as the rules observed when introducing them in a composition. Several copies of those sketches were given to my students. I also presented part of my works, also testing their bioptical perception (figure 9.5). Figure 9.3 reproduces the creation of student Virgil Apostol (1999). In figure 9.4, I analyse the elements that should be discussed and corrected, in order to enhance the efficiency of the stimuli. In this interactive process, the student would bring his contribution (under guidance), increasing his sensitivity, with results that surprised even the professor.
Fig. 9.3
May 28, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Milivoj Segan
I studied your discussions relative to the topic proposed to me
You ignore (willfully?) the technique by that I get primitive perceptions.
Using Google huge file that apply, 300 criteria for each site result for your reference to axiomatic dogma, canon:
(keyword )
fine art axiomatic dogma canon sience
About 2,430,000 results and images About 4,160 results
Topics are subjects for using conventional techniques known in fine art.
Your name does not appear
Regarding my proposed techniques
fine art visual sense science
About 277,000,000 results
I am selected for the first 7 places of 8 places
See Bioptical Art
12. Visual-sense-storming ; The paired off visual signal ; Liviu iliescu
Images About 15,000,000 results ; my image (icon) is on the 29th
Your topic does not appear
However in my limited knowledge (I am not an expert in evaluating conventional compositions of fine art)
Your digital compositions appear to me
among the most successful of the works presented by group members.
May 30, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Dear friend Liviu , you are a scientist in various branches of optics and how I see the psychological aspect of the instrument categories authority Correspondence light into the lens of the eye in what we call color, space and time, of course, any set of shaping the experience of the outside world in the mirror of our experience. I am not involved so-called art, but overall awareness about the specified, by foreknowledge of respect and your curiosity when I graduate in creative then I have my views on everything stated. Since I was busy conservation profession and weather economic turmoil fundamentally do not get access to the Bi optical art, not only in art but in general. So do not blame me,, autumn and winter days are the annual period when I do more so-called art., Rehearsals and all kinds of wild and interests related to science events from a variety of individual areas of. Thank you very much worth your attached and affectionate, greetings sir Iliescuom !
ps. White light is a mixture of all colors of light. I miss the white light through a glass prism or optical grating, the light will be decomposed in several colors (visible light spectrum). This means that the colors do not exist, an optical illusion. Interested space light itself, as it is not a prism in the eye (-_-)
Jun 2, 2012
Milivoj Šegan
Elevated Cobras Universe (white light) my digital footage from the series "Divine Matrix"
Jun 2, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
In connection with material interest in secondary
artistically (manifested by artists), I still say.
Any drawing or painting, executed by the student belongs to him and I will promote in my work saying the author.
What chance has an artist to promote?
Post; fine art images
Google Advanced search ; Abaut 220,000,000 Results
images; Abaut 650,600,000 Results!!!!
and then.; fine art visual sense images ( my field)
Google Advanced search ; Abaut 270,000,000 Results
images; Abaut 5,600,000 Results
My works are on top
Bioptical Art
12. Visual-sense-storming ; The paired off visual signal ; Liviu iliescu
The work the student will be mentioned among the first places among the millions of compositions.
Jun 16, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Lucia Mesquita
I enjoy your work that you send them to me
and your desire to achieve bioptical compositions.
And these compositions, that you send them also have binary structure, but not bioptical compositions
see Figures
Eg. the first figure shows the composition I want,
to transpose in bioptical composition:
Attention! all points the form to translate must be
at the same height (A1, A2, A3,…).
All points the form which translates differs in size up to 6mm horizontally (in the case this image size) H1, H2, H3 ... to bring them into space.
The image must be observed from 2 meters (in the case this image size).
Effects they will see me and some friends who see with crossed eyes
and you will see it if you train
I'll send tests in addition to training.
Best regards
Jun 16, 2012
Liviu Iliescu
Dear Naveen Patnaik
Thanks for message. I want to have a discussion of techniques bioptical elements.
I was gradually introduce elements and you to answer if you understand
or not understand
I will return with explanations until you understand them.
The difficulty is that such news should be transmitted from teacher to disciple.
One difficulty is that some people not aware
binocular expanded space. So you need to test if you realize it (can be learned)
To retain this form he should explain:
Is to remember; I have to explain this perceptually way:
binocular space expanded.
You perceive stereoscopic space, observing through stereoscope?
Practice the following elementary theme:
Look with an eye objects placed at different distances (2…10meters)
~ 30 second and then open the second eye.
(eyes closed should not be forced, possibly using a small screen)
Then repeat with the other eye. Repeat several times a day.
Must perceive the spatial differences.
Testing the stereoscopic perception
Link : Manual EN
or directly
Link: Fig. SB16…SB18 - testing the stereoscopic perception
(see 3 pages)
The main advantages consist in training the visual perception,
influencing the style of the artist.
Practice Bioptical Art has other advantages that we will discuss.
An example to see if you can read my recent discussion:
Bioptical Art ; Cabinet for visual psychotherapy
Because phenomena that I describe depends on the subject receiver (the man) is necessary to form a small group (3 ... 5 members, friends)
for interactive discussions, discussions that will be followed by all
group members.
Jun 22, 2012
Irit Hakim-Keller
Wonderful news, Krishna.
I wish you all an interesting course.
Jun 26, 2012
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!
Dear friends
I introduce to discussion sketches simplified to enable access to Bioptical Art
( see link ; Bioptical sketches (simplified); )
You can color these drawings, obtaining effects color fusion Helmholtz.
The exercises assert your artistic sensitivity to color and may be an original way conversation by color.
I wish you success in your work of art
Jul 1, 2012
Vijetha Krishna
Do we need special glasses to learn this course? With crossed eyes I am unable to find tings you are mentioning. Moreover my eyes are aching when I look at these pictures with crossed eyes.
Jul 14, 2012
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
From Mr. Iliescu: I present to discussion descriptions and images belonging techniques for experiments in which I have called Bioptical Art, with title:
Bioptical art, convergence and accommodation of the eyes,
Accuracy overlapping fields
Unfortunately until now, I did not communicate with you
in terms of confirmation that you managed to see some of the effects
my images it produces.
Of course, a essential impediment is the need to use a device for observation.
This situation has three aspects:
-lack of the device
-your disapproval, for art to be mediated by an optical system.
-complexity at first sight, techniques.
I am aware of these realities and still write from one place in the universe
and may my signals will be decoded by someone, sometime.
I presented at drawings for execution the device discussion.
Students from universities that are design faculty can execute the device easily.
My techniques can be applied mainly in painting as an artistic object.
Permit me please, a comparison (away from me for not taking into account performance digital art)
Please compare, (imaginary) the contemplation, Jupiter's satellites seen on TV
with observation through a telescope.
I remember the Chinese proverb: a way of 30,000 feet begins with a foot.
I think the Chinese have taken into consideration proverb.
Jul 20, 2012
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
A message from Liviu Iliescu to all members of Science and Art - Bioptical Art on ART LAB!
Dear friends
Thanks to Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa for network
and for the support and interest that she give it to us, or who would be our expression
May adds something to the intention to establish a connection with you, or who would be questions that are certainly justified, by the fact that my explanations are not clear enough.
Please permit me to repeat ideas known and much commented.
We know the world through the senses, but we have limits,
at least in terms of science.
It tries science methods applied in the paranormal, such as research in psychological structures with differentiated properties.
I offer through Bioptical art methods to extend the visual sense as a normal skill,
developing psychological structures with which we are born.
Jul 22, 2012
Sep 16, 2012