Sophie Munns


Brisbane, Queensland


Profile Information:

Are you genuinely interested in joining this network and consider being very active? We have very limited space here.
Generally do!
Your Art/science/literature Website
Tell us how you heard about Sci-Art Lab
Through Linked-in group : Scientist Artist Collaborations
In what way you are associated with art/science/literature?
My recent artist-in-residence project was at KEW Millennium Seedbank in the UK...pursing project "Homage to the Seed"
Why do you want to join Sci-Art lab?
I m keen to broaden awareness of ways Art and Science are interacting at this time.

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  • José Manuel Solares

    Red Ribbon
  • Marcel Charest

    Dear Sophie,

    Right now I am thinking of building a personnal web site. Up to this day, I always used public art sites to show my works because a public website has a chance to be  seen more than a private site.

       You can enter [Drouot-Larousse] site and click on my name "Marcel Charest" and you will find about all of my production. I don't know when my private site will be ready, I am working on it. When it will be ready, I will let you know.

  • Ifthica Shamsudeen

    I really welcome your friendship.


    My personal welcome to this wonderful site. This is a great place to network and make friends.


    I would be honoured if you would kindly join my Ning Network 'Friends of Asia' too.


    Best regads,