Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
DAN BRAD has not received any gifts yet
’’ Dan Brad is an Original artist of the moment, with an international activity and great success to public and art critics. His art works can be found in art galleries from USA and Europe, in the collections of several institutions and private collectors around the world. He creates in art the Realism of Conception (2003), in a manner that brings a new dimension and ideological substance of representation to Abstract expressionism. The art lovers and collectors are in permanent contact with his artwork through: permanent exhibitions, artistic projects, personal and group exhibitions, since 1983. ’’
International Contemporary Artists, Vol. II
I.C.A. Publishing (2011), New York, U.S.A.
“ Working in his native Transylvanian region of Romania, painter Dan Brad explores colorful and dynamic Abstract expressionism. Occasionally, one of his paintings features a nearly figurative form, while the rest of the image booms with bright hues, energetic movements and strong forms. These abstractions are Brad's focus, as he crafts energy, flow and direction with a build-up of swooping shapes, lines and shades. Playing with this changing, shifting imagery, Brad gives his works titles that reflect their shapes but do not confine meaning.
His abstractions, despite their eclecticism, always organize themselves around shelters, structures and architectural shapes. In so doing, Brad invites us to engage the forms by interpreting and redefining them. Stylized roofs, caves, windows and doorways punctuate his fluid landscapes, but do not confine the viewer. With these spaces and refuges, Brad invites viewers into the works; he carves a space within his art from which we may look back out. Finally, he explores our sense of interiority by portraying his own. ”
Agora Gallery, New York, USA
Press Release (2008)
© 2025 Created by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa.
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Este surprinzator pentru mine sa va intalnec aici . S-ar putea ca parerea mea sa nu
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