Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication
Started this discussion. Last reply by Viorela Codreanu Tiron Jan 24, 2011. 3 Replies 0 Likes
CUVÂNT ÎNAINTE A rămâne preţ de o lectură atentă faţă-n faţă cu poezia cuminte şi cu minte ( dar nu numai atât) a doamnei Viorela CODREANU TIRON şi apoi cu ecourile acesteia este un privilegiu de…Continue
Tags: VRAJ-b-A, CLIPEI, -autor_ViorelaCodreanuTiron/, VOL., LA
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Ratacim prin lume cu o farama de speranta, ca am putea gasi o fiinta sa ne aline singuratea, care ar putea sa ne consoleze marturisind tristeți asemanatoare.
Sunt simbolice si emotionante aceste lumini prizoniere unei arte parasite , limitate sa se alature tedintelor noastre care ne vrem in spatiu.
Hi Viorela,
This is one of the best day one expect to come often as there is lot of joy of birthday to be enjoyed along with family and friend and there is a CAKE Cutting and eating and offering to all those who assembled to celebrate...I am happy to celebrate your Birth day my way...and wish you great Birth Day...which will go long way to make you work hard to reach your aim....My love to you...and blessing too....
Make it a point today that you will be crazy about doing great things and make happy all around....let this be a force in you to love all and enjoy each moment that your are opportune to have and share with all. also share with me your inner joy for today....and how you enjoyed this day....
Anant Dalal. Mumbai, INDIA.