Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication

My work and words mentioned in online Huffington Post journal/ News Aggregate blogs

My work and words have been mentioned in two blogs of Huffington Post journal:

The Art of Science

and here

And The Word is STEAM

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Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on December 29, 2013 at 8:59am

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa, scientist, artist, writer, poet, and designer based in India, has said, "Art and science ... are two sides of the same coin." While science is Dr. Challa's first love, art and literature are "life itself."

Dr. Challa, like many scientists see science as art and art as science and often inspired by each. Unfortunately, many others still see art and science as distinct and separate disciplines. Not unlike physicist-turned-novelist C.P Snow, who wrote over fifty years ago there are "two cultures":

"Physicists and writers exist, where "hostility and dislike" divide the world's "natural scientists -- its chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists -- from its literary intellectuals."

He found it strange that more scientists weren't artists and musicians and more artists lacked a similar interest in the sciences. What happened to the classically trained person, he mused. In his day all these subjects were "branches of the same tree."

The challenge of our age is to blur those lines, merge art and science, and develop the new thinking skills kids need to be creative and innovative in the wake a truly global-knowledge-economy.


Comment by Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa on December 17, 2013 at 6:19am

Thanks for the replies and links

Comment by Liviu Iliescu on December 16, 2013 at 11:57am

John M. Eger in its publication militate for increased efficiency in education

for people to be more creative.

   I quote the phrase by which Mr. J.M.E. show that the order which follows is to adds to the methods of education known yet, combination art-science.

“In the meantime, educators are discovering the power of the arts and art integration, adding "A" or the arts to the mix, and insuring that both hemispheres of the brain are nurtured, the whole brain is engaged, and art and the humanities and all the sciences reinforce the connections”.

 Exposure to appear convincing and can lead to substantial results that will enroll in American pragmatism.

    I have the impression of preoccupations, to nurture a robotic creativity. Of course I have the opportunity to make a metaphor malicious.

Mr. Eger is a professional and uses his professional style.

In search of researchers with similar preoccupations, he discovers you Dr. Krishna:

Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa, scientist, artist, writer, poet, and designer based in India, has said, "Art and science ... are two sides of the same coin." While science is Dr. Challa's first love, art and literature are "life itself."

However, in passing, he introduces a shade; art and literature has "life Itself."

  In ART LAB I believe that severance to establish means of applying science in the arts is to increase the share of affection in psychic life, dominated, in modern times, of intelligence.

See links:

Psychic life: activity; intelligence; affectivity

Science-Art and psychic life

Comment by David Camp on December 8, 2013 at 9:09pm

Enjoyed the Art of Science article.  If I had stayed in math or physics, I would likely have ended up as another one of those people doing something creative on the side.  As is, I came to realize that I am more of an artist at heart, on the Soul level, but one with a thirst for understanding and a love of complex highly ordered creations.  I guess it comes down to preferring being a creator over studying what is already there.

Comment by Liviu Iliescu on December 8, 2013 at 12:12pm

It is a success for you Dr. Krishna Cumari Challa to fight for your ideas
to find ways to exploit the ensemble also consider
art, science and literature.
   Generating factors are distinguished by theme promoted by you
contagious passion for creation accompanied by benign affection,
the combination of colors, feelings caused by
picture rose dew drops that shining like and
the meditations about eternal structures of rocks and life.

Comment by GOPI KANTA GHOSH on December 8, 2013 at 10:46am





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